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Malfoy appeared back in his own home with a satisfied pop before releasing Teddy's hand and placing an excited Scorpius on the floor.

"Scor, why don't you show Teddy around while I figure out what we're having for dinner." Scorpius nodded determined and grabbed Teddy's arm, pulling him forward and headed the game room to start the tour.

Draco shook his head and walked towards the kitchen. His house had changed since the war. He made sure of it. He released a lot of the dark spells that once held it. He brightened a few rooms with less drab curtains and paint. At the time he was really loving living the domestic life. He had always thought about it, but now that the house was as he wanted and Scorpius was going to school he decided he should really pick up a hobby. Or a job. Though it isn't like he needed the money.

He stopped in the sitting room right off of the dinning area and crossed his legs, calling for a house elf. It appeared with a crack.

"Tilly, bring me a glass of water please. I'll save the wine for Harry." He thought about how it felt to say that name. He refused to think about the way it made him shiver knowing he was on a first name basis with the kind Gryffindor. It felt genuinely nice. He thanked the elf as it brought back his glass and looked up when he heard a gasp.

"Cousin Draco! Your elves have hats!" Teddy said looking at him with wide eyes from the door of the sitting room, a giggling Scorpius behind him.

"Yeah, Teddy!" started Scorp. "They all do! C'mon, now I can show you the library!" He said excited.

"You have a whole library!?" Teddy exclaims. Scorpius nods and they scamper off leaving a smiling Draco in their wake. There was a tapping at the window and Draco stood to receive both the letter and the owl that sat there.

The owl landed on his shoulder with more grace than he expected the sharp taloned bird to have. He accepted the letter, recognizing the messy scrawl and wrote back.

You know you can just floo over, right? Malfoy Manor Sitting Room.

- DM

He sent the bird off and within 10 minutes there was a rustling then the tumbling of a bespectacled Potter covered in a light dusting of soot.

"I never get any better at that," Harry says rolling onto his bottom and sitting with his spread legs out in front of him one hand holding him up on either side. There was a light coating of blush on his cheeks but he sent Draco that lopsided smile anyway, those green eyes boring into him.

"All the grace in the world Potter, really." Draco smirked down at him and stood, offering the messy man a hand then the seat next to him. Harry accepted graciously. "Would you like a glass of water or..?"

"Pumpkin juice will be fine until dinner, I think." Draco nodded and called for Tilly again. Harry's eyes got huge as he saw the small creature. And stuttered as it left him with the juice. "It- your- hat."

"Wow, are you always this elegant? I can see why the guys like you so much," Draco quipped.

"Your elves have hats!" Draco laughed and nodded.

"Teddy said the same thing."

"Where'd they get hats?"

"I tried to release them from servitude. I bought hats for all of them, but they refused to leave. Although they did accept the gifts. They go on breaks to town sometimes. For all other purposes they are free. They just like to serve I guess." He shrugged. Harry looked in awe. "What?"

"You really have changed."

"No, I'm just allowed to be myself now." He smiled into those green eyes. Harry gave Draco a serious look before speaking.

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