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{ Holiday Bonus Final }

"You know I don't mind if you bring Hermione and Ronald, but the other Weasleys is where I draw the line, Potter." Harry chuckled at Draco's serious tone. "I'm serious, my parents are here!" Harry almost immediately sobered up his laughing.

"I promise. It's just Ron, 'Mione, Rose & Hugo. The rest decided to go back to The Burrow when they found out 'Mione's family was sick." Harry was quiet for a moment. "Do your parents know yet?"

"What about me dating the boy-who-lived? No. But Scorpius is layering the 'Papa' on really thick." Draco said now it was his turn to chuckle.

"It doesn't bother me, Dray. It just surprised me that he accepted me that fast."

"He's 5, Harry. Did you expect to duel him over me?" Draco joked and Harry sputtered making the blonde laugh. Now if you're finally dressed you can floo over and call the Granger-Weasleys from here."

"Got it. See you in a bit."

Draco hung up without telling Harry to floo anywhere but the blue room. He was sure that was the one his parents would be in. It was his mother's favorite. He heard the floo screech and rushed into the blue room to find that yes, Potter had been pulled there and yes, his parents were also there.

"All the grace in the world, Love," Draco drawled from the door as Harry attempted to pick himself off the floor and dust himself off.

"It's not my fault I can't stop falling for you," Harry responded looking up for the first time with that lopsided grin on his face as he stared at Draco.

"That was bad even for you, Potter." Draco chuckled.

"Yeah, I suppose it was. Where's Scorp?"

"Upstairs." Harry nodded then wandlessly spelled the rest of his clothes clean. Draco cleared his throat and motioned towards his parents. "Harry, you know my parents." The raven haired man snapped his gaze to the other side of the room, nodding to each Malfoy in term being sure to send them a blinding grin.

"Narcissa. Lucius." He walked forwards and kissed Narcissa's knuckles before moving over to Draco at the doorway. "I'm gonna call 'Mione." He left after leaning up a bit and kissing him on the corner of his lips. As Draco stood in the room waiting for his parents to say something they could hear Harry calling for Scorpius then the quick pitter patter of feet. "Slow down, Scorp."

"Sorry, Papa."

"Wanna come with me to call Hermione?" There was no response so Draco assumed Scorpius nodded because he heard him giggling excitedly. Once the footsteps faded his father spoke.

"When were you going to tell us? Did you think we would be okay with this? He almost killed you!"

"Father, we're past it. He has saved me way more times than I would like to admit. So you are going to let it go or you are going to leave." Draco spoke calmly and his mother couldn't help but smile at him.

"He's right, dear." Before anything else could be said the doorbell rang and the floo flared up again. Then Harry was peeking his head through the door.

"I told them to come through the floo. I didn't know if you wanted people to know you had guests. Last time it was a fiasco. "

"Because last time you brought a baby dragon!"

"He reminded me of you!"

"That doesn't make it better, Potter."

"Just answer the door, Malfoy. I'll get the floo." As he opened the gate for the floo Rose stepped out in an adorable red winter dress with a matching small R sweater in normal Weasley fashion, holding Hugo's hands. He wore dark khakis and a golden sweater with a red H on the front. They were both holding gift bags.

"Swe-fher," said Hugo happily as he handed it to Harry who had gotten on one knee to place a kiss on each of their cheeks and say hello.

"Aw, thanks Hu." He stood back up. "Scorp! Rose is here." A few moments later Scorpius was peeking into the room.

"Hi, Rose-y. Hi, Hugo. C'mon I laid all my angel and dragon books out for us. I have the coloring ones too!" Rose's face lit up and she pulled Hugo and the gift bag behind her as they headed further into the manor.

Draco stood at the door facing an angry looking Andromeda as Scorpius ran through the house with Rose and Hugo back towards the play room.

"Running, Scorp!" He called back before turning back to the woman in front of him. He held the door open. "Please come in. Dinner is on the table we were just waiting for you 2 to arrive."

"Hey, Cousin Draco?"

"Yeah, Teddy?"

"Is Pa-" at the feeling of his Gam's grip tightening he stopped. "Is Uncle Harry here?"

"Of course he is." Draco squatted down a bit so that he was on Teddy's level enough to whisper in his ear. "You're my secret present for him so you have to be super quiet okay?" Teddy nodded with a huge grin on his face.

"Okay," he whispered giddily.

Draco reached his hand out, which Teddy immediately took then he looked up at Andromeda to see her bitterly let go of his other one. They walked for a bit until they got to the door of the blue room which was cracked just a bit.

Draco knocked before calling out.

"Harry, love, someone is here to see you." Harry came to the door more than a little confused.

"Why would they come to your house to see m-" Harry stopped and dropped to his knees with tears in his eyes when he saw Teddy. "Hey pup."

"Gam said I can't call you Papa anymore," Teddy whispered as Harry pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

"It's okay, pup. As long as I get to see you."

"B-but I liked calling you Papa. It was like I had a-a real family." He stuffed his face into Harry's shirt as he cried. "I missed you, Papa."

"I missed you too, pup." Harry sniffled then looked up at Draco and mouthed the three words he had been dying to say to the blonde for more than a decade. Draco froze while a tear rolled down his cheek as he watched the display in front of him and mouthed back accordingly.

"I love you too."


you futher muckers are spoiled

3 updates in one day!

who woulda thunk it

next update is friday as usual

Happy Holidays loves

hope you enjoyed
Love You All

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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