Chapter Three

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Reality starts swirling behind my eyelids as I force them open, my head pounding and body weak, my eyes attempt weakly to adjust to my surroundings, I panic slightly when I cant clasp my bearings in the pitch black. Moving my fingertips slowly they brush against something plastic, grabbing it I calm slightly as I feel the buttons under my fingers, after pressing a few a bright light engulfs the room, shielding my eyes as they adjust I look at the tv screen, then around the room.

My gaze captured by the sleeping figure next to me, almost touching my skin, my 'master'. I scramble away, so fast and uncoordinated I fall onto the floor, the carpet cushioning my fall, the room spinning before I squeeze my eyes closed, trying hard to not vomit as my stomach somersaults.

"What are you doing?" A low sleepy voice causes my eyes to fly open, pulling myself up slowly I notice my 'master' has turned his head from where he is lain on his front to watch me with one eye, looking less than impressed, wringing my hands together I drop my gaze, my mind still fuzzy.

"Im sorry ... master. I ... I needed the bathroom." He flicks his hand in dismissal as he closes his eye again, without waiting for him to change his mind I race into the bathroom on unsteady feet. Fumbling for the light switch I close the door, remembering not to lock it, leaning against the sink I look in horror at my reflection. My skin is ghostly pale, dark circles encase my eyes, even my lips have dulled, my shaky hand sweeps through my hair, noticing the bite mark on the other side of my neck, I look like hell warmed up aka absolutely awful. Using the toilet I sigh deeply, resting my head in my palms, what was I thinking, escaping such a powerful vampire like the one in the adjoining room is practically a suicide mission. Finishing in the bathroom I step out, flicking off the light I pad as quietly as I can to the unoccupied side of the bed while my 'master' watches me climb onto the bed, my limbs still weak but I keep my gaze locked on the tv. At some point I must have given in to the beckoning bliss of sleep because the next thing I know I am being jerked away, automatically I slap away the arm that is waking me, freezing less than a heartbeat later, my gaze jumping up and being held by the purple gaze frowning down at me. Without warning his palm collides with my cheek, snapping my head sideways before I can react or apologise.

"I ... im sorry ... master." I quickly apologise, my palm cradling my stinging cheek as he storms away from the bed, pacing the room almost too quick for my eyes to follow.

"Get dressed then meet me in my office." He growls out then the door opens and shut loudly, I glance at the bed and see a neatly folded pile of clothes, I look towards the door confused, is it possible to get a bipolar vampire? Grabbing the clothes I walk unsteadily into the bathroom, cupping my hands in the sink I drink the water, it helps my dry throat, trying to remember when I last ate but I cant remember, my stomach growls painfully in agreement. Quickly having a shower I look at the clothes, the underwear are black and lacy, not my style but they will do, the shorts are a little too short for my liking and the vest top is too low at the front but beggars cant be choosers I suppose. Slipping on the clothes I pad barefoot out of the bathroom, then walking across the bedroom I open the door cautiously, popping my head out the door I see the hallway is empty, sighing in relief I slip through the door, closing it softly. Following the sounds of voices and light I end up stood at the door of an office, facing my 'master' and 5 other huge male vampires. My heart stutters then starts pounding in panic, my feet want to flee but my instincts command me to stay put even as the largest vampire stalks towards me, almost tripping over my feet as I step back quickly until a wall halts my retreat. The vampire keeps hounding me until he is 2 feet away and a large hand clasps his shoulder, a low commanding voice echoes through the corridor.

"She is mine Dylan. You would do well to remember." The vampire, Dylan, sighs and stands upright crossing his arms infront of his chest, his size almost fills the corridor. Suddenly my 'master' is stood next to me, his arm slung over my shoulders and gods help me I leaned into his embrace, anything to get away from this Dylan vampire. Dylan steps to the side and my 'master' guides me into the office, I feel like a rabbit walking into a wolfs lair, he guides me round the desk then pushes me harshly to my knees. I bite my lip to stop the cry of pain as my weak knees hit the stone hard, I stay quiet knowing when to pick my fights and picking a fight in a room of 6 vampires would not be wise. I study the stone under my knees, cold and smooth, it doesnt take long for the coolness to hit my bones, I hear vaguely some sort of plans being made between my 'master' and the other vampires. After what seems like hours the conversation stops, my ears perking up when I hear the word human.

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