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Harry and Teddy separated themselves and he made a split decision to take the younger boy out back flying, but on their way out the door Andromeda stopped them.

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked crossing her arms and standing firmly in their way. "Just because we're here doesn't mean-"

"Andy?" Said a small voice from behind Harry, cutting her short. He turned around to see Draco's mother with her hand over her mouth.

"Cissa?" responded Andromeda in a less than angry voice. Narcissa bolted out of the room and away from her husband before wrapping her sister in a tight hug.

"Oh, Andy! Where have you been? I thought you were dead! I mean after the war there was so much carnage..." Andromeda looked surprised at her sister, but never lifted her arms to return the embrace.

"Don't think I've forgotten what you've done. What all of you have done..." She spoke quiet, yet sharply. Her voice was like a knife through all of them. Narcissa dropped her arms and stepped back as though she had been burned. "You were death eaters. The lot of you three! You're the reason my daughter is dead! The reason my grandson doesn't have parents!"

Draco looked defeated and turned slowly to leave the room. Lucius had the nerve to stand proudly in the corner as to not let her words bother him. Hermione held Ron back from heading back into the floo. Harry was the only one who wasn't shocked, but angry. He shoo-ed a confused Teddy up the stairs to find Scorpius, Rose and Hugo.

"Andromeda! Stop it!"He screamed, grabbing Draco's arm to keep him in place once the kids were gone. "It's been practically 10 years. Can you just save it?!"

"So you're okay with this? With what they've done?"

"It's not about whether I'm okay with it. It was war, Andromeda. We all did things we aren't proud of, but some of us are trying to work past it!- Trying to get through it! And we can't do that if we have to be reminded of it at every turn. If you want to stay bitter and angry you can do it by yourself, because I won't let you drag Teddy down as well."

"Don't you dare bring Teddy into this!"

"Why shouldn't I? Don't you always use him as a means to get your way? If you disagree with something I've done you take Teddy away from me. Do you know how much that hurts? Tonks was taken from you, I get that, but Teddy is like a son to me. So imagine how I feel when he's taken from me and I know he's so close but I still can't have him." Harry was done being formal with Andromeda. He was done allowing her to throw her guardianship rights in his face. He was through with her bitter attitude. He was through with her angry victim act.

"I'm leaving," She snuffed heading towards the stairs prepared to call for Teddy.

"You don't have to, but we won't stop you, because Teddy is staying," responded Harry still angry, but slightly less bothered. Andromeda looked at him and it seemed as though she saw the same thing in Harry's eyes that the Dark Lord saw before he fell, because she turned on her heel and stormed towards the door abruptly. She was prepared to pick up the discarded Christmas bell that acted as a portkey when a voice echoed behind her.

"Don't leave, Andy." Narcissa stepped forward once more, slowly placing her hand on her sister's shoulder. "I couldn't stop you before, but I'm not letting you leave this time. Last time you had something to fight for." When Andromeda turned to look at her sister they both had tears in their eyes, but a small smile played on the corner of Narcissa's mouth as she spoke again. "Now you're just being stubborn."

"Well, you had to learn it from somewhere," Andromeda responded quietly finally pulling her sister into a bone-crushing hug.

"So..." said Draco not wanting to stop the moment, but ready for things to calm down a bit. Harry squeezed his hands and he continued. "Dinner is ready now that everyone's here." He lead the way to the dinning room, still holding on to Harry's hand. As they walked they nudged each other and whispered small jokes into each other's ears making the walk calmer in itself.

As they each sat down Draco allowed his father the head seat, with his mother to the left. He sat beside his mother, across from Harry. His mother was across from Andromeda. Seated on the other side of him sat an empty chair for Scorpius (same across the table for Teddy). Beside the empty chairs were Hermione on his side of the table and Weasley on the other, their kids were to take up the last two seats.

"Scorp! Teddy! Rose! Hugo!" called Hermione from the bottom of the stairs. "We're going to eat without you!"

"Noooo!" yelled Teddy who was carrying a laughing Hugo on his back as he sped down the stairs.

"C'mon, Rose-y!" Scorpius yelped pulling Rose behind him. "My daddy's gonna let Grand-père eat all the food if we don't hurry!"

Draco chuckled as his son finally made to the seat beside him and climbed onto it. With a swish of his hand Harry raised the children's seats a bit so they could all reach the table.

"So, Potter, I see you've mastered silent and wandless magic?" Said Lucius with narrowed eyes as the elves started to serve each person around the table. Harry, who was in the middle of sipping his pumpkin juice, choked.

"I mean, I wouldn't say I've m-mastered it..." Harry shrugged causing Andromeda slapped him on the back of the head so he sent her his prize goofy smile. He looked by at the oldest Malfoy and spoke seriously with the smile still on his face. "I'm pretty good at it, but I definitely haven't mastered it, yet."

"Pap- I mean, Uncle Harry is great at wandless charms and stuff. One time he lifted a whole stack of books to my room for me. He didn't even have to look at them!" Teddy spoke excitedly before taking a large bite of his rolls.

"You're doing it again," said Scorpius tilting his head to the side.

"'Cause," said Teddy trying to whisper across the big table. "My gam says I can't-"

"But he isn't your Uncle!" Scorpius was a few steps from a Malfoy tantrum. Draco pinched his arm to grab his attention. His son looked up at him with a mix of confusion and anger. "Tell him to call 'Arry his Papa again, Daddy."

"I can't do that Scorp," said Draco trying to calm his son down.

"B-but you have to," started Scorpius again, but this time with tears in his eyes. The rest of the table had stopped eating and were now looking at the young boy in mid tantrum. "He has to c-call him Papa, 'cause he's family and Papa needs family too!"

"But we aren't his family, Scorpius," says Andromeda, still angry with Harry.

"No," snapped Scorpius angrily with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Papa is fam'ly, 'cause he loves us and we love him! You're not our family, 'cause you're mean to Papa and Teddy!" Scorpius pushed himself from the table and climbed from his seat, leaving the table in shock.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy-" Draco stood, but his son surprised him yet again.

"Excuse me, Daddy, but I'm not hungry anymore." With all the Malfoy grace he was born with he turned and headed back up stairs to his room.

"Well, Draco," started his mother. "I believe your son is even more dramatic than you were at his age.


g'mornin futher muckers

2 chapters today because i want to
go ahead and finish the month of december/christmas


hope you enjoy(ed)

love you guys

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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