Chapter 8

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My hair and eyes were still white I don't know why it didn't have any blue in it like Alex although Alex is a male and I'm a female or maybe it was because I had fire and ice powers who knew. I got out of the closet and said "yeah okay katie hold on we uh we will be out soon" I looked at Alex "you okay, love?" He asked through out heads "yeah I'm I'm fine" I said back with a smile at him "okay we will wait here" katie replied I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror "oh great it still hasn't gone" I said too myself. I looked down at my hands and saw the ring that Alex had given me. I smiled

"It's so beautiful" I said too myself and heard back "your more beautiful love" I knew it was Alex "get out of my head you sneak" I said and giggled. I looked into the mirror and sighed I didn't have shoes on so along with what I put on witch was a white lace shirt and jeans i did my hair up in a pony tail only because my hair was past my butt now even when I put it up it's just above my butt. I guess that the best thing about these changed with the magic My hair use to be short. If I have my symbol and Alex's does this mean I will get Katie's?" I mumbled to myself. I sighed again and walked out the bathroom. "Well my love don't you look gorgeous" Alex said. I walked over to him and pushed him on the bed and crawled on him and kissed him it was hard, passionate and rough "aria what's taking you so long" katie yelled.

I pulled away and rolled my eyes "we can Finnish this later" I said to Alex I smiled at him and walked to the door and opened it "well you look better" katie said "except the whole new appearance" I looked at her and rolled my eyes "ghee thanks and yeah I feel better too" I said I noticed that katie was holding James hand "so you two-" I got cut off by loud Banging and yelling from the palace doors. Near the throne room. Alex came next to me and took my hand. There it was that feeling again I felt the power running through my veins I was meant to be this way. "aria you okay your eyes they are red" katie said. I felt the burning again and it was in my arm near my shoulder down my arm, my hair slowly turned red my eyes went red as blood there it was another mark Katie's mark on my arm it was a green vine covered with roses running from my shoulder down my arm to my wrist I saw the shock in their eyes I took off running down the hall and they followed. "Aria be careful PLEASE who knows who's down their" James called. I ignored them and kept running.

We got down to the palace throne room and there he was the one who took everything from me my home my people "YOU BASTARD" I screamed "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME MY HOME MY MEMORIES" he stood in shock and then smiled "well..well..well. Look around aria you do anything to me and Your, your friends parents will die" I looked and saw them on their knees with thoes death walkers. My eyes shined red Alex tried to talk to me through our minds but I blocked him. And I stood there and stared at Dominic with my glowing red eyes and screamed soon after the air in the room went cold then hot then red I was changing through my powers without even knowing it soon stopped and I looked at dominic my hair was still red.

He grabbed his throat and so did the death walkers It was like that the air was getting sucked out of them Alex tried to touch me but I yanked away it was like I was in a anger fuelled trance. I slowly walked over to Dominic and said "you think you can beat me Dominic, I will take back my kingdom and I will make sure i will rip your bloody throat out along with your wife and throw you away down to hell where you belong" Dominic looked scared "arianna" he said choking trying to get air.

I released him and he fell to the floor "you bitch, you think you can get rid of me" he said, "you'll never win I will kill you, your family and friends" he yelled. I walked up to him and leaned down towards where he was laying and got into his face "you ever touch them and I'll make sure you never existed I hope I make myself clear " he got up off the floor and said "you better keep that promise because when I win I'll make sure you remember it and you'll suffer" before I could say anything he had disappeared along with the death walkers.

The anger that was once in me was gone I stood there for a moment looking at everyone they looked at me confused not shocked but confused but my parents didn't I felt the floor under me move I got really dizzy and tired then fell and looked up I heard Alex say my name and people telling people to get the nurse I was drifting in and out of being consciousness because out I could see images and little black dots before everything went black I heard Alex say "it's going to be okay" and he kissed my head and I was gone. I felt as if I was awake but not in reality I was in a dark room "...aria.." I heard someone call my name ".aria" it sounded like Alex I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see Alex "a..Alex?" I said suddenly I got a burst of energy "is anyone hurt oh god what happened after I passed out shit shit shit..." I said worried if dominic came back after I fainted

"shh shh shh" it's okay Alex put his hand on my head patting my head and slowly moving his hand down my cheek. I nested my head into his hand "how you feeling?" He asked "i feel fine but I'm so confused I felt so much power and anger and I was worried that he was going to hurt you and everyone" I looked at him "Alex I couldn't control it, it was so hard I tried to push past it that's why I changed from ice to fire and back to Katie's power I couldn't control it" I said I felt tears welling up in my eyes "no I'm not going to do this I'm going to be strong and see if someone can help me with it" I said "well we better get started then" Alex said back.

I got out of bed and my feet hit the warm wood in my room I went for a shower scared the same thing will happen to me like last time but it didn't I stood in the shower letting the hot water run down my body. I washed my hair and got out I looked in the mirror and the person that I did look like the one with brown hair and green eyes was gone I wasn't human I was a god, a queen of the stars. And I had to protect the people of the stars it's time for dominic to pay for what he has done. "Aria everything okay in there?" Alex called "yeah Its better then okay" i replied "uhhh okay well I'll wait out here" he said I walked out with my towel on and went to the drawers and got my clothes I could feel Alex looking at me.

He walked over behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and ran them down my arms until he had a hold on my arms. He whispered in my ear "you drive me crazy". I turned around and pulled his head and crashed my lips on him it was hard but passionate he ran his hands down my back he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. he carried me to the bed me threw me on it he jumped on top of me and said "are you sure?" I looked at him and nodded I pulled his head back down and he stared taking his clothes off the towel that was around me was thrown on the floor. We made love and it was touch but passionate and finally we were connected I could feel it.

After alex and I were laying together "I can feel our connection it so strong" I said "I can feel it too but you need to get ready" Alex replied "wait what?" I said confused "I'm going to train you, I Learned to control mine so I'm sure training you won't be so hard" Alex said.

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