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A chime went off in Number 12 Grimmauld Place letting Harry Potter know the floo was about to go. He entered the sitting room and waited a moment in front of the fireplace before Teddy finally came stumbling through.

"Dad didn't say it was gonna shoot me out like that!" he exclaimed surprised- out of curiosity or excitement, Harry wasn't sure.

"Yeah, I don't think he said a lot of things..." Harry mumbled to himself before he took a deep breath. "Did he tell you anything?"

"He said I was going to stay with you for a while, but Scorpius wasn't coming with us." Teddy looked kind of angry. "He said we couldn't even visit. I hate when adults do that!"

"Sorry, pup. You head on upstairs and prepare for dinner I'll order in." Harry walked towards the kitchen after hugging Teddy and ruffling his hair.


Draco published the next book as promised, but wasn't at any of the releases. The next time Harry saw striking blonde hair was what seemed like an eternity later. Of course Draco was always in his dreams, but the first time they were almost face to face was the first day Scorpius started Hogwarts, almost 6 years later.

Harry stood on the platform seeing Teddy off. Harry wore his thirties well and smiled at Teddy, who was more into being call Ted these days.

"It'll be fine, pops," he spoke with a wide grin and a real confidence. He had grew up the last few years he wasn't an awkward kid so much anymore. He had turned 16 earlier that year and he was one of the most excited starting 5th years Harry could see. When Harry nodded but didn't move Teddy looked at him more carefully. "Are you coming on the train or you floo-ing over later?"

"Uh later. Just uhm- watch out for him...okay?"

"Who? Scorp? We haven't seen them in years, pops. I'm sure he'll be fine." Teddy never told Harry how much it hurt him when his new family came together and fell apart just as quickly. By the time he was 13 his grandmother had died leaving everything to him and Harry in the will. Harry nodded then ruffled Teddy's hair before the boy changed it back and rushed onto the train to talk to some of his other Hufflepuff friends.

He saw Rose preparing for her first train ride like a first year Hermione all over again and waved at her. She happily smiled before waving back. He hadn't talked to Ron or Hermione since that accident in the book store. Of course Hermione had tried to apologize, but he didn't want to hear it. It wouldn't change anything. At this point he couldn't tell who was more of a recluse, himself or Draco. He knew it was pretty close.

He turned to leave when something slammed into him and he heard a small "Unff!"

"Sorry sir! I wasn't looking where I was going. I have a bit of an attention issue and I'm kind of excited, but really nervous and my Dad went off to have another cry and-" he took a breath. When he did Harry turned to look at him and smiled small. His hair wasn't slicked back or pompous, but he was clearly a Malfoy. Different size, same Scorpius.

"It's fine, Scorp. Are you ready for first year?" The boy looked at him like he was trying to place the face before he looked surprised with the beginnings of tears in his eyes.

"Papa?" He said almost in a whisper before wrapping his arms around Harry. Then pulling away with a gasp. "Father is here somewhere! You should talk to him- you shou-"

"Calm down, Scorp. If your dad doesn't want to talk, he won't talk. No point in pushing him." Harry felt his heart swell looking at the boy in front of him. "You've gotten so big!" Harry said almost to himself.

"And I'm writing now, papa! Just like Teddy used to." He got excited again for a minute before looking around Harry. "Is Teddy here? Is he with you? I haven't seen him in ages! We heard about his Gam though. I am sorry..."

"Teddy is already on the train. He and a few of his friends from Hufflepuff got on not too long ago. It shouldn't be too hard to find him, though." The train whistle blew and they hugged before the small blonde had to jet onto the train.

"See you at school, Papa!" Scorpius called out before hurrying through the train looking for his adoptive brother. Once he found the right compartment he knocked timidly.

A brown skin girl slightly taller than him and already in her uniform answered the door. She wore wire framed glasses and had her hair cut short with the sides tapered in. She was average size, but her curves were prominent. Her height is what surprised him more than the wings that seemed to sprout at random intervals from her shoes, mostly because he had gotten his height from his father and he knew himself to be quite tall for an 11 year old.

"What?" She asked bored but curious with her head tilted slightly to forward as if she couldn't understand why he had to look up at her.

"May I join your compartment? I was actually looking for Teddy, but I don't know if he'd want to see me."

"What are you his little boy toy or something?" She asked sarcastically. But Scorpius looked surprised.

"No! He's my brother. I haven't seen him in a while..." He looked down. "I shouldn't have came, I'm sorry. I'll go find an empty comp-"

"Who is it, Tess?" says a voice from behind her.

"Some kid, says he's your brother." Not even a moment later there was a head beside the girl and it's hair quickly flashed Malfoy blonde.

"Hey, Scorpius," Said Teddy with a smile on his face, doing his best to keep his tears from falling. "Tess, move. Let'em in."

"Wait," said a voice once Scorpius was inside the compartment with Teddy, Tess and 2 of his other friends. "Your that Malfoy kid right?"

"Well, yes," said Scorpius confused as to why that mattered.

"Just ignore them, Scorp. I missed you buddy." Teddy pulled him in for a hug and let his hair remain that platinum blonde to make sure Scorpius could stay comfortable. He knew he told Harry that Scorpius would be fine, but now that he was within view he could be sure of it.

He smiled at his little brother as the train finally pulled off. This would definitely be a year to remember.


hey futher muckers

new chapter and it was a time jump

how'd you like it?
love it? hate it?
lemme know :)

a few more chapters before its all over

thanks for reading
love you all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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