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{warning ⚠️ sex after the wedding}
{authors note edit: june 25, 2017)

"Calm down, mate!"

"I can't calm down, Ron! I knew he was going to do something like this."

"Like what...?"

"Like force me into the most expensive robes he could find. I told him we could have a simple gathering. Our closest friends and family. What does he do? Invite the entirety of his bloody floo contacts!"

"I wouldn't stress it too much, Harry," said Hermione coming in and closing the door behind her. "It's a bonding ceremony, the only people who will be able to watch are people who are already or have already been bonded."

"Yeah," agreed Ron quickly. "The rest of the lot are just here for the signing of the contract and the reception."

Harry nodded and visibly relaxed allowing Hermione to come closer and fix his tie. She smiled at him before removing his glasses and cleaning them.

"Honestly, Harry. How you can see out of these things are beyond me," She spoke thickly and he could tell she was trying to talk through her tears.

"Thanks, 'Mione. I really appreciate it. I've always appreciated it. Don't cry..."

She sniffled once more and he sighed.

"Who's crying? I'm not crying. Why would I be crying?"

"Cause Harry's marrying that git, Malfoy. I would be crying, but I've already had some refreshments from George," Ron said, making sure he whispered that last part only to Harry. The ravenette in turn elbowed him in the stomach, but sent him a grin all the same.

"Be honest, who looks better?" Harry asked as Hermione tried her best to spell his hair as flat as possible.

"No idea, mate."

"You, of course."

Ron and Hermione spoke at the same time. She glared at him before looking away and busying herself with trying stronger spells on his hair.

"He said be honest, 'Mione."

"I am being honest!"

"No you're not. I can tell, 'cause you won't even look me in the eyes." Ron chuckled before turning back to Harry. "He won't let us in the room. He has Zabini and Parkinson in there with him."

"Oh," said Harry looking down nervously. When another spell was sent to his hair and he caught a glimpse of bright pink in the mirror he shrieked. "'Mione, you know it isn't going to get any flatter and after it gets too saturated with spells they react with each other. Remember what happened during you and Ron's wedding."

"How was I supposed to know your hair was going to start singing?"

Ron and Harry laughed but Hermione just looked sheepish.

"I admit it wasn't your fault, it's a Potter thing, but still..." He lifted her hands and kissed the knuckles before turning to face Ron too. "Thank you though, really. Both of you."

Down the hallway in Malfoy Manor Draco stood in front of a mirror with his arms crossed and an almost permanent glare on his face.

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