Chapter 6

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The sight of acelia was beautiful the grass was beautiful and green the trees were as tall buildings. It looked like earth but a lot more beautiful. Katie looked at me and said "beautiful isn't it" I looked back "it sure is". Then someone was walking towards us "hello everyone I'm the kings son James, oh and the queens are here is here it's a pleasure to meet you two" not even noticing alex, alex looked at me and took my hand out of jealousy.

"So uh.. no response" James asked I looked at Alex and Katie confused on what to say they knew a lot more then I did although I would if I had those memories back I stood there "uh..pleasure is all mine?" I replied. "As do I" katie said with a hint of laughter "oh and you must be king alex" James said "yeah I am" Alex said with a hint of anger. They both glared at each other I felt Alex's hand go cold so suddenly I wondered why but I warmed my hand up to make sure he won't do anything. "Okay.. so I shall take you into our kingdom my father knows your here we have rooms for the parents and separate rooms for aria, katie and can get your things ready in there, you also can stay here as long as you like.

I'm sure you want to reclaim your kingdoms and we will gladly help" James said "thankyou" I walked to catch up to James "although I don't have much memories of my kingdom I want to take it back and make sure Dominic and his wife get what they deserve" I said with anger, I could feel Alex getting angry and for the first time I heard him speak in my head "get away from him aria" Alex said "oh clam down, I'll be next to you soon" I replied. It was different talking in our heard although now we could talk to each other without anyone eavesdropping. "Well I guess it would be hard losing your kingdom and your memories" James said with sadness "well as much as it sounds bad I don't really know what to feel I'm angry for him taking my memories but my kingdom I'm just worried about my people" I explained I waked back to Alex.

"see it's fine" I whispered "I have a bad feeling about him aria" he whispered back. We got into the palace and a few more people said hello soon we got to our rooms and our parents rooms were across from ours. I was in the middle room Alex was on my right and katie was on my left I thanked James and went into my room it was beautiful. It was like they had this room made just for me there was a balcony and my room was purple it was nice and warm there was a fire place so I thought I would light it. I'll probably set the room on fire but I can always katie to use her witchy powers. I went over to the fire place and put I've hand out and closed my eyes I felt warmth come out of my hand and I opened my eyes and the wood was burning with purple fire "this is so cool" I said to myself.

"Alex?.. Alex you there..." I said in my head "yeah? What is it gorgeous" he replied. Him saying that made me melt "you never told me what your power was... is it water or something because I've noticed that my hair is purple because of the fire and Katie's is red because she a witch or something and you have blue streaks and when you held my hand they went cold because of James." I said. I heard him laugh "haha come to me and you'll find out." he replied in a cheeky way. So I got up looked around my room for a moment got dressed onto one of Katie's short shirts and jeans because it was pretty warm in my room and left.

I walked down the corridor to James door I nocked twice "come in, love" Alex replies I walked in looking at the floor for a second it was freezing in here and there was snow flakes falling out of nowhere I shivered and looked to see Alex without a shirt on. I stoped dead in my tracks I almost melted "PULL IT TOGETHER ARIA" I mumbled to myself. Looking back at Alex "so uh.. eh hem are you going to show me" he took my hand and pulled me to the window and stared drawing on it as his finger ran along the window little streaks of ice follow behind his finger I watched is amazement, he stopped, took my hand and placed it in the window the warmth from my power melted it away then Alex still holding my hand looks at me and smiles "you really are beautiful, love" he said I looked away and smiled "stop it Romero" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Do you want a drink" he asked "it's okay I'll share with you" I replied "okay well after I'm taking you out so you can see how gorgeous this place is and I also have a surprise" he said I walked over and sat on the bed Alex walked over and i saw a blue symbol on the back of his neck "Alex, wh..what's the symbol on your neck mean.." I asked curiously "it's uh.. I don't know actually I've always had it, I guess all the royal family get their family symbol you have one too."

Alex said but making it a big deal "where's mine I haven't seen it" I said back " it's on your hip but to the front more" he said "wait how do you know?" I asked. "maybe because your shirt doesn't cover your waist and I saw it as you walked in" he looked at me "you've had it there since you got your powers back" he mumbled. I looked down too see a purple symbol "that's so cool" I said
Alex came over with the drink and sat next to me "it's really cold in here" I said looking at Alex. "Well you better leave you have to be ready soon" he said "wait how much time do I have?" I said "about 10 minutes dress in a dress it's a big surprise" he added and I left.

I got to my room katie was sitting in my bed waiting for me "Jesus how long does it take, I've only got 10 minutes to work on you so get your ass here" she said bluntly "oh no" I said. 10 minutes later and I was done I was in a long flowing dress that started with purple at the top and faded into a blue then a red IT was beautiful. "I guess if your a queen you have to start dressing like one" katie said my hair grew really fast and now was down to my butt it was wavy and flowy I looked like a true queen "do you know what he has planned" I asked katie "yes, yes I do and I'm not telling you" there's was a nock at the door "there's your lover boy" katie said I remember when she said that to me at first I took as she was joking but she actually wasn't. Katie got the door and it want just Alex it was my mum and dad Katie's and Alex's.

Alex stood there shocked "you look absolutely stunning, love" he said in my head "you don't seem to look bad yourself Romero". Everyone seemed to know what was planned and I didn't "beautiful room this is and I see you got the fire working" my parents said. It was getting late "aria and I better head off now" Alex lead me out of my room and pushed me against the wall and kissed me passionately I never felt this before he pulled away "if you want more you will have to come with me" he said, he took my hand and we walked out of the palace and towards the grass land near little mountains we walked for a bit  until we arrived he told me to close my eyes and he took my hand and I followed then he told me to open my eyes and I was amazed at what I saw.

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