Chapter 19

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So yesterday was pretty eventful tried to be bad for once didn't really work had a fight mini fight with Alex found a way into arelia met jax and Nate marked jax and Alex. Well let's see what today has in store. I woke up and found that I was in a bed alone I heard commotion outside my door I got up and opened the door there were guards running about in the halls I walk out and go down the stairs to the dining area where everyone was at a big table talking and yelling. I stood at the table and everyone stopped and stared at me they looked surprised and Alex had a smug look on his face "what?" I say to them all "uhh ahem" jake points out I look at what I have on and realised I still have Alex's shirt on and no pants "oh whoops" I sat back closing my eyes and changing then I hear jax and open my eyes "everyone knows aria they are all on your side" I smile making myself look like an idiot "okay thankyou jax your a big help" I say back "well looks like you don't have to fight anymore what whatever your fighting about" I say and look around the table "and why do you say this" katie said "because jax had informed me that everyone in the fire kingdom is with us" I say katie looks at me and rolls her eyes. What up her ass "and how do we know he won't betray us" she said. I look at her and let my wings out and walked to the doors and fly out. I flew to the entry way "jax you guarding the entry?" I linked "I sure am why?" He asks I pop my head through and take his hand "I need you to come with me" I say out loud "uhhh okay" he said back "hold on I say taking his hand and teleport straight into the palace dining room still holding his hand "everyone this is jax" I say looking at katie everyone looked at me shocked "ahem!" Alex coughs I realised what he meant and let go of jaxs hand "so jax your going to help us" my dad said "not me 'we' there are about 1000 soldiers that are willing too help" jax said my jaw dropping "and "we have about 600 soldiers only because there's not much crime to be done" jakes dad said. "So it's sorted were attacking tonight everyone I expect you to train and get ready because this fight we need to win" I say before teleporting out of the palace and near the portal with jax "so the next time we meet will be in battle" he said "I guess it is" I say back "well until then my queen" he says before leaving "until then.." I say when he disappeared in stead of teleporting I decided to walk around the lake it's a reaaaaaaly big lake so it might take me awhile as I walked I had a deep thought and now I know that now whatever I think Alex can hear me because I marked him and because we're soulmates. I think I got half way around the lake and decided to fly I hadn't put my wings in so I spread them and flew back to the palace I landed outside the palace gates and walked through the door into the throne room where everyone was apart from Alex, katie and James i put my wings away and I thought I'd go train considering tonight we fight. I walked through the room and smiled at everyone while I walked to the training room I got there and katie Alex and James were in there I walked through the door Alex smiled James did too but katie didn't even look at me "so..... katelyn what wrong with you?" I say she glares at me I decided to ignore it and walk to Alex he leans over and kisses me "now let me kick your ass" I whisper in his ear "your on" he says I walk towards the other side to the mat getting into an attacking mode then I run jumping on Alex and he grabs me swings me around trying to get me off him I wrapped my legs around his waist and flip backwards so I'm doing kind of a handstand and flipping Alex over while I'm on my hands and my feet hit the floor I look down and see Alex sitting g up rubbing his head "well you got me" he said I lost concentration Alex swings his legs around making me trip and fall on my back "well played" I said "well looks like you both kicked each other's ass" James said helping me up then helping Alex "oh not yet" I say they both give me a puzzled look "wha-" Alex said and got cut off by me punching him in the stomach "oh so that's how it's going to be" he said we start to throw punches and I dodge them all same as Alex "okay.. how about the two of us" Alex remarked katie was over the other side of the room glaring at me his what her problem I really need to talk to the shitty ass after then I realise I'm still fighting the boys James punches me and I duck down dodging it Alex comes and pushes me I take his hands and flip him over James punches my boob I pretend to be in pain and James comes to see if I'm okay I look at him and pout "you shouldn't of done that" I crouch down spin and James falls flat on his face I stand up and see Alex is still on the floor breathing heavily on his back and James is on his stomach laughing "well played" I said helping the boys up "well I'd be damed Alex your fiancé can fight" jax said shocked I turned around running and hugging him what are you doing here jax I said James Alex walk over and soon katie does too "I've came to warn you" he replies "huh what about" I ask "Dominic he's some how found out about you finding the portal but doesn't know when your coming to take back the fire kingdom, I'm staying here until it's time to fight I have men who are covering for me" jax said the I hear little feet slapping the cold marble floor as they run "aria!!" Maxen screams running too me and jumps "I haven't seen you for" he said while thinking "1...2... well in forever" I said hugging my neck "we can finish this later" I said walking out "arch come here" I scream then soon I hear thumps and there he is running around the corner "okay monster you can go outside with arch and feed him along with the horses but do whatever arch tells you too okay I'm very busy today" I say putting maxen on arch. Arch nods and leaves I sigh "well I'm hungry haven't eaten anything in a bit" I say to myself and walk to the palace kitchen I see that there are lady's working in there "hello your highness" one of them say and all of them bow "no need to bow and you can call me aria I'm quite hungry do you have anything" I say "yes my dear" the other lady said turning around and gave me a piece of cake I sat on the table and ate the cake while I was talking to the lovely lady's they said that when we leave some will love their jobs because there are only 3 people who will be living here when we leave I said they can come and cook at the fire kingdom and they can live there too the lady's thanked me and I thanked them for the cake and decided I go talk to katie I look in the training room but no one was there apart from jax and Alex "hey you know where katie is?" I asked Alex looked at me and said "she's in her room" I walked away and knew the boys will follow with come popcorn they tried to stay quiet but I ignored them and got to Katie's room "katelyn let me in now" I said "what do you want?" She said back "you know exactly what I want open the door now" I demanded the door swung open I walked in and slammed it "what the hell have I done to make you this mad at me" I said "you think your life is tuff we all lost our kingdoms you put Alex through hell you leave with Sam-" she screamed but I cut her off my eyes stared going black and I heard my voice change "is this what this is about are you kidding me!! I lived a lie turns out I'm this what so called queen I lost my kingdom and my memories! My bloody best friend kept it from me along with my parents if Dominic didn't show up that night I would still be living a lie oh and not to mention that no one seemed to tell me Dominic was my uncle because no one "trusted" me and I left with Sam because he wanted to make sure I wasn't going to get attacked when I went back to earth. So come to me when you've found out how to be a best friend" I screamed at her she looked so shocked she was white I walked out the door slamming it jax and Alex stood there quiet I went too my room and shut the door locked it and leaned against it with my knees too my chest I heard James go into Katie's room too comfort her I rolled my eyes unlocked the door too see Alex about to nick I look at him my eyes still black "are yo-" I cut in "I'm fine!" I say and storm down the hall to the training room I see jax was already in there "help me" I say he knows what I meant he looks at me with his gold eyes and we train till lunch him and I exit the room and go to get changed Alex was in my room and before I walked in I felt a hand on my arm I turn to see katie almost in tears "I'll um leave you alone can I use your shower?" Jax asks "yeah ask Alex for a towel" I say and turn to katie "I'm so sorry aria" she says and starts crying I take her in for a hug "it's okay I love you your my family and nothing will change that" I say while she cries "I should of spoken to you about how I felt instead of going off at you like that" se said looking up at me "katie it's okay I shouldn't of yelled at you I know things are tough but we need to work through them your my best friend and nothing will change that" I say letting her go she wiped her tears away "now after my shower we need to find out what our plan is" I say and take her into my room jax is already out and dressed into some of Alex's clothes "alright someone get James in here I'll be out of the shower soon so we can talk over our plan" I say walking into the closet getting clothes out and a towel and walking into the bathroom about 10 minutes later I was out dressed and walking into my room "so what's the plan" I asked we we spoke about it until dinner and our plan was sorted jax will go back soon after dinner to guard the gate so we can get in Alex and James will disguise themselves as guards and stay back while katie and I go in alone it took a while for them too agree but they did once katie and I have gone through and gotten into the palace un seen katie and I can some how get to the throne room where Dominic and Julia will be then Alex and James will take arealias soldiers through and meet with the fire soldiers and attack my kingdom and then go from with whatever works from then on. We told our parents our plan and they agreed I told them they have to stay here too look after arch and maxen and also help injured soldiers. They agreed and dinner came out we all ate dinner in silence everyone was thinking about what would happen good or bad I was worried the most when I get my kingdom back what will I do what is I'm not good enough I shoved a spoon full of mash in my mouth thinking I felt Alex's hand on my leg it calmed me down and I wasn't so tense. After dinner there was desert but I couldn't eat anymore it wasn't that I was full I just couldn't katie and I left said goodbye to jax and said we will see him soon he could tell something was bothering me he was going to asked but I gave him a look that said I'll tell you later he nodded his head and smiled katie and I got into my room and we sat on the bed I sighed "we better get ready we leave in an hour" she looked at me and took my hand "everything's going to be okay we will win this and Dominic won't know what hit him" she gave me a weak smile. I

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