Chapter 18

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I get outside and I was about to teleport back to earth before Sam runs out Alex behind him "go away!" I say "calm down I'm coming too" Sam says. Takes my hand and we disappear. We land in the old house before I even take a step. "What the fuck aria" I heard Alex linked me "I want to get away stop going off at me" I growl back "yeah with my bloody with my brother" he yells back causing me to roll my eyes Sam saw and looked at me in confusion "Alex" I mouth "so not my problem he wanted to come" I reply but I don't get anything back "we need to leave I presume he will be here with katie soon" I say and take sams hand and walk out of the house "where we off too" he asks I let go of his hand and say "I have no idea" he looks at me and smirks "want to show up at your school?" He asks "heh and what will we do?" I ask "cause trouble for once" he says back I stop to think about it and then decide sure I teleport us at the back of the school and walk to the front everyone looks shocked to see me I look down and see what I have on I guess I changed when I teleport led because I was now in black showing a lot of shin clothes along with my marks and the wings on my back my hair is up in a high pony tail witch reaches my butt "what?" I say everyone still looking Sam beside me laughs and we walk into the school I don't know if I'm a student still but we go the first class witch is biology "well nice for you too join us arianna" my teacher says I turn and speak "it's mutual" I say before sitting at the back "and who you might be" she says talking to Sam "I'm new here and don't want to be bothered thanks" he says sitting next to me "excuse me" she says "you heard him" I reply "arianna this is not like you" my lady teacher says "you have no idea" I reply. Dam and I got bored with the first 10 minutes and decided to ditch I teleported us out of there too the local ice cream parlour I know I shouldn't be doing this but I want to be bad for once "my shout" Sam says winking at me "why thankyou" I reply as we walk in. I take a seat at one of the booths and wait Sam came back with 2 milkshakes "the lady will be here too take out orders of what ice cream we want" Sam says "thanks for this ever since I found out he's my uncle I realised I need to stop being weak an-" before I was cut off. "Hello I'm hear to take your order you can choose from getting your ass back to arealia or we will make you" I hear a voice I groan and see katie and Alex. I took sams hand and teleported back we start to walk to the palace and I was stopped my katie and Alex "Sam I'll deal with you later" Alex says "whatever" Sam said "I'll see you later aria" he said before walking off my back was still facing them I turn around on my heels and face them "so... you gonna just stand there or what" I say. "What the hell is wrong with you aria" Alex said "oh what me not telling you I'm leaving?" I say "no you know what I mean what's with the attitude" he says I feel my eyes go black "hmmm well let me think I find out my uncle took over my kingdom and that he's ACTUALLY my uncle my own fiancé and BEST friend didn't tell me and they knew the whole time I've decided that in not taking anyone's shit anymore" I shout "now if you excuse me I'm busy right now" I saw and storm off to the palace I can feel Alex's anger katie stood there in shock as I walked off I go straight for the training room and lock the door and start training I stayed in there all day I heard a nock "go away" I scream "dude you need to chill" I hear it's sams voice "go away Sam I'm not in the mood right now" I say back "okay okay" he says I turn around and then turn back and he's in the room "wha.. how" I say "I can walk through anything it's apart of my birth power" he says "okay" I say and go back to training "hey want to fight" he asks "not going to stab me again are you" I say with a smug look on my face "well your 'fiancé' wouldn't be happy if I did" he says laughing "good point" I say back "what's the time I asked "it's about 7:00 dinners at 7:30" he says "I'm not going" I reply "why" he asks "it doesn't matter" I reply we fight for about half an hour and it's dinner Sam and I walk out of the training room and up too our rooms "I'm going to shower and then go for a stroll" I tell him "okay have fun with your stroll" he says and winks. I get into our room and have a shower I got out and decided to put one of Alex's black jackets on and a pair of track pants I try my hair and put it up and walk out of the room down the stairs Alex hasn't spoken to me neither has katie or James. I walk into the throne room and the dining room door is open I hear maxen "aria!!" He screames and makes the table with Alex katie James and Sam look at me I deny Alex stare at me so I did the same I looked away and did the captain salute hand thing and winked before walking out of the palace down behind the palace to the lake. I decided to let out my wings because I've kept them in all day I let them flow down and touch the floor before spreading them out and flying high. I look over the other dose of the lake and decide to go on the other side i walk away from the water for a while before I found this stone entry way that is covered up I walk through it and I'm shocked to what I see a kingdom and there are guards at the entry pop my head out and see that I'm back to arealia I decide to walk fully in and the Guard speak welcome to the fire kingdom in a lazy voice and then they look at me then look away and look at me quickly "aria!" One of them say "w..w..wait the queen?" The second asks "yes you nit wit" the first guard says "wait what are you doing here you could be killed if we weren't your loyal guards" he said "I'm jax and this is Naethan but you can call him Nate but seriously what are you doing here" he asks again "I have no idea I found this entry and walked through I will have to go and tell the others that I found this we will come back tomorrow night" I say I see their faces go shocked "you have wings" jax said "uhh yeaaaah long story short a fallen angel not me to free her" I said back "well I see you have your marks and your ready to take this kingdom back I will tell all the others that you have found your way here Dominic is planning something be careful aria" Nate says "oh don't you worry I will do... how's his wings?" I say "wait that was you who ripped his wing off" they ask "yea that was me" I say back "Jesus" jax says "look I..I have to go we will be back tomorrow night make sure you guys are here when I arrive" I say "how will we know" they say "hmm..... mate stay there jax come through" I say "w..wait what?" He says "oh shut it I remember you when I was little trust me okay" I say and pull him through "I'm going to mark you" i say he looks at me shocked let my eyes turn black and take the knife out from where jax's holdster is and slice my finger "unbutton your shirt" I say he looked at me for a moment then does so "I need you to hide this at all costs okay you could get killed you need to be careful" I say and he nods I get my blood and heat my finger up and draw a circle on his shoulder he winces from the burning but then I'm done I mind locked him "now you can hear me all you need to do is think of me and speak in your head, if you do anything to betray me I can use the mark to let poison in you body and you will die" I say he looked at me shocked and linked me back "remind me not to get on your bad side" he said and looked at me "this is so cool" I looked away "I better get going my fiancé will be angry with me think we're going to have a fight when I get back" I say rolling my eyes. I spread my wings and take off into the air leaving jax behind "you have to lie to mate, say we spoke about arealia" I linked him "sure thing aria" he replies. I land in the palace steps and walk into the dining room "everyone I have news" everyone in the room looks at me "I know how to get into my kingdom" I hear the room gasp. I told them what happened Alex got up and stormed out of the room "looks like I have to go fix this" I say and roll my eyes let my wings out and fly obey to the hallway and stop him dead in his tracks "where do you think your going" I say to him "anywhere but here" he says and walks to my room "look I'm not over what happened with my uncle I needed time to clear my head" I said to him "look aria I know this is hard but what ever your feeling I can feel it too you know it's getting hard for me I feel the pain even when you fake a smile" he says and he stands at the window I realised he's right I'm not happy I want it to end "your right." I say he goes to say something else but then realises what I said "wait what?" He said "i said your right." I reply "aria I'm sorr-" he says I cut him off "don't stress" I say and left to have a shower. "Love I'm sorry I just hate you faking your feelings you not happy I know but you will" he licked me when I was in the shower "I know and we're attacking the kingdom tomorrow night" I said I got out of the shower took my towel and wrapped it around me I got dressed in another of Alex's shirts it's a plain black one and put my underwear on Alex goes for a shower after me while he's in there I get a drink and go to bed I lay there and I slit fall asleep by the time Alex gets to bed I'm half asleep he wraps his arms around me and we both lay there "I'm so sorry for going off at you and katie today" I said sleepily "it's okay I understand and katie said you'll get over it" he said back "so she's not mad at me" I asked "no she's not" he replies "Alex let me mark you" I say I felt Alex tense "w..what" he said shocked "I want to mark you" I say to him "are you sure you want to do this" he asks "positive" I reply "okay but under one condition" he said "okay.....?" I said "you tell me what happened with you and Sam" he said I looked at him and rolled my eyes I swear he thought I cheated or something so I told him and he believed what I said only because he can tell when I'm lying I get out of bed and cut my finger I did the same to what I did to jax but this time I put it on Alex's V line after it was done I kissed the spot better and healed my finger Alex tensed when I kissed it I wiped away the blood and there it was a gold circle on his perfect mid tan skin. After he pulled me close to him kissed me turned over hugging me I could feel the rise and fall of his chest "I love you aria" he said "I love you too but... who got maxen to bed?" I asked "it's okay Katie's taken care of it" he said "oh thank god" I replied "goodnight Romero" I said and kissed his arm "goodnight my love" he said and after that i was out.

Aria: the discovering Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora