Chapter 17

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I was one with the wind the anger in me the pain I could feel from Alex was fuelling that anger I remember all the defence training James had taught me I flew to where dam had taken them it was behind the castle it was the lake I was at the other night. I stopped flying and let myself fall dam didn't see it coming when I was near the ground I spread out my wings and landed with one knee to the floor and both my fists touching the ground my head was down with my wings out. "You thought you could take them" I said I heard katie say "no airs it's a trap" I looked up and stood and laughed "you will pay Sam for what you've done" I said and charged at him he had the same knife and he staved me with it I looked down at it coming out from my chest "bad choice Sam" I smiled "how are you still alive that...that should've killed you" he said me moved back so I took him by the throat "how about we go for a little fly" with that my wings flung open and I took off to the sky I saw someone come from the trees it was dominic I saw he had a knife to Alex's throat then to Katie's then James then I snapped I dropped Sam and let him fall till I caught him before he hit the ground "let them go dominic" I said "now why would I do that" he said back "unless you want to leave here in hurt I suggest you leave them" I said back "well I would but your fallen right into my trap it's two against one aria" he said dam came at me and I went on one led with the other out and tripped Sam over then I picked him up and threw him against a tree nicking him out then dominic came at me took me by my hair and said "do you wonder why your so attached to this one symbol aria" he said and flung me to the ground and picked me up by my throat " I may have lied about being your father but I'm you uncle isn't that right.... ALEX and KATIE" he said and threw me over to them " what he saying true... AND you knew and didn't tell me" Alex looked away katie looked at me "I'm sorry aria" she said "how could you!" I screamed at them James looked at me and said "it was to protect you aria if you found out he was your uncle we were scared you'd confront him and get killed" he said "you knew too..I..i bloody trusted you guys I thought no more secrets Alex isn't that what we agreed on?!" Dominic was behind me watching this whole thing play out he knew it would tare us apart I took the ring off my finger that Alex gave to me and threw it. "Now.... aria join me and there won't be no secrets" he said I looked up at him and sprung out my wings "if you'd ever think I'd join you, you must be stupid" I said and lunged at him and took him by his shirt and flew flew as high as I could he let his wings out to help him stay up to I took one and said "let this remind you that when you take something of mine I'll do the same" at that point I was completely gone I wasn't the good aria it was the fallen angel that's taken over I told his wing and ripped it right off his back I heard him scream "now leave and when I see you next I will be ready to take my kingdom" I let him go and watched him struggle as he tried to keep himself up as he fell I heard a thud and let myself drop I landed on both of my feet he was on the ground "you will pay for this mark my words" he let out a yelp of pain as he got to his feet and vanished dam was still unconscious I walked to him and dragged him to the water and threw him on soon he woke up "wha.. huh.. oooooooh shit that Dominic's wing?" He said "what? Do I only have one wing too" I said back "now you can either go back with him and get defeated or join me and help us get the kingdom back from my uncle and maybe earn back the trust you lost" I said standing high and proud although I felt like my heard had just broken Sam walked out of the water "I'll join you" sam said "good. Untie them and go to the palace I'm staying here to think." I said I stood in the water with my feet just covered I felt the tears run down my face then a hand on my shoulder I knew it was Alex so I nuged my hand off and said "don't touch me" I could feel his heart broken I knew it was just the two of us "please aria I'm so sorry" he pleaded I could also tell he was in pain so I turned around and touched his face all the cuts and wounds he had were gone I removed my hand and walked off further down the lake where there were rocks I sat on them with my legs up to my chest and my head in my knees and covered myself with my wings and cried Alex sat best to me but not touching me "why Alex....why didn't you tell me. I know there's more too it. Is there anything else your keeping from me" I said sobbing "what James said was true but the royals our parents wanted to keep it from you just in case you go....evil the fire mark and the gold circle are your main powers I'm sorry I should of told you he was your uncle" Alex said he was clearly crying at this point too "I trusted you alex we're soulmates you should've told me no matter what" I said "I know I know and I'm sorry please aria put the ring back on" he said I uncovered myself and looked at him I don't know why but his eyes are to beautiful when he cries. He reached his hand out and wiped the tear away that fell from my eye.

