Chapter Twenty Two

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A strange ticking hits my hearing, the noise loud and irritating as my other senses start to come back. My fingertips brush against soft sheets, my nose picks up the comforting sandalwood scent, my whole body aches, like ive been hit by a truck, flexing my toes I slowly attempt to open my eyes, my eyelids feel heavy almost glued together. But with some effort I manage to open my eyes, blinking quickly against the light in the room, a familiar room I realise, Byron's room. Glancing around quickly I notice I am alone, a clock is next to the picture of me sitting on the night stand, struggling I manage to push myself up against the headboard, my head spinning, my stomach somersaulting, my vision wavering. Even lifting a hand to my face is a monumental task as my limbs feel so weak, I try to remember how I got here but the last thing I remember is willingly giving my life so that Byron would survive.

Swinging my legs out of the bed I shakily get to my feet, falling back onto the bed immediately as my vision goes completely black. Trying again I manage to stay on my feet, using the wall for support I shuffle to the bathroom, my movements like an old womans. Refusing to look in the mirror I use the toilet then stripping as quickly as my body lets me I step into the shower, turning the water on as hit as I can bare, the water cascades over me, my skin aching and sore spots springing to life. Washing my hair seems too difficult since my arms seem to refuse to take many orders at the moment. My legs fail me and I fall hard onto my knees on the tiled floor, I push myself back against the wall, the cold tiles causes my breath to catch, reaching up I manage to grab the towel, pulling it down I cover myself with it and just stay sat in the shower. My body unwilling to move, instincts tell me that Byron will find me soon. I dont know how long I sat in the stall, listening to the relaxing rhythm of the water hitting the tiles, lulling me into an almost dream like state. At some point I must have closed my eyes because I jump when the water suddenly stops, cool hands coming to rest on my shoulders as I open my eyes, instantly connecting with the purple gaze ive come to know so well.

"You shouldnt be up." Concern laced in Byron's voice as he slips his arms around me, lifting me off of the tiles and carrying me into the bedroom.

"You shouldnt be hot." I retort, what I thought was in my mind but my lips decided to voice it. Byron's lips curve into a smile as he gently places me onto the bed, I look away embarrassed, stupid mouth.

"How out of it are you?"

"I dont know. I dont seem to be able to control my actions." The bed dips as he sits next to me, my gaze jumps to his, pulling the towel across my chest tighter, feeling vulnerable and exposed infront of this powerful being.

"I want to thank you Lara. For saving my life, for saving Dylan's life again. But as soon as you are strong enough I want you to leave. Yasmin can go with you. But you are not to come back here." Sitting abruptly, remembering at the last second to hold the towel over my body looking at Byron with sheer disbelief at his serious expression.

"Are you kidding me? After all I have done for you and what for? To be thrown to the kerb the moment that you can. You are a joke! Get out! I never want to see you again!" Anger surges through me, I force back the tears even as my traitorous heart feels like it is ripping itself apart, Byron's hand reaches towards me but I smack it away with more force than I intended. He stands and walks towards the exit of the room, he opens the door but pauses before closing it, turning his head slightly.

"Kurt will drive you back and make sure you and Yasmin are protected."

"I dont need your protection. Get lost!" I shout, throwing the first thing I grab, the picture frame smashes against the now closed door. Tears start running down my cheeks, unable to stop them, climbing out of the bed, using the adrenaline coursing through me, grabbing a top and jeans from the wardrobe, the material smells of ... him ... but I slip them on, finding my shoes by the bed I lace them up. Storming to the door, avoiding the broken glass and splintered frame I throw open the door and storm into the corridor, sick to death of everything, part of me wishes that I had left Byron and Alex to their fate, but a larger part of me refutes that, my heart aching at the thought.

"Lara? Are you okay?" Yasmin's quiet question breaks through the angry haze that has engulfed me, grabbing Yasmin's hand softly I bring her along with me.

"We are leaving Yasmin." I feel her pause slightly before following me closely.

"But what about Byron and our friends? Where are we going to go?"

"Byron is a jerk. I need to find Kurt." Yasmin falls into step next to me, I can feel the tension in her body as she forces her questions to the back of her mind, for the moment. Turning a corner I accidentally bump straight into a very large figure, as my gaze jumps I also step back a step before relaxing as I realise it is Kurt. He looks at me with a confused expression, his green eyes swimming with concern.

"Lara? I didnt expect to see you yet."

"We are leaving. Now."

"Let me get the keys." As Kurt races off I close my eyes against the sudden onslaught of tears threatening to spill over, walking slowly towards the exit, my feet trudging slowly as if pulling through thick mud. Kurt shortly appears by our side before leading the way, Yasmin releases my hand and catches up with Kurt, chatting and laughing. They both disappear through the exit, I hesitate, looking back over my shoulder, down the empty corridor, forcing my body to walk forward again, my heart numbing inch by inch with every step I take. Climbing into the backseat of the grey estate car that Kurt is sat in, Yasmin by his side. As the car pulls away I look back at the decoy house and swear I see purple eyes watching me through the window, I blink and the illusion disappears.

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