Chapter Twenty One

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The snapping gets closer as heavy footfalls approach, followed by more snapping further away. How many are there? I will my heart to calm its racing as I force oxygen into my lungs, my palms sweaty, my gaze falling to Byron and Dylan's deathly still figures. Only I can protect them, I need a clear head. Slipping one gun into my waistband I grip the other tightly, using my now free hand to keep it steady, I force down the panic as the footfalls get even closer, low voices reach my ears.

"Do you think we hit her too? I couldnt see from the road." A strange male voice catches my attention.

"If we didnt hit her, shes going to have wished that she had. Im going to make that vampire loving bitch suffer." My panic increases tenfold as I recognise the owner of the voice, Jake. Crap. My logical part kicks in, calming my panic, I have one attacker that I know a weak spot, his right shoulder where I stabbed him. A toe of a boot steps around the tree, I cower back against the trunk, the bark digging into my back as I try to hide in the shadow, praying I dont get spotted yet. I need to know how many I am against first. Jake stalks past the tree, eyes locked onto Byron, I scan the trees and see 5 other figures, hidden slightly in shadow, but as they all stop so does the snapping of twigs apart from Jake who keeps stepping forward, brandishing a blade in his left hand, heading straight for Byron. With Jake's back towards me I realise it is now or never as he crouches next to Byron's body, launching forward I tackle him, we fall over Byron's body, Jake hitting the floor hard, digging my elbow into his injured shoulder, he cries in pain as I quickly scramble away, hiding behind another tree again.

"You little bitch. Come out here and fight like a man." Jake shouts, I hear the rustle as he gets to his feet, I can almost imagine his angry expression.

"Im not a man and since I am outnumbered im not inclined to fight fair now am I?" I hear a low chuckle coming from the trees behind me even as Jake almost growls in frustration.

"Shut it Kurt. I will just kill your vampire friends then Lara. Il slice their heads from their bodies." Panic sets in again but I force calm into my mind.

"See, I dont think you will. You know that when your back is turned I will shoot you straight through your head without your team even having a clear shot. Im the biggest threat here and you know it. You will never get another chance like this again." How my voice held its strength baffles me. Movement infront of me has me pointing the gun in an instant, I relax as Alex's face comes into view, he appears infront of me, leaning down and whispering in my ear.

"Ive got your back." Those few words fill me with confidence, I nod my head at him a second before his lips press softly against mine, more of a reassuring gesture than anything else. Then he slinks back into the shadows, disappearing from my sight.

"Come and fight me one on one then Lara. I give you my word that none of my men will get involved."

"Why should I trust your word. When you are losing your men will stop me from killing your sorry ass."

"Confident? Lara they will not get involved because you will never win against me. Youre a weak pathetic girl." Anger flashes through my veins and I spin around the tree, facing Jake again, ignoring the two still figures on the floor and the 5 silent figures standing in a semicircle around Jake.

"Are you overcompensating with threats since you know you will never be able to carry them out, youre a joke." In one movement I aim my gun and fire at his right shoulder, but Jake is surprisingly quicker, ducking out the way before launching towards me. His body hits me like a wrecking ball, my back hitting the ground hard enough to knock the breath out of me, as I struggle to gain my composure Jake's fist slams into my cheek, blood instantly filling my mouth, I slam the gun into his temple as I spit out the blood, he falls off of me and I scramble away but not quick enough as he grabs my ankle. Pulling me down again before his hand grips my wrist, slamming it against the ground until my numb fingers drop the gun, I fight back, kicking wildly, managing to knock him off of me again. I spin round as he tackles me again, his hot breath washing over my face, my stomach churning, pushing back my disgust I jam my fingers into his shoulder, the sucking noise loud in my ears as blood spurts from the wound, his scream of pain echoes as I dig my fingers in deeper, forcing down the nausea at my actions. Jake launches away from me, clutching his shoulder, spittle running down his chin, a parallel line to the blood oozing from his shoulder.

