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Draco sat in Harry's office alone this time. The ravenette was in class, but Draco was starting on book 3. He stayed on campus with Harry most nights anyway.

There was a knock on the door, but before he could get up to answer it McGonagall entered with a kind yet firm smile.

"Mr. Malfoy, I was told I could find you here. I do not have much time to explain, but I would like for you to follow me." When he didn't move her smile fell and she turned away swiftly. "Now, please."

He quickly stood and followed her through Harry's full classroom to the sound of gasping students before following her even quicker pace down the hallways and towards the dungeons.

"I'm sorry, Professor, but-"


"Sure, Minerva. I'm slightly confused." She turned abruptly once more as they reached the door of what he knew to be the potions classroom.

"You passed your NEWTs with qualifications to become a teacher, yet you turned down the position. I am no longer asking. Our current professor is being transported to St. Mungos and therefore needs a fit replacement. You are more than capable of teaching this class. While Professor Ward is out you will be taking her place. Call it your 'trial period'. Regardless of whatever you call it, your first class begins in an hour. You can follow her lesson plans or you can create new ones sometime this week. Seeing as though you are always on campus anyway, now you have something to do with your idle time. This also means you are currently Slytherin's stand-in Head of House."

Draco was surprised to say the least. He had originally turned down the job because he had just been married. His memories of Potter and their rivalry were too raw. He closed his mouth which he assumed had opened in shock and nodded at her.

"Thank you, Prof- Minerva," he corrected as she looked at him with a smile in her eye.

"Of course. Don't forget to read over your lesson plans, Professor. The year has just begun!" She continued walking back up towards her office and Draco noted that her brisk pace may have just been the way she moved through the castle.

He entered the classroom as if he were on auto pilot before making his way into the back room where the potion master's office was kept. He looked around at the cool violets and greens he assumed Professor Ward had used and with a quick flick of his wand the room was washed in bright whites and cool greys with hints of green. His new chair for example was a plush leather desk chair in a deep emerald green with silver accents. He smiled as he sat in it and picked up the folder labeled lesson plans that was tucked into the first drawer he opened on the desk he sat behind.

Giddily he flipped through it until he was met with today's date.


Objectives/Fourth Years
- TLW read over the description of a sleeping draught
- TLW discover how to properly brew a sleeping draught
- TLW remember how to properly brew an antidote
- TLW keep notes of responses and common problems
- TLW properly label and display correct potions
- TLW properly destroy and dispose of incorrect brews
[ TLW - The Learner Will ]


Draco scoffed at the paper. This seemed easy enough. He could make a sleeping draught no problem. He just had to show a group of fourth years how to do it. It shouldn't be too hard. He had taught Scorp most of what he knew. Anything else, the boy had read about himself. He nodded to himself and stood up from his temporary desk then walked back into his new classroom. He grabbed the ingredients he knew from memory and laid them on the teacher's tray up front before beginning on an example cauldron of potion. He checked the time and nodded to himself. He mused that the brew should be finishing up just as the fourths were set to arrive.

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