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Draco grabbed his son's hand then walked out to an apparation point. He picked him up and held him tightly before feeling the familiar pull in his gut and heading off into the direction of the nearest ice cream parlor. When they appeared he placed his son down and brushed the front of his small robes off.

"What flavor would you like," he asked while grabbing his sons hand and swinging it playfully.

"Apple Pie!" Draco laughed at his son and nodded. The kid had a thing for apples and chocolate. It was quite adorable if he said so himself. They made their way to the muggle ice cream parlor and walk inside letting the bell ring as the door closed behind them. He looked up from his son and caught the eye of a certain brunette.

Across the parlor in a round booth sat Potter and his godson. Harry had looked up when the bell chimed and caught Malfoy's gaze almost immediately. He motioned for the blondes to join them. He noticed a blush take over Malfoy's cheeks but he headed in their direction anyway. He allowed Scorpius to climb into the seat next to Harry then sat across from him.

"If I would have known you were coming here we could have apparated together," Harry said.

"Oh, its no problem. I like surprises," Malfoy lied before standing and going to order the ice cream. When he finally got to the front of the line he order a small apple pie cone with 2 scoops and a plain vanilla for himself.

"That'll be 5.23," The cashier looked at him expectantly. He reached in his pocket heading for the galleons before remembering where he was and pulling out a five and a one in muggle money before handing it over. "Cool tattoo! Where'd you get it? It almost looks alive." The guy behind the counter chuckled while scooping the ice cream into the cones. Draco looked surprised but mostly uncomfortable. He nodded at the guy. He pulled his sleeve down self-consciously and thanked the guy, quickly grabbing the cones and walking away.

Harry looked at Teddy then next to to him at mini Malfoy and smiled. Teddy had decided to share his sundae with Scorpius.

"My daddy says I can't have sundaes, 'cause they have too much sugar and he's says sugars not good for you."

"Well he's right," said Harry laughing at all of the chocolate that had somehow gotten smeared all over the kid's face from just a few spoonfuls.

"But Uncle Harry says that rules like that don't matter on Fridays," Teddy confirmed, sticking a spoonful of strawberry ice cream in his mouth.

Harry reached for a napkin then dipped it in his water cup before lifting Scorpius into his lap as he started to wipe the chocolate off the little guy's face. Just as he was almost done, Malfoy walked up holding 2 cones and looking a bit shaken.

Draco's breathing quickened again as his heart hammered. On his way back to the table he noticed that Scorpius was no longer in the seat but in Harry's lap and it seemed as though he was trying to get something off of the younger boy's face. When did Potter become so...sweet? Wait is that chocolate? Draco was still quite shaken from the barely legitimate conversation with the guy behind the counter, but he hoped it didn't show on his face. He realized that it did once Harry sat a now clean Scorp next to Teddy and told them to watch each other. He motioned for Draco to follow him just outside. The blonde nodded then handed the apple pie cone to his son and grabbing a napkin for his own before heading after Potter.

Harry crossed his arms and stared at Draco with a serious expression, but he didn't start talking until the door was completely closed behind them.

"Are you checking me out, Potter?" Draco started raising one eyebrow in question. Harry only shrugged.

"Not this time. There'll be time for that later. Are you alright?" Harry responded shrugging. Draco couldn't deny how his heart had begun to flutter at the brunette's words. There'll be time for that... Draco didn't say anything so Harry continued. "Are you alright?"

"So it's true then? Harry Potter's a poof?" Draco asked still intent on changing the subject. Again Harry just shrugged.

"I don't see why that's important." Draco's heart took off at the almost confirmation for reasons he was more than concerned about. "Now tell me the truth. Stop trying to change the subject. Are you alright? You seemed pretty shaken up."

"We aren't friends, Potter. Why would you care?"

"I put the past behind us during the trials, Malfoy. Not to mention you look pretty good without your hair all slicked back." Harry casually slipped his fingers through Draco's hair as though he did it everyday. "And your arse looks pretty good in those trousers as well." He shrugged again, placing his hands in his pockets and looking back at Draco who was blushing profusely.

"It was nothing, Potter. I don't need The Golden Boy fighting my battles. He just mentioned my dark mark he said it was a 'cool tattoo'." He scoffed. "As if I would get a muggle tattoo." Harry narrowed his eyes at the blonde.

"But that's not the part that bothered you, is it?" Malfoy didn't understand why, but he shook his head.

"He said it looked alive..." Draco looked down as he realized how childish he was being. So what, he thought someone says something about you and you're gonna run off and tell daddy? He looked back over at Harry who was looking at him in a way that screamed pity but he knew it wasn't. It was empathy. Potter knew what he was going through.

"I tried to take a muggle guy home once," Harry started blushing while he motioned his arms suggestively and looked up at Draco through his eyelashes "His name was Connor or something like that. Doesn't really matter, but when we got back to my place he mentioned my scar. We were almost completely naked and it was like he practically brought my paren into the room to watch. Then he said it must have a pretty epic story and I laughed in his face and kicked him out. I think I cried the rest of the night." Harry shook his head of the thought then looked at Draco, tilting his head to the side.

"Why'd you tell me that?"

"Well you may not see us as friends and that's fine, but I would like to be. Not to mention you don't seem to mind me talking about my 'sexcapades'" he made air quotes around the word. "Ron is fine with it as long as I don't try to talk to him about it." At this he laughed. Draco nodded and Harry walked around him and reached for the door handle, pulling it open. As he did Draco grabbed his wrist.

"Thank you, Potter."

"No problem." Harry seemed to think for a moment before adding: "And call me Harry."


sorry you guys

i had homework and a quiz
and time went back an hour so im  still tryna catch up

heres the chapter about 2 hours late 😬😭

love you futher muckers


-- angel janeé xoxo

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