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The morning after was a blur of Harry blushing then leaving before having to rush back to Hogwarts for the beginning of the new week.

On Wednesday he got a fire call from Draco. He hurried to his office to answer.

"I think the first book should be ready for printing before you come back for Winter Break," Draco said into his fireplace, while still staring at his storyboard notes. Harry nodded at him from the other side of the flames. After that night in bed Draco decided he would be there for Harry. It wasn't just about how he felt about Harry anymore, it was about what Harry needed, what he deserves.

"So, no hello?" Harry said smiling until Draco looked up and chuckled.

"Hello, Harry. How are you today, love?"

"Better now that I can talk to you." It was like the goofy smile was never leaving Harry's face. Draco rolled his eyes at the younger man's antics.

"Harry we write letters every day. I even apparated to Hogwarts yesterday to have lunch with you in your office."

"Thanks, Dray," Harry said finally seriously. "I don't think I ever thanked you for the other night either.."

"Harry- Don't do this...you don't have to say anything-"

"I mean, I know...I-I want to. You deserve more than me, but I do like that you're trying to make us work..." Harry looked away. Since he slept over at Draco's house he felt like he didn't need to try and be so confident all the time. He could let his insecurities out, because the blonde deserved honesty. He deserved so much more, but this is all Harry felt he could give. Sure he could buy Draco a variety of things, but Malfoy could just buy those himself.

"Bloody hell, Potter! Are you kidding me?" Draco snapped. He looked around before making shooing motions with his hands. "Back up, I'm coming through."

Harry stood and backed away without another word and barely a moment later an angry Malfoy was stepping through.

"Are you trying to say you don't deserve me, Potter? Because I swear if it is-"

"How could I be..?

"Harry James Potter. Do you know how many lives you've saved? More importantly do you know how many times you've saved my life? I fought tooth and nail against you all through school and at the end of it all you still found ways to save me. You always find ways to save me. I'm giving you all I have to offer, do you know how hard that is for me? I'm doing that because you deserve it more than anyone, Harry."


"No, let me finish. I'm pathetic, okay? I have lost everything, over and over again. Because I was trying to make my father happy. Trying to make the Dark Lord happy. Trying to make my name mean something." He walked pass Harry and sat on the lounge in his teaching quarters. He took a deep breath and his voice was quiet when he spoke again. "Do you know what my name means now, Harry?"

"Dragon, right?" Harry asked while taking his glasses off to clean them.

"In the literally sense, but because of where my loyalties were in the war my name means nothing. It means death-eater-scum. It means pure-blood-betrayal. It means faggot." Another deep breath then he placed his head in his hands before looking back up at Harry with glossy eyes.

"I'm not worth you hating yourself Harry. I assure you. Do you think half as many people would have died if I hadn't have let those death eaters into Hogwarts? I've tried to work past it, I promise I have, but there is no getting past it when I hear it whenever I go out. Or whenever I tried for a job. That was the first school that even let me and Scorp in the door for the interview."

"Why are you telling me this Draco?"

"Because as much as I love Scorpius, I'm tired of doing things for other people. I care about you, a lot more than I ever thought I would. And I want to make you happy. Not for my sake, but because you deserve the best there is to offer, even if that isn't me. I never want you to doubt yourself. I mean, I know you're going to do it anyway because you're so bloody stubborn, but I wanted to tell you that I am here. I am always going to be here." Draco stood again and grabbed Harry's hands then kissed each knuckle. Harry's face was wet with tears but that didn't stop him from pulling Draco into a huge hug. He put his head in the crook of Draco's neck and kissed and felt the blonde shiver beneath him.

"Dray...I know we aren't datin-"

"Would you like to?"


"Date me? Be my partner or my boyfriend or whatever. Would you like to?"

"Well of course I would, but-"

"So would you be my boyfriend?"

"Dray are you being serious right now?"

"We don't lie to each other Harry. We never have. Not really." Draco tilted his head to the side as he looked down at the slightly shorter man and began blushing, having the red rush up his ears as well while Harry pretended to think even with the tears still in his eyes. "So, would you?"


"So now that that's settled, you have to stop crying, love." Draco lifted his hand and wiped the tears from Harry's face before kissing him slowly, savoring the taste. "Now what were you going to say?"

"Uh...n-nothing!" Harry's tan face was turning deep red as he blushed and dropped his head in order to avoid eye contact with the taller man.

"Since when did we lie to each other?" Draco asked softly while fingering Harry's chin forcing the raven haired man to look up at him. When their eyes met Harry knew he loved this man and even though he had to tell him, this wasn't the time. Not yet.

"It's nothing bad, Dray. I promise. I'll tell you, just not tonight. Okay?" Harry pleaded while staring into those pools of endless mercury. He still looked skeptical, but nodded anyway before kissing Harry again.

"Would it be alright if I stayed with you tonight, Potter?" Asked Draco. Harry nodded and headed towards the door that led from his teachers lounge to his bedroom then opened it.

"I have no class first period tomorrow and you have to get back to Scorp first thing so don't worry about waking me or whatever. You can just get up and go whenever. Okay, Malfoy?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Potter." Draco smiled cheekily at Harry before transfiguring his clothes into pajamas and climbing into bed with an already undressed Harry. Harry took the opportunity to snuggle in closer to the blonde, laying his head on his chest and wrapping his arms around the leaner mans body. He kissed the t-shirt clad chest beneath him before he drifted off into a complete sleep.

"Good night Dray..."

"Night, love," said Draco while kissing the top of Harry's head.


hey futher mucks

no this story is not finished
but luckily for DrakeTheSonOfHades i do update twice a week

also the holidays are upon us
so look out for a extra update this week/weekend

thats it
hope you enjoyed

Love you all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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