Chapter 3

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Katie came in with food and I sat up Alex looked and Katie looked at me "here I got you your favourite she said handing me fried rice. "I'm not hungry I'll eat it later" I said "Okay if you say so, looks like plans are off for tonight" she said sadly. "no no we're going I'll just take it easy for the rest of the day" I said reassuring "what were you guys going to do?" Alex asked "I don't know whatever she has planned" I said. "well... the boys are having a party do you guys want to come?" Alex offered "sounds awesome were in" Katie says with a smile while stuffing her face with Chinese food. We have Alex my house address "I'll pick you guys up at 6:00" he said.

The bell went for fifth period, Katie and Alex helped me off the nursing bed and went to class. It was a pretty painful period not only because my crushing headache because mrs tucker wouldn't stop going on about geometry. Class ended and Katie and was about to get into her car and there it was again but this time Katie saw it too. "aria we need to go" she said quickly so o got into the car and we drove back to my place we got into my room and she didn't mention it but she was acting weird I let it go not asking any questions it was quiet before she broke the silence. "so aria what are you going to wear" she asked with curiosity "I uh I don't know" I replied "well in that case lucky I bought somethings over this morning with me for tonight and your wearing whatever I choose" she left the room to go get her things from the living room when katie says I'm going to wear whatever she chooses I know I'm in trouble. I normally wear jeans and a hoodie with sneakers but what Katie wears is a short red dress with high heels and I know I'm going to look like a doll tonight.

So Katie came back in the room with a short black dress and a longish purple one and of course she threw me the black one dress along with a pair of red heels "here chuck these on" I went into the bathroom and put them on. I walked back into my room and she said "Okay that looks good now all we need is your hair and make up fine and your going to look gorgeous" she said with confidence. After she finished everything on me she quickly got dressed and did her make up I asked "you saw it too didn't you." I said. She looked at me "I don't know what your talking about" she said hiding something "katie I know you did" I said she didn't reply. We heard a car beep out the front of my house we walked down stairs said goodbye to my mum and left for the party.

When we arrived at the party and we could her the music from in the car. We got out and Alex held my hand surprisingly I didn't pull away normally I would of. Katie saw and she smiled we started to walk into the party some girls gave a dirty looks but I brushed it off. We started having fun katie and I got drunk. The party was finishing  up we walked outside and I sobered up really quickly. I felt uneasy and dizzy the same feeling I got when I saw that THING i stared to panic of course katie and Alex saw that that point everyone was gone I got a huge feeling of power through me Alex and katie backed up next to me and there it was and it wasn't just one there were four.

Alex and katie told me to get into the car when I took a step one of the things screeched and this freezing cold breath ball or whatever the heck it was, was going to hit me before it could Alex jumped and pushed me and him out the way near the car Alex picked me up and put me into the car. I was screaming telling him to get into the car or they will kill you and katie. Before I knew it everyone was gone I stepped out of the car and and suddenly it was really cold I heard a bang behind me and saw another one of the things I froze but then I felt it. The same feeling I felt minutes before my hands started to glow with purple fire I got distracted by what was happening to me I felt a hand around my neck it was that thing I saw it clearly now it's face it was horrific.

I tried to scream but it nothing came out I stared to feel weak then a person was walking towards us I tried to scream for help but he gave off a dangerous vibe he stood in front of me and told the thing to let me go "well.. well.. well... if it isn't arianna the queen and god of the stars" he said. I was shocked and confused on what was going on "what? don't give me that look you stupid girl" he said angrily he took me by the throats and threw me to the ground. "So I see you have no powers looks like your weak and pathetic just like your parents" he said without any expression.

Then for some reason he took a step back and looked right into my eyes shocked I felt something come over me and I had a huge headache I closed my eyes and what I thought were my memories of how I use to be up there with my people and friends my mum and dad look so different why are we down here. I opened my eyes he was still standing there shocked his eyes went black "well looks like I spoke to soon the queen does have some power" he said then he attacked.

I felt a strange feeling then I knew exactly what to do I held my hands out and immediately the purple flames shoot out of my hands and just before it hit him he winked and disappeared and took those things with him.  I fell to the ground thinking what happened how did I know what to do and I started crying. A few minutes later katie and Alex returned they saw me on the ground I was sobbing I looked up at them they look shocked exactly like that man did I felt weak I went to stand and I fell and stared to cry even more katie sat next to me hugging me while I cried against the car. "Alex I think you need to call her parents.

Aria: the discovering Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt