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When they entered the castle Harry immediately made his way towards the dungeons where the potions classroom was held. He knocked twice before he entered with both boys at his tail. He spoke before actually surveying the room.

"Scorp had his lesson today so we decided on family dinner tonight. Is that okay?" Harry looked up in time to see a few of his 4th and 5th year students sitting in desks bewildered at Teddy's now messy black hair and green eyes, reminiscent of Harry's own.

He loved being his own person, but when he was around Harry is was almost second nature to him and he didn't mind. He liked looking like his father figure. It saved both him and Harry from unneeded heartache. He looked around and goofily smiled shyly at his 5th year classmates.

Scorpius on the other hand looked down and wished beyond hope that the floor would swallow him up now. Awkward family moments were not the type of moments to be held in front of the entire class. The students in the room looked between the four of them, whispering to each other, but his father didn't seem phased as he continued lazily flipping through a potions book on his desk.

"Sorry, love. I told you that Wednesdays are no good. My schedule marked itself for tutoring day or something."

"Yeah, I forgot. Professor Ward did keep all her study sessions on Wednesday." Teddy sat in an empty seat in the back of the room. "Wasn't even thinking. Sorry, Dad!"

The class was quiet and somewhat expectant, waiting for Harry to answer, but he never did. In front of the room Draco closed the book with a feeling of finality on his desk.

"It's fine, Ted. There's nothing for it now. You all can wait and we can call for a meal after this, alright?" At that Draco looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow as if daring him to question his authority in his own classroom.

"No argument here," said Harry conjuring forth a chair from the edges of the room for him and Scorpius to sit on. Draco grinned at him and walked through the room towards him purposefully. He kissed the dark haired man on the forehead and smiled at him affectionately.

"That would definitely be a first."

The blonde moved back to the front of the room and carried on with his mixed tutoring and re-teaching session. It was as if these students didn't recall ever learning the information. Harry remembered from back when he was in school and he figured that some of them probably hadn't. He sat back in his seat watching as all the students wrote notes and took comments then broke of into groups to practice the potions.


"Malfoy," said Harry in a teasingly calm voice.

"Stop tapping your foot. Maybe you don't like potions, but other people are trying to learn it."

Harry blushed and gave Draco a crooked grin, making a show of lifting his foot and crossing it over the other one that caused the students to break into giggles. One girl raised her hand wearily.

"Professor Potter, are you really with Professor Malfoy?" she asked more confidently than her raised hand would have suggested. Harry only smiled wider, but Scorpius answered for him.

"Yeah, he is. Why?"

"Why!? You were in Binns class today, you heard what your dad did."

"Yeah," stepped in Teddy. "But he's also seen firsthand how our dad has made up for that and how our Papa forgave him. So I think it balances out, Gabby, thanks." Teddy grabbed Scorpius' shoulder and led him from the room. "We'll just go back to your office and wait, Pops."

Harry nodded absentmindedly while looking down at his shaking hands. A light burst overhead causing the kids to yelp and some to even murmur appreciation so Draco hurried over to him.

"Go ahead, we'll be right behind you." Draco turned to Harry and placed his hands over the more tan ones. "You have to calm down, baby. You're destroying my classroom."

"Dray, you have tutoring. This is my fault, I'll just follow the boys and wait."

"Tutoring is done for the day," he said turning towards his fairly new students. "You all can thank Gabriella if you don't understand the assignment next class. That goes for the fourth and fifth years. Dismissed." The class bustled out angrily to a chorus of 'Thanks Gabby!' and 'Nice going jabber-mouth!'.

Harry stood once the class left, closing the door behind them and wrapped his arms around Draco's waist tilting his head back and lifting himself up for a kiss that Malfoy was more than ready to oblige him with.

"You didn't have to do that," Harry said pecking Draco's lips once more.

"Yeah, I think I did." Draco sighed and pulled Harry in for a hug, laying his forehead on top of the shorter man's head. "You were right, I should have told Scorpius before now. He went into that class completely blind today..."

"It'll be okay. That's what family dinner is for. We're going to talk about it, okay? Everything will be fine, Dray. I promise."

"How do you know that, Harry?"

"Is this what you've been doing for the last six years without me? Pouting? Wallowing in self pity?" Harry pushed Draco off of him and held him at arms length. "It's a pity when the Prince of Slytherin starts whining like a bloody Hufflepuff!"

"I'm not whining," said Draco forcing himself to stand up tall and push his partners hands off of his shoulders before crossing his arms then narrowing his eyes at Harry, who shrugged.

"Seems like you're whining to me. All I have seen of you since you've been back is that something beat you into submission."

"So are we going to skip the part where I say it should have been you?"

"Yes we are, because I'm serious. This scared man in front of me is not the man I fell in love with. What happened to you believing in Scorpius? Hell, what happened to you believing in me? I told you Scorpius loves you! He's looking for you to give him an explanation, because the you that is portrayed in those History of Magic books is not the you he knows. It's not even the you that I know. Or ever knew, for that matter." Harry stared at Draco with a smirk after Draco nodded in agreement.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Since you're into this whole submission thing now, does that mean I can top?"

"Oh, in your dreams Potter."

"Absolutely!" Draco pulled Harry closer again and kissed him roughly. "That's the Draco I love," murmured Harry into the kiss.

"I think I remember promising I'd take my time with you..." Draco said kissing down Harry's neck.

There was a knock on the door, but it opened before they had time to separate. Teddy and Scorpius both popped there heads in for mere seconds before closing the door and making retching noises in the corridor.

"Remember us!?" Yelled Teddy through the door.

"Yeah, now I'm double traumatized! I'm going to need a new doctor!" yelled Scorpius after.

Harry chuckled as he pulled Draco in for one more kiss and then pulled him towards the door after adjusting himself in his pants, glad that his teaching robes covered most of the problem.

"It seems our boys got tired of waiting."

"It seems I am tired of our boys," Draco said crossing his arms as best he could with Harry pulling on him and soon they were all walking towards Harry's office for dinner.


Hey futher muckers

posting this at almost 2am on monday so technically i am on time

im going to be in class/doing homework all day so you darlings get the chapter early as shit

one more chapter before
the epilogue

hope you guys enjoyed this

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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