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"Can anyone tell me how the war started?"

"There was a prophecy," said one of the older Ravenclaws in Scorpius' class.

"Correct. Good job, Miss Abigail. Does anyone know what the prophecy said?" Binns looked across the room almost unblinkingly. When no one answered he nodded and waved his wand to force the chalk to start writing the prophecy as he spoke. "It told of a young boy born before the end of the summer that would bring forth the end of one of the darkest wizards of our time, Lord Voldemort."

A chill seemed to roll through the room and all the students looked at each other with wide eyes and scared looks. As Binns told the class about the war and the twists & turns that led to Voldemort's inevitable defeat, they gave him their undivided attention. When he was finally done everyone looked at him shockingly.

"Next class we'll be getting into the specifics and answering any questions not covered within the main history." He dismissed them without another thought. Scorpius was the first out of the classroom.

"I can't believe they have that death eater teaching potions..." A guy spoke from behind him.

"Yeah, what if he tries to poison us or something?"

"I think he's a fine professor, it's clear he wants to do a good job. Not to mention that stuff happened before we were even born," spoke a strong voice in that group.

"Don't forget, Binns said that only the ones who were proven innocent got to go free."

"Oh yeah," spoke the first voice again. "I guess you're right..."

Scorpius slowed down enough for their group to walk past him without noticing him. When they turned a corner heading in the direction of the great hall he sped towards his father's classroom. He stood in front of the door in tears.

Harry opened the door and looked down at Scorpius confused, pulling him into a hug almost immediately.

"What's wrong Scorp?"

Scorpius wanted to tell his Papa what he had learned. He wanted to apologize for what his father did. He wanted to apologize for letting his father keep him away when he knew Harry loved him, but he couldn't speak. He opened his mouth, but couldn't seem to get the words out so he got angry because it was too early for a second dosage of his potions which made him frustrated because he knew he shouldn't have worked himself up like this. He burrowed deeper into Harry's arms and the confused man was more than happy to grip his son tighter if that's the confirmation he needed.

Scorpius could feel himself starting to hyperventilate and Harry quickly held him by his shoulders, arms length away from himself.

"You can tell me what's wrong later, but right now I really meed you to calm down, Scorp. Okay?"

Scorpius nodded and Harry slowly rubbed his arms comfortingly up and down.

"Take a deep breath, Scor," Harry insisted. The boy nodded and took in a huge gulp of air through shivering lips. Harry pulled him the rest of the way in the classroom then led him to his office before moving over to his cabinet and trying to find a calming draught. When he found one he turned to give it to Scorpius who was shaking his head no.

"I-I'm fine, P-Papa." Harry nodded at him and placed the potion back on the shelf while Scorpius took another deep breath before he continued speaking. "I'm not allowed to take calming draughts anyway, they make me feel groggy."

"Oh, okay. So what's going on Scorp?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you Papa..." Scorpius looked away with his head down.

"As nice as that sounds, its seemed like you practically ran here, then had a near panic attack once you did get here. So tell me what happ-" Harry looked up surprised before looking back at the boy sitting on the lounge sadly in front of him. "You had History of Magic today, didn't you?"

"How can you love him? My father... After the stuff he did..." Scorpius looked into Harry's eyes. "How can you love me when I look just like him?"


"Nevermind. I shouldn't have asked. Uh- Thank you...? I just go." He stood to leave but Harry stopped him.

"You are going to sit down and wait for your father to get here. Facts first then we discuss it, remember?" Harry said pulling Scorpius in for a hug, kissing the top of his head before ruffling his hair.

"I remember."

"Good. Do you want Teddy here too? I mean, family dinner is tomorrow night, but I guess we can do both." Harry smiled at him and Scorpius realized that it didn't matter what had happened in the past. Nothing bad had happened since he learned the truth about the war. If anything he understood more about his fathers and as far as he was concerned that was a good thing.

"Yeah," Scorpius smiled back at Harry. "Thanks Papa, that'd be great. I kind of missed lunch to come here."

"I'm glad you did," Harry said chuckling before he ruffled the little blonde's hair again then moved towards the door. "C'mon, let's go round up the rest of the clan, huh?"

"Can we get Teddy first?" Scorpius looked up at Harry and he was reminded of a younger Scorpius asking for help finding his father and he couldn't help but send the boy a small smile.

"Of course." Harry took out his wand and locked up his classroom. "Though I think Teddy is usually practicing at this time, but we can go watch for a bit before pulling him out of the zone."

Scorpius chuckled but ran ahead of his Papa towards the quidditch field where Teddy was playing a Seeker's game all by himself. They watched as he flew after the snitch. Harry was following the ball with his eyes whereas Scorpius kept losing sight of it and had to ask Harry to point it out for him. Once Scorpius would find out where Harry said it was, it wasn't long before he lost it again. When they had seen Teddy reach for and miss the snitch more than three times Harry accioed the ball to him and watched Teddy follow it before rushing towards the ground and landing.

"Hey Scorp! Hey Pops! What's up?" He blanched for a minute. "Is this about the fish tank in the-"

"Nothing's up. Wait, the fish tank in the where-now?" Harry said looking pointedly at Teddy with his hands on his hips.

"Nothing, Pops. It's just a joke. So..." He started when no one said anything in response.

"Scorp had his war lesson today, so we're going to discuss it over family dinner."

"But family dinner is tomorrow. Isn't it?" Teddy asked scratching the back of his head confused. Harry pushed his son's sweat soaked hair back from his head.

"You miss a lot when you're out putting fish tanks where they shouldn't be, huh," he said causing Teddy and his hair, comically enough, to blush in response. Scorpius bit back a laugh at the hue.

"Nice hair, Bubblegum," Scorpius snorted out.

"If you really like it, I can make yours the same color," Teddy said with an evil smirk.

"How is little Fred a bad influence on you?" Harry asked surprised. "You're older than him!"

Teddy smiled at his dad, but he couldn't stop chuckling as they walked back up to the castle.


hey futher muckers

2 more chapters then an epilogue
where has the time gone?

ive been writing this story since last semester!

i remember the first time i decided i wanted to write an adult drarry


hope you enjoyed

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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