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They entered the parlor and sat down.

"Daddy! Teddy told me a really funny story!" Scorpius said rushing up to hug his father's legs.

"No!" Teddy screeched laughing from his seat. "You can't tell the adults!" Scorpius giggled then let go of his dad and covered his mouth.

"Sorry, daddy," Scorp said running back to his seat, face reddened from sugar and his quick sprints.

"I hope this wasn't a bad story, Teddy." This time it was Harry who spoke from beside Draco before moving back and sitting in the booth again. He looked at Teddy warningly who instantly sobered up.

"N-no. It was about why I was in time out today." He let his head fall to the table in embarrassment. Draco, who had finally made it to the table, looked at him interested mostly at how much the kid looked like Harry at Hogwarts on particularly hard days.

"He's has pretty good control of his magic. I mean, he practically looks just like you, minus the glasses and the scar." Draco nodded towards Teddy and Harry smiled a bit.

"Yeah, sad to say he is actually a natural blonde, though," Potter joked. Draco stuck his nose in the air in mock superiority.

"Well of course he is. It's in his blood." Both Teddy and Scorpius broke into fits of giggles at this. For a moment Teddy's hair flashed that bright blonde again before settling for Harry's dark color laced with streaks of the platinum color. He blinked once and when he opened his eyes each was a different color. One was firmly Harry's emerald green and the other was silver and flowing like Malfoy's.

"That's so cool!" Shouted Scorpius now standing on the booth seat.

"Sit down, Scorp."

"Calm down, Scorp."

Harry and Draco spoke at the same time. Draco blushed and looked away causing Harry to chuckle lowly and look back at Teddy who continued talking to Scorpius who had sat back down and looked quite embarrassed with himself as well.

Malfoy's don't lose their manners, Daddy told him so. He would do better. He promised.

"It's called Heterochromia," started Teddy. "It happens when the dominant and recessive genes for a trait take over. I read about when I was at Uncle Harry's house."

"Why do you call him Uncle Harry? He's not your uncle. He's your godfather." Asked Scorpius, thoroughly curious now.

"Cause Gam doesn't like when I call him Dad. She said it's not polite because I already had a father." Harry had resigned to letting the little ones talk, but at Teddy's last admission he looked up. He never knew how Andromeda had felt. He remembered that Teddy had called him daddy at some point but he had just stopped. Scorpius rolled his eyes in true Malfoy fashion.

"Does he take care of you when you don't feel good?" He asked.

Teddy nodded.

"Does he make you good food?"

Teddy laughed. "He can't cook very well." Scorpius shrugged.

"My daddy's a great cook. It's cause he's good at potions. Uhm well does he buy stuff for when you need it?"

Teddy nodded again.

"Then he's like your dad and I think thats rude not to call him one too." Scorpius had his little eyebrows furrowed in what Harry thought could be either confusion or frustration but it was adorable on the little guy's face.

"Just leave it, Scorp," chastised Draco calmly.

"Sorry, Daddy. Sorry, Teddy. Sorry, 'Arry." A blush had covered his cheeks and the tips of his ears in embarrassment as it used to do when Malfoy was angry in school and Harry shook his head while chuckling lightly.

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