Chapter 10

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I slid down the tree and stared crying. And thought to myself "I could of killed him, poor James and I could've hurt Alex, katie looked as if she was going to pass out." I cried and cried because what happened if I killed James and he did nothing wrong. A few minutes later and I was aching from crying I was only there for 5 minutes and it felt like hours I was already sore I was getting cold and I stared playing with my now new long black hair I stopped and I saw a little fluff ball it was moving. I went to check it out. I touch it and it froze

I looked at it and felt it moved it was about the size of a soccer ball. It uncurled its self and it was this thing it looked like a cat but it looked like a dog I put it down and it stared at me then it grew I stood up and it grew like 3 feet tall I was the size of a very large horse. It wasn't a dog or a cat it was this huge tiger with a really fluffy chest and a fluffy tail it's ears were the shape of a cat. I heard my name being called and it stayed there not fussed that I was there with it it stared at me I went to go touch it before Alex said "aria don't move it's a archetral they are very dangerous" I looked at it and it twisted its head to the side I didn't listen to Alex and went to step and touch it Alex grabbed my hand and it growled Alex said "ARIA don't" I looked at him and said "let go it won't hurt me."

He let go and I saw katie and James come up beside Alex and whispered "what is she doing" katie said "she's going to herself killed" James replied. I inched forward while the archetral stood there on its 4 ginormous paws. I put my hand out looking away for a moment until I felt something fluffy against my hand I looked at it and it's beautiful golden eyes looked into mine Alex went to go and walk to me and it growls he took the step he had taken and reversed it "shhhh it's okay they won't hurt us" I heard it speak but no one else did "you are now my master, queen" I said back "no it's fine" he looked at me and lays down and said "get on my back I can feel your tired master and your aching" before I did Alex said "aria what the hell has happened" I looked at him and everyone "I'm its master" Katie's James and Alex's jaws dropped James said "oh my god, Alex this can't be possible" katie looked at James and said "well it is" Alex looks at me and back at them.

"We better get going and tell our parents" Alex walked over to me and the arch growls i put my forehead on his and realise that his head in the size of 1 of those really old big box TVs I look into his eyes and said out aloud "it's fine he won't hurt me or you no one will you have to trust me" he growls back but no one understood "okay I trust you, but it's a long walk back to the palace you ran pretty far get on my back your tired and drained of your power"

Alex could finally walk over to me and said "what are you doing" he said I replied "he said for me to get on his back his back because I feel tired and drained of my power" Alex looks away and helps me up onto the huge beast I said in my head "can I call your arch" I asked the beast it nodded it head in reply Alex went to katie and said "can you call 3 horses" katie looked too me and i turned my head away "I guess she's upset still about what happened?" He looked too James who stood there and looked away feeling upset for me "I can feel it the sadness that she's feeling and it's breaking my heart" Alex said katie whistled and a few minutes later there were horses Alex James and katie jumped on to the horses and looked to arch Alex gestured his head asking arch to show them back arch got up and stared running not at full speed but fast enough for the horses to keep up Alex mind linked me "are you okay my love"

I was holding tight to arch and I was half asleep "yeah..." I replied sleepy "okay get some rest I'll wake you when we're at the palace "okie dokie..." I said and I was out like a light. I drifted through the darkness like my last and saw dominic and Julia having the heads of everyone I loved on steaks some how dominic could see me and said "you will be next aria" I woke up screaming I think Alex was about to wake me up but as I screamed it scared arch and he growled at Alex and moved away I dug my head into arch and tried to slow my breathing after a few seconds I was calm I sat up on arch and called Alex over. "Are you okay what happened" he asked worried as if I was dying "I'm okay but I'm really tired I'll tell you on.c...e and I fell asleep again.

Alex spoke to arch and told him to stay next behind him and James and katie would be either side arch nodded and Alex got off the horse and walked in through the Palace doors everyone was shocked as we walked by it was about 9:00 at night so seeing this archetral carrying me on top of it when it's impossible would shock me too. They got to the throne room and Alex turned at arch and said "okay you need to stay calm you have the queen on your back asleep arias parents may freak out but I'll explain something big will come through the doors and it will be holding the queen so don't make a loud noise" arch nodding Alex walked into the throne room and was in there for a few seconds and nocked to let arch know to come through.

By then I had woken up again I sat up and patted arch to let him know i was awake arch turned his head and let out a purr he continued to walk into the room and I saw everyone go white I patted arch to let me down and he laid down to let me off when I was off arch stood up and stood behind me like a proud and mystical creature "everyone please don't be afraid this is arch he won't hurt anyone" I said and stood up straight I put my hand on arch and he looked down at me and Lowered his head like he was bowing my mum said "this can't be" she looked at me "darling no one has ever touched or ridden one of archetral" I took a step forward "he won't hurt anyone he practically saved me from draining myself from crying so hard" everyone looked at me confused "shit" I muttered to myself I looked at Alex katie and James they walked beside me and and James spoke up "she got the forth symbol" everyone looked at me and saw the black cloths I was in.

I looked down and on my chest was the golden circle. "There was a vision of the the future and I saw James and dominic talking James was controlled by dominic on James coronation day dominic is going to make James to let him in and kill everyone. Unless this was Dominic taunting me but I didn't realise that he was being controlled and the darkness that came from this mark made me lose my shit My eyes went black and so did my clothes if I didn't look at Alex and he explained that james was getting controlled I would've killed James.. I ran away crying because I was shocked about what I had done that's when I bumped into Julia I screamed at her and she hit me then disappeared that's when I met arch. From all the power I wasted on James and how angry I got I was drained."

Everyone stood in shock "I'm okay now she didn't hurt me I knew she wouldn't have" James added "we just need to train her and she will soon be able to control it" I looked at James and hugged him and said "Thankyou" I felt Alex get jealous and stare at us thank god katie didn't seem bothered by it. I yawned and our parents seemed okay now that they knew what happened "Aria darling in the morning I need you to tell me what Julia was doing here" James mum said. "Okay" I replied. Arch and I walked beside each other up the stairs and when we reached the top he shrank and jumped into my arms us 5 got to the rooms and we stood outside "I'm so sorry for today everyone I didn't mean to and James I'm sorry most of all I feel terrible for what happened" I said looking to the floor James walked over and said "it's okay we all make mistakes I knew you wouldn't hurt me" I smiled and I felt Alex take my hand in his "well good night love birds" katie said. I ran up to her and have her the biggest hug. And she hugged me back we let go of each other I took Alex's hand in mine picked up arch and walked into my room.

Aria: the discovering Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