24. Playing Games

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"You want to go back to Karasuno," Kenma deadpans.

You nod. "Yes, I do."

There's silence for a bit – you could hear a pin drop, and the air suddenly feels very heavy, like you can't breathe – as you return both the king and his advisor's anxious stares. No one says anything and you feel like you're suffocating, but you don't want to be the first one to speak. Not after this sort of reaction.

Kenma exchanges a glance with Kuroo before the latter bursts out in laughter. "You? Go back to Karasuno? After everything you've done? You're hilarious; you should've been a professional comedian."

You wave a hand in the air as if to brush aside his comments. "I know I've made a big mess in Karasuno, but I want to go back. I have to. I came to a realization while I was in Aoba Jousai."

"So let me get this straight," Kuroo says, cutting you off. "You were Kageyama's fiancée until you decided to run away from him, and nobody still knows why. Didn't you leave him standing at the altar? And then you ran to King Oikