Chapter 14

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Arch took me to this lake just behind the castle the moon shone down on the water the there were little fire bugs different colours flying around I got off arch and sat near the water with my feet in it. Arch sat behind me wrapping his huge body around me and the wings he sniffed at them witch tickled the feathers "so my queen what happened" arch said "I..I..I don't know we got there I looked around I saw this lady in the cage after that I don't remember until she was in front of me I felt this burning and then she flew away and I was in these cloths and I had wings and uhhh it's all so confusing" I said back.

Arch was silent he was sniffing the air he growled "aria someone's watching us but it's not dominic or anyone like that he seems young" I stood up looking ing at what I had on I changed to my symbol it still showed a lot but not as much as it did my wings also changed they were purple from my back fading into an reddish pink to a darkish orange "hello.. don't be scared we won't hurt you" I said a few seconds later "b..but he will" it sounded of a little boy "who arch?" I said "yes that giant tiger bear thing" the little boy said "no he won't come out" I replied "NO! He will" he replied "okay well how about I come too you then"I said arch didn't want me to go but I said don't worry it fine "y..your the queen aren't you, you won't hurt me" the little boy said "yes, yes I am and no I wouldn't hurt you" I was going to ask where he was but he walked out on his own. He had black hair and bright blue eyes he was wearing a black jacket and blue jeans he had a pair of sandals on he looked about 5 years old "what your name" I asked "my names maxen I can't find my mum and dad they went to go out I followed them now I can't find them "it's okay we can help"'I walked to the boy and took his hand I led him to arch and the boy was trembling "it's okay he won't hurt you" I said the boy wasn't scared of arch anymore but was scared of dominic "well..well.. well.. what do we have here" I pushed the boy behind me and covered my wings around him "we have a very pissed OFF queen" I replied dominic gave me a evil smile "well nice wings my lady I got some too its apart of the mark you must of ran into a fallen angel who had the same mark only people with this mark can get wings apart from fallen angels of course" he said as he took a step towards me I stood my ground "your lying the first time I was you when we were on watch you didn't have any" that's because I hide them they turn into a mark of your back a pair of wings that looks like a tattoo" he replied "they're heavy aren't they" I could feel the little boy dig his face into my back "you need to leave NOW dominic" I yelled arch was still there "arch take the boy and meet me near the papas stalls okay" I got the boy and put him on arch "it's okay" I said "arch look after him" I looked at dominic "oh how sweet" he lunged forward and took me by the throat "let's have a test fly shall we?" And dominic took flight we were going up and up until we reached the light of the moon I looked down and some how Alex katie and James found me "oh well look, looks like they get to see you fall" I was facing dominic and I kicked him as hard as I could in the chest he winced on pain and let me go I wasn't falling my wings were holding me up in the air "you will NEVER defeat me dominic your weak" I channelled my power and my wings bursted into flames the same colours as they were before but in bloody flames my eyes were purple and my hands now lit with fire "you will never get rid of me I am aria QUEEN OF THE FIRE KINGDOM AND I WANT MY RIGHTFUL THRONE BACK" I screamed I let the flames come out of my hand he did too it was the battle between queen and king of two different kingdoms my flame was getting close to his hands and before I knew it there was a Big Bang and dominic was falling he expanded his wings "this is not over" and disappeared.

I sighed and stayed up there until I flew back down I don't know how I knew how to use these but I'm glad I did. I got to the ground looked at the three and walked off to go get arch the wings were to heavy I chose to fly I flew out of the trees and hovered over them "aria we need to talk" Alex spoke "you don't say" I replied "where are you going and are you hurt and you need to tell me what happened" Alex said. "Forget it okay I need to go to arch I'll be at the room when I am" I replied and blocked him out of my head. Who knew this was so hard they treated me like I was some...some mess up "don't worry about it aria" I mumbled to myself. I flapped my wings harder so I could get some speed soon I was back at the castle walking to the stalls I found arch with the little boy he was asleep on arch. Arch looked completely happy with himself "aria he doesn't have any parents they left him" arch said I gasped "he also has a mark he has the golden circle on his shoulder"arch said looking at me "well... looks like I'll look after him" I walked and picked up the boy my wings were hurting from how heavy they were but I had too look after maxen his face dug into my shoulder and his arms wrapped around my neck arch and I walked into the palace I knew all out parents were going to be shocked seeing me holding this child and two wings on my back I woke maxen up and put him on the floor Alex katie and James were also in the room arch grunted and walked up there stairs and disappeared Alex's mouth was shocked looking at the black hair blue eyed little boy "don't even ask" I said too everyone "James come" I picked up maxen and walked up the stairs James followed behind I knew Alex was pissed off and I mean pissed off blocking him out was one thing but not telling him what happened was another "who is he aria" James asked "I don't know" I replied "those wings aria they cool but you have to be careful they need to be put away I'll show you after dinner" James said "okay sure but we need a room and clothes" I said "he can have my room because I'm with katie" James replied. He took us to his room and got clothes from when he was little and put them on his bed "thankyou James" I said "no problem" he replied and left I put maxen down and said "well.. welcome to your new home" he smiled and gave me a huge hug "thankyou aria" he said "now don't thank me yet you need to hop into the shower and get ready for dinner mr" I said he looked at me and nodded I showed him to the bathroom and I left the door open just a crack just in case something happened then I realised that we left in the morning and got back during the night I guess teleportation disrupts time. It's only what 7:00 at night. I heard the taps turn off and the bedroom door opened and katie came in "maxen everything okay" I asked "yes aria everything's fine" he called me ari Witch is cute "hey uhh aria I'm sorry about before but you should go talk to Alex he seems well angry" katie said I hugged her and I felt her hand touch my wings "they are so soft" she said "apology accepted" I said with a smile then James walks in "we have a problem your boy is going crazy he's not happy aria" James said "ugggg BLOODY hell" I said maxen came out with this dark blue jacket with a white shirt underneath and black jeans his hair still wet but a little dry his blue eyes vibrant "ari" he yells and hugs my legs.

I leant down and kissed his forehead "you look very handsome maxen but I need to go for a few minutes I'll be back soon katie and James will play with you until I'm back" I said he looked at me and to them he ran to James and jumped on him "jam can me please play hide an GO seek" James laughed "sure little man" James replied.
then I left the room to go back to my room I opened the door and there Alex stood right in front of it I squealed because he scared the hell out of me I looked up at him and his eyes weren't the bright blue they were a dark blue "Jesus Alex you scared me" I walked past him before he took my arm "I scared you did I why did you block me out aria and who is that boy" he said angrily "oh god is this what this is all about?" I replied I swung my arm out of his brace and turned "Alex, come to me when you've calmed down I'll be in James room when you want me" I glared at him and heard him grunt I walked into the dresser got a white dress out and a pair of white shoes put them in and changed my power into snow and walked out and slammed the door. I heard Alex swear and slam the bathroom door shut. Thank god james room was down the hall I walked in and saw James and katie sitting in the bed while maxen was running around the room being a plane. Maxen saw me and hugged me katie and James looked at me and they could see I was hurt but I smiled anyway "oooooh my goooosh are your wings they are white and blue" maxen said I laughed and he touched my long white hair and my wings he looked at me and giggled "your eyes are white too" he laughed and hugged me again "they are aren't they max" I said I picked him up and said "now! Aren't you hungry" I said he looked at me with his blue eyes "yesss!" He said katie and James got off the bed and opened the door Alex was waiting outside I walked straight past him "love,plea-" he said before I cut him off "not now Alex" I said and walked to the stairs I could feel he was upset with out fight but I was still angry at him.

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