Chapter 2

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Katie and I walked to math without a word until we were seated "aria do you want to tell me what happened back there" I looked at her "I don't know I saw him and he saw me and I got stuck into some kind of trance". "Do you have any idea what caused it" she replied before I could answer there he was standing at the door in our classroom looking for an empty seat. There was one directly behind me he looked at the seat and then too me we stared at each other for a few seconds before he quickly looked away. He stared walking up the stairs go get to his seat and he sat down "Hey" he spoke quietly I turned around and tried to speak "Come on aria get it together" I said to myself. "H...hey" I replied.

"I saw you in the corridor this morning I was going to say hey but my mates took me to coach" he said "Oh n..nah it's okay" Mrs glanfield started talking "anything interesting happening aria and Alex something you want to share with the class?" She said annoyed. "no nothing miss" she gave us one last look before talking about algebra, I looked at alex we had a little giggle and I turned around. It was 10 minutes in and I zoned out Katie whispered something to me but I didn't hear here until she clicked her fingers in my face "aria.... aria.. ARIA!" She said quickly. "what" I said "did you zone out again lucky for you I was listening we have a test next Monday" she replied, I sighed before I knew it it was next period and thankfully we had a free period!.

Katie normally goes and watches the the boys go and play football and normally I go and study but today but i choose not to and go with her. We got to the benches about 6 rows back and the boys came out to train and Alex was also on the team. "Ooooh look there's your lover boy" said Katie  with a little laughter in her voice. I looked at her and rolled my eyes before i saw it was sitting on the other side of the field on the benches.

I froze in fear it was in all black with a old hooded jacket and it's face was all black and it's red glowing eyes it was terrifying. Then it hit me I started feeling weak. "Katie I need to go to the toilet I'll be back" I told her she looked at me worryingly "aria are you okay you look like you've seen a ghost" she said. my voice was shaky as I replied "something like that" I got up and as I was walking down the stairs I felt dizzy I got off the last step and took a few steps and I fell before I closed my eyes I saw Alex and heard Katie say my name asking if I was okay before everything went black.

I woke up moment later in the nurses office I felt like I got hit by a car I felt something cold on my head I turned my head to the side and saw Alex sitting there still in his football uniform holing a ice pack on my head.  "god he looks gorgeous" I said to myself he looked at me and said "hey how are you feeling you bang your head up there's a graze on your head it needed something cold on it to the nurse gave me this" his voice sounded worrying. "I feel like I got hit by a bus" I said, we laughed and then I asked "what period is this" "it's forth" he replied. "So your saying you've been here with me for 2 hours?" I said feeling shocked as in why he was here with me for so long and why Katie wasn't "oh no I've been here with Katie she's gone to go get food she got hungry and she went to get you something just incase you were hungry when you woke up" he said.

I turned my head up to the roof and sighed.

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