Chapter Six

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Reality comes to me, slowly at first then sudden like the waves crashing on the shore, jolting upright I wince as my head still hurts and my body feels shaky and weak, my throat dry. I realise the soft sheets under me, quickly reaching to the side I feel a lamp, flicking it on the room illuminates and I relax, Byron's room, but then my heart races again when I remember that he is back. But before I can think anymore I notice a new red rose and white tulip next to the lamp, my fingers automatically brush over the tulip before picking it up, running the petals over my lips, savouring the softness.

"How do you feel?" A familiar low voice echoes round the room, startling me, the tulip falls from my fingers but it is caught by a strong hand before it hits the floor, purple eyes connect with mine, Byron. My breath catches in my throat at his closeness, I forgot just how intimidating he is. A smirk pulls at his lips as he places the tulip down and crowds me, smiling more when I sink back into the sheets.

"How are you feeling Lara?" The concern in his voice sounds genuine, I like this side of him, his hand reaches out and he places his palm on my cheek and gods help me, I liked it.

"My head hurts and I feel as weak as a kitten but I expect thats through blood loss. How is Dylan?"

"He is healing, better than any of us expected. Thank you. I am sorry about your head, I thought you were hurting my brother. Do you accept my apology?" All I can do is stare in shock, Byron apologising? Am I dreaming?

"Um, okay. I accept your apology ... master." He slams his hands on the bed and paces away, frowning I quietly climb out of the bed, escaping into the bathroom, leaving Byron pacing the room, muttering under his breath. Using the facilities I look at myself in the mirror, my skin has lost its colour, my eyes bright but surrounded by dark shadows, brushing my hand through my hair I notice the bandage on my wrist, wondering who put it on I walk to the door, opening it. Jumping back as Byron's large figure blocks my way out, he stalks towards me, glaring, in a panic I backpedal until my legs hit the bathtub, I sit on the edge as Byron closes the distance between us, placing his hands on the tub beside my hips. All I can do is look up at him helplessly, unsure of what to say, not sure what has changed his mood.

"You will not call me master again while we are alone. You will call me Byron." He growls out, his nose almost touching mine when he leans down, my body traitorously reacting to his closeness.

"I ... um ... okay. Byron. Can I go to see Dylan now?" He steps back, crossing his arms, my body almost yearns the loss of his closeness. What the hell is wrong with me? He nods towards the door, I take that as a sign to leave, as I reach the doorway his voice catches me, causing me to pause mid step.

"Why did you call for Alex when Dylan was feeding from you?" I turn slightly to look at him, he is perched on the edge of the tub watching me intently, taking a moment I think about my answer.

"Ive known Alex longer than I have known you. He hasnt hurt me." I didnt intend to voice the last part so I quickly turn on my heel, leaving the bathroom and just as I am exiting the bedroom I hear a loud smash, my steps falter, closing the bedroom door behind me I force my feet to find Dylan even though a strange part of me wants to go back to Byron. Stockholm syndrome again. My words were true so why do I feel guilty for saying them, I shake my head, my eyes capturing a flash of purple before I am tackled, pulled into a tight hug. Violet.

"Thank you for saving Dylan. Did you want to check up on him?" As I breathe in her lavender scent it relaxes my jumpy nerves, hugging her back.

"Yeah I want to see how he is." She quickly grabs my hand and starts leading me through the corridors.

"Have you seen Byron. Hes been really off since coming back. Maybe this incident with Dylan has upset him more than he is letting on."

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