Scrambling my gun I hear Jake advancing again, my fingers close around the grip, twisting I aim and shoot in one smooth movement, the bullet hits home, Jake stops in his tracks, his knife dropping to the floor a moment before his body collapses before my eyes, red blossomed across his chest, spreading across the floor like red fingers crawling towards me. Jake's glassy eyes hold mine captive, I hastily scramble away as my stomach decides to empty its contents as the realisation that I have just killed someone sinks in. Branches snap and I hastily scramble to my feet, facing the perpetrator, the man who was in the doorway when Walter captured me is stepping towards me, I backpedal quickly, holding my gun towards him even as I am unsure I would be able to pull the trigger again. The man watches me as he crouches by Jake's body, placing two fingers on his blood splattered neck, after a couple of seconds he stands and turns his back to me.

"He's dead." Those two words set everything into motion, the click of 5 guns has me racing for cover, a second before gunshots ring through the woods, I cover my ears as they ring, splinters of wood flying around me as bullets pelt the trunk I am crouched behind. Screams follow the gun shots and then silence engulfs the woods, my harsh breathing is the only thing I can hear. A hand lands on my shoulder and I scream, lashing out with my arm, a cool hand grabs my wrist, a moment before the gun hits his face, Alex. Breathing a sigh of relief I peer around the tree, only one lone figure stands in the middle, the man from the house with the green eyes. His hands are held infront of him in an innocent gesture even as his 'friends' are laying on the ground, half hidden in shadows. My gun stays trained on the man even as Alex steps towards him, standing a few feet from the guy and crossing his hands over his chest.

"Who are you?" Alex asks, growling menacingly.

"My name is Kurt James. I have no quarrels with you vampires, else I wouldnt have helped Lara escape. I understand if you have to kill me, I have nothing left anyway." The honesty in Kurt's voice rings out, I slip the gun back into my waistband as Alex reaches to shake his hand, leaving them to make a decision I race to Dylan's body, a bullet hole has ripped through his back, into his stomach. I gingerly roll him onto his back, his eyes closed, mouth open slightly, without thinking I call for Alex.

"Alex. I need your help." He appears at my side, Kurt appearing next to Dylan's body.

"What do you need?" Alex asks softly.

"Bite my wrist. Dylan needs blood."

"So does Byron. You cant afford to give them both enough blood for them to heal."

"Im not going to let them die!" I shout at Alex, tempted to punch him in the face, he growls at me, almost as if he can see my intent.

"Can I help?" Kurt enquires causing mine and Alex's attention to jump to him, I glance towards Alex, trusting his judgement.

"Are you willing to give blood?"

"I was willing to give my life, whats a few pints of blood eh?" I notice Kurts joking tone is hiding his terror, reaching across I squeeze his hand gently, reassuringly.

"Please help us Kurt. Alex help him, I need to see to Byron." Without waiting for a responce I race to Byron, my heart beating wildly in my chest as I take in his almost blue complexion, Alex appears at my side, without a word he grabs my hand, yanking my wrist to his open mouth where he slices down my wrist, pain flashes as my blood wells on my skin, Alex disappears and I dont hesitate, pressing my wrist against Byron's slightly open mouth all I can do is pray as I watch with morbid fascination as my blood runs into his mouth, his lips staining red. For what seems like minutes nothing happens and I fear the worst, am I too late? No sooner had I thought it Byron suddenly jerks up, as if electrocuted, my wrist falls from his mouth. I freeze in shock at his glazed purple eyes, unseeing, I dont even notice his hand snaking out until it tightly grips the back of my neck, pulling me roughly to him just as he sinks his fangs deep into my neck, the pain was quick and short, I instinctively relax into him, thanking the gods for letting him live.

The world around me starts fading, the multi coloured leaves blurring into a large mess of brown, the trunks of the trees start to waver, my limbs start numbing but I still feel the strong pulls at my neck, my hands fall to my lap, my head lolling back, the moon is just a blur of white against a dark background, a strange sense of peace washes over me, my mind calm.

"Byron! Let her go! God damn it man! She is going to die. Byron. Let ... her ... go." Alex's voice sounds distant, like he is speaking through water, all distorted. Closing my eyes, I freefall into the welcoming darkness, the last thing I hear is Byron's voice.

"Lara ... dont go!"

A Vampires Slave (Complete)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu