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The day was moving way too slowly in Teddy's opinion. Now, Teddy wasn't a seer by any stretch of the imagination, but he knew that tonight was going to change everything. Everyone was finally going to be happy.

Of course he knew what happy was. Sure, he knew what it felt like. He remembered being happy when he was younger. He knew what it looked like on his dad's face. He even knew what it looked like on Scorp's face, but he was ready to see what genuine happiness looked like on his own face again.

Teddy was much like his Remus when it came to his education, he loved to learn, but he was more like his mother when it came to how he treated that knowledge. Harry had always told him that he was a Hufflepuff because his mom was, but he knew the truth. He was a Hufflepuff because he cared about loyalty. He cared about the dedication his dad was making to keep them together to make him feel like he had a full family. When the Malfoy's cut themselves off from him he knew that if nothing else those traits were the most important.

He took a deep breath and plastered a smile onto his face. He was going to be ready for anything. He sat through class idly tapping his foot before he noticed a piece of folded parchment launch itself onto his desk. It was in the shape of a kitten and he knew who it was without looking up. He looked down at the animated note and rolled his eyes.

You okay?

Teddy took a deep breath and looked over at the desk where the small kitten had come from. Elle Hathor. She was a beater and captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team so she could come off a bit strong. He supposed she was beautiful, but her appearance changed every few days. He shrugged at that thought. His did too, although he still looked like himself for the most part. He nodded at her then turned back to face the professor.

When class was over Teddy almost tripped over his robes as he rushed down the hall. Finally. Class was over. How can professors have so much to go over the first week? I need a nap. A nice long-

"Hey, Ted!" He sighed then turned around slowly once the hall had cleared a bit.

"Oh, hi Elle." He gave her a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes and stuck his hands in his pockets breezily.

"Did you like my note?" She asked her voice a light twinkle as she bounced easily on the balls of her feet. Today she was tan and kind of thin which was a lot different from her usual thicker or more pale demeanors. Her hair which was tied in a long blonde ponytail yesterday was now in a choppy brown french braid with a feather intwined. Her nose was less pointed. Her lips slightly more pouty. Her eyes were a warm brown with small specks of gold. Teddy decided to focus on her eyes, because even as he looked at the rest of her he noticed she was constantly changing.

"Can you not control that?" He asked bluntly, before realizing what he said could be taken rudely. "Uh, sorry..."

"Control wha-Oh! You mean the changing thing?" She said laughing.

"Yeah. The 'changing thing'." Teddy used his hands to make air quotes as he said it.

"Not really, no," she smiled at him. "It's an odd story I guess. I can tell you on the way to the library." He looked at her skeptically and she shoved him playfully. "C'mon. You know you want to." She said, singing the last bit. He gave her a real smile and nodded.

"Okay, sure."

"So," she started as they made their trek through the castle. "My mum was a squib and she married this muggle guy popped out a few kids. They divorced or something and she met my dad. He was an auror for minor ministry cases. Anyway when my mum was pregnant with me some guy recognized my dad from a case and shot at him with a bunch of curses."

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