He took my hand and put the ring back on "I'm so sorry my love please forgive me.. you mean everything too me and even if you go evil I'll go with you" he said I looked up and him and said "you mean everything too me too and I love you Alex but I'm not going evil yeah I may have ripped Dominic's wing off but he took something away from me I was just returning the det" he looked at where I had been stabbed by Sam there was no mark just blood he looked me over checking if I had been harmed but I was okay I moved over and laid my head on Alex's chest I brushed his blonde and blue hair out the way and kissed him then he leaned on the rock and and held me close soon I felt my eyes getting heavy and I fell asleep.

I was in this place it was all black I couldn't see anything but I heard talking "hello" I called out "hello is anyone there" I called out again then a lady she was in all white "hello aria" she spoke "who who are you" I asked "don't you remember I'm your grandmother silly but I'm hear to warn you soon you'll be ready to take back then kingdoms Dominic has evil plans to kill you when you teleport to the kingdom you have to let katelyn know that you need to me teleported in the underground cells there are guards that are there waiting for you to arrive everyone in that kingdom will be in your side that day no one will die but some will get hurt I have to go now I can't stay for long I'll try come back tomorrow night in your sleep" with that she left.

I woke up in bed with a huge headache and Alex was asleep next to me. I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom my wings were out. I looked at myself thinking about the dream I had I looked down at my clothes and say I was in one of Alex's shirts and my underwear I thought to myself "that little sneak" I went  to the closet and got a gold crop top with a black jacket and black denim shorts I braided my long black hair and put a pair of converse on and thought "don't think I'm going to ever wear high heels until I have my crown" I giggled I hid my wings away and left the room I didn't look like a queen but I looked like an actual teenager I went to James room witch is now maxen a and he was awake dressed and talking to arch "okay, well I see your all good to go monster" I said with a hand on my hip the other resting  against the wall "aria!" He yells "arch said I can stay with him today is that fine" I look at the black haired boy "hmmmmm idk" i said teasingly "pleaaaaaseeeee" said and pouted "okay okay monster" I said back "YAY THANKYOU!" He yells and runs to hug me I lean down and hug him back. "Now I'll be busy today okay arch look after him" I said and left.

I walk down the hall looking down at my feet and bump into a soft but hard wall "hey! Watch we're you going pretty" sam says "don't push it pretty boy" I say back "get any information on how to get us into MY kingdom Sam?" I asked "no not yet aria but I will soon and apologise for stabbing you" he said while he rubs his neck "as long as you don't mess up anymore forget that happened but you and Alex need to sort things out and I assume you have his old room?" I said back "I know we do and that's correct" he says back but looks too the floor "I want you to fix things with Alex before you start to do anything about my kingdom you hear?" I said back and made a harsh eye contact.

Alex mind linked me "love where are you?" I looked away for a moment "Alex is awake you going to see him now my room is the door next to yours" he looked at me "okay" was all he said and walked off Alex linked me again "aria are you okay?!" I sighed "yes Alex I'm okay geez I'm not dead you'll have a visitor in a second don't rip their throat out be nice and fix things if you don't I'm sure you'll find out from me" I said and walked to the dining room James was down their talking to his parents he saw me and jogged up to me "great news aria, we now have a training room in the palace you can use, it's at the back so you'll have to go through that hall and turn left twice" he said and smiled "thanks buddy" I say and smiled back and left also greeting James parents.
As I walk and find my way to the room I can feel Alex's emotions go from normal to angry and to happy. I roll my eyes and eventually found the room I walk in and find there's a big blue mat on the floor that shows no floor and there are weapons on the cream coloured walls. Soon James walks in and asks "where's Alex?" I look around the room and back at him "obviously not here" I say with attitude. Ever since the other night finding out that everyone knew Dominic was my uncle and no one even told me I'm angry and realised that I can't be so weak. I have to shut my emotions off and train till my parents find a way into the kingdom. "Well obviously" he replies I roll my eyes. "What wrong with you" he asks "not in the mood for anyone's shit anymore" I say "Jesus aria I like this side more" he replies "no shit" I say and walk over the other side of the mat James gets a long sawed "James?" I say "yeah?" He says back "I want to remove my powers" I say the sawed James was once holding was on the floor and his mouth was about touching the ground "close your mouth your catching bugs" I say "forget I even said anything" I said storming out of the room. Katie comes "hey aria do yo-" she says and I cut her off "not now katie" I kind of shout and walk off "what up your ass" she yells back I ignore it and walk out of the palace.

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