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"Keep your eyes closed!" Draco hissed, plucking Harry's nose.

"We just apparated! Can I get my bearings before you start beating me around?" Harry whined, only half-heartedly.

"No, we're almost there." Draco sped his pace and approached someone with a voice Harry could vaguely place.

"Oh, great. You made it on time."

"Did you expect us to be tardy?"

"To be honest, I didn't think you were going to show up at all."

Draco rolled his eyes and pulled a still blinded Harry up the stairs and into the back of Flourish and Blotts, before forcing him to take a seat then sitting beside him.

"You can open your eyes now, love." At his request Harry slowly opened his eyes as if he were expecting a big loud affair.

"Why are we in Flourish & Blotts?" He asked while looking around and stopped when he saw a sign that read Harry Potter: Year 1, The Stone. "It's published," he said more than asked in awe.

"I told you it would be done by holiday break. Being that it's about you it may have gotten a bit more press than originally thought," said Draco with slight amusement as wizards and witches of all ages poured through the door and into the store. All of their eyes were on the pair in the front of the room. The face he noticed first was that of Hermione, rushing through the crowd to slam her hands on the table.

"Harry James Potter!" He shrank down in his seat and looked up at her.

"Hey 'Mione..."

"That's all you have to say? It's Christmas and I get 5 different floo calls saying you have an event for a book and everyone is saying its your true unaltered story. It was just released a few days ago and it's already a best seller!"

That seemed like news to Draco who didn't know whether to be proud or terrified.

"Draco wrote it. I'm just here for moral support." Harry tried reasoning to no avail.

"This Draco?" She screeched. "And it's supposed to be the true unaltered version?"

"Wow, and here I thought we were becoming friends, Granger," drawled Draco falling back into his old role.

"Draco, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just- we've known you for awhile- how am I supposed to believe you wouldn't paint yourself to be some victim? Why wouldn't you make yourself seem better to us than you really were?" He looked down at the table after she finished talking. But her gaze on him was stayed rude and unwavering.

"Because I promise I've hated myself more violently than you ever will." He looked into her eyes with a burning glare they hadn't seen in years. "I know what I've done. I have no reason to hide behind falsities. I was a terrible person to a lot of people, I probably still am, but I wouldn't do that to Harry. Not anymore. He deserves better." He stood up and turned away from the table heading back towards the back door.

"Dray? Wait, where are you- Draco?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do this. I'll see you at home, Harry."

"What the hell Hermione?" Harry hissed as people came closer to the table sensing no problems now that Draco had left.

"Harry I- Sorry...I didn't think-"

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