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Harry sat on the couch in front of the fireplace at Ron & Hermione's miniature burrow. Their home was a nice size for the 2 of them and both of their children, not to mention the guest room. There was a nice sized yard out back where the kids could play, but it was mostly used for their garden and any stray creatures Hermione tended to for her job.

Ron sat on the couch a bit bug eyed as Harry insisted they allow a Malfoy into their home. He had already had the talk with Hermione. Ron was another story entirely.

"Calm down," said Hermione smacking him on the back of the head. "He'll get here when he gets here." Harry nodded at her, but still tapped his fingers against his bobbing knee.

"Y-yeah. I know. I just wish Ron would stop gaping at me like he's gonna murder the both of them as soon as they pass through." Ron shook his head to clear any bad thoughts and gave Harry an apologetic smile.

"Oi, how am I supposed to react? First you tell me you're going on a date with Malfoy then you're telling me you want us to babysit his little brat-"

"I've had a crush on him since sixth year Ron, maybe before that to be honest. He wasn't too bad third year either. And Scorpius is a great kid."

"Wasn't t- Wasn't too bad!? Are you taking the piss? He dressed like a dementor just to scare you, mate!"

"Exactly so he had to have put forth a lot of effort for me. When did we ever put that much into getting at him." While they were arguing they didn't notice that the blonde had already stepped through the floo with his son.

"I actually spent all night making those costumes. They're hand sewn," said Draco with his normal air of aristocracy. "I pricked my fingers for you, Potter." Harry smiled as he looked up at the blonde from his seat.

"Want me to kiss it better?" He said cheekily as a flush rose on Malfoy's cheeks. Then he looked ahead at the younger Malfoy who looked uncharacteristically shy. "Hey Scorp. Hows it going, bud?"

"Hello 'Arry. I'm fine, thanks." The boy was stood behind one of this father's legs peeking out and speaking small.

"Do I get a hug today or...?" He asked tilting his head at the smaller boy with his arms out. Slowly Scorpius smiled and ran over into Harry's arms.

"Weasley," said Draco nodding at Ron then Hermione. "Granger-Weasley. Thank you for watching Scorpius. If you point him in the direction of your book collection he shouldn't be a bother unless he has questions and he's not allergic to anything." He directed the last part towards the woman of the house. He knew better than to trust the weasel to care for his son.

"Scorp, these are my best friends, Hermione and Ron." As he spoke he pointed to each one. Scorpius nodded then let go of Harry to introduce himself. He swallowed before moving over to Ron first. His father always told him that men of the house liked to be respected. He assumed Mr. Ron was no different.

"Hi, I'm Scorp'us Malfoy." He held out his hand to Ron who shook it firmly.

"Ron. Ron Weasley." At the sound of his last name Scorpius' eyes grew wide.

"My daddy says you have a bunch of siblings! I also heard him tell my Uncle Blaise that it's his fault you don't have as many anymore, but I don't know what that means. How can someone just disappear?"

"His brother is dead, Scorpius," Draco said when it seemed like his son wouldn't stop talking.

"Oh." The young boy looked down at his feet then back up into Ron's eyes. "Then I'm sorry. My mum is dead too." He left a shocked Ron in his wake as he moved over to a smiling Hermione, who held her arms out for a hug.

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