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So i hope you like it cause it's big! 

I work really hard to make it funny and at the same time serious! So i really hope you like it! 


Ps: Thanks for the 70 reads! Could we get 100? I would be sooooooo HAPPY! 


-Girls, so we filmed the first segment of the show...

-Oh shit... –i whispered-

-But we haven’t done anything for you to film! –Cassidy said-

-The fight... –Tania said confident- It was pretty good! I have to congratulate Cassidy and Brooklyn!

-Thanks... i guess... –i said pretty scared-

-We have to record the commercial and i have to inform you that there is a “Truth room” upstairs, on the sixth door on the right.

-What are we supposed to do there?

-At the end of the day, you’ll go upstairs to record something you want to say about someone or something in the house and it will appear on the show! Now i have to go girls! See you tomorrow!

-Bye Tania! –we all said-

When Tania left, Cassidy said she wanted to go to the truth room now... i’m sure she’s going to invent something about me...

Cassidy went upstairs and i went to the living room to play playstation.

-So... what do you think Cass is going to say in the truth room? –i said has i pressed the buttons in the controller-

-I’m pretty sure she’s gonna say something about you.... –Ashley said-

-Me too... –Ella said- You started off on the wrong foot...

-I know, i know... but there’s something about her that makes me act all bitchy... she’s... posh and shit...

-Yup... i’ve met her before! –Ella said-

-How? When? Where? –Brittany asked her excited-

-In the exchange trips... –she sighed-me, her and another girl were in a group who went to Brasil and that’s how we met... We were not close but we talked...

 I changed subjects.

-Let’s talk about... i don’t really know...

-Who’s your favourite lad Brook? –Ashley asked me- I think you can answer the question now...

-I don’t have a favourite lad cause they’re all stupid... but i kinda like the fact that there is an Irish guy on the band! It makes me feel proud of me’ country! And who’s your favourite? –i asked Ashley-

-Mines Harry! –she practically exploded-


-The curly haired guy...

-OH! That one! –i said has i pressed the buttons again-

-Who wants to go next? –Cass said scaring the shit out of me! Is she some kind of demon who appears where it wants and goes mad over 5 british/irish boys?-

-I’ll go... –i said pausing the game-

-SIXTH DOOR ON YOUR RIGHT! –Cass screamed-

-THANKS! –i screamed back...-

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