Chapter Seventeen

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Byron's hand entwines with mine, dragging me closer to him, my distrust of Raven still strong, something just doesnt feel right in my opinion. It is very unlikely that her dad hasnt found her since nothing stands in his way when he wants something, what if it is a ploy, a stalling tactic until he can gather enough men to take Byron and Alex down again, using Yasmin's family ties. A quick glace at Byron and I see the same conclusion in his stiff body and hard intense stare. Ravens dark bobbed hair frames her face, intense blue eyes that seem to know too much, black clothing over every inch of her body, looking more like a burglar than a teenage girl.

"Can I go and see my sister now?" Raven addresses me but I wait for Byron to nod his head before I answer.

"Sure, but no closing the door." Raven nods and quickly scurries out of the room, I pinch the bridge of my nose, unsure of what to do now, Raven appearing is not something we had all planned on. I open my eyes and look at Alex as he walks into the room.

"What do we do now?" Alex asks, slouching into the vacant chair as Byron spurs into action, making me jump as he plays around with the coffee machine.

"Coffee first. Violet will be here in 2 hours or so. We have to be ready to leave then, with or without Raven." Byron slams the coffee pot onto the counter, I quickly swipe it from his grip as he curses under his breath.

"Il make the coffee. Yasmin will be coming with us, even if Raven isnt." I command, surprised by the strength of my voice as I start the coffee machine, I hear Alex's muffled laugh, quickly turning I see Byron watching me, eyebrow raised.

"You think to order me about Lara?"

"When its needed. Yes." Suddenly by back is pressed against the counter, Byron pressing tightly against me, holding my chin in his hand, forcing my gaze to his, I go to speak but his fingers dig in slightly and I quickly stop myself.

"I am the leader Lara. What I say goes. Problem?" His arrogant tone sets my teeth on edge, slapping his hand from my chin I glare at him, punching him on the chest before attempting unsuccessfully to push him away before he catches my hands in his, locking them behind my back with one of his, as his free hand grips my chin again.

"I can make you my slave Lara. Dont tempt me to." My eyes widen at his threat, unsure as to wether he can or not, but damn it, I refuse to be anyones slave anymore.

"I would kill you." I growl past my gritted teeth, causing a sly smile to creep across his face, which my palms itch to slap.

"I have no doubt that you would try. But my sweet Lara, I dont think your heart would let you." I fight against the sweet endearment and attempt to pull my hands out of his grip, jerking my head from his hold.

"I would kill you." My threat sounds strangely strong, then suddenly Byrons lips smash against mine and I lose my train of thought, my anger dissipating like morning mist, my blood sings in my veins. Part of me hates the hold he has over me, but the other part of me loves the awakening every time he is close. He breaks away, resting his forehead against mine, at some point he must have released my hands since they are buried in his hair, his lips brush down my hair, his breath whispering over my ear, causing a shiver through my body.

"No you wouldnt." Byron whispers into my ear, my legs almost give way at the sensual tone, locking my knees I push him away as the coffee machine beeps, Byron walks back to the table to join Alex who is grinning at me, a blush quickly spreads across my cheeks as I turn swiftly to make the coffees. Why is it that whenever Byron is close I forget everything else around me. Quickly placing the coffees infront of them u sit closer to Alex, causing Byron to growl, Alex laughs and pulls me under his shoulder and damn it, I enjoy the attention from both of them. What is wrong with me?

A Vampires Slave (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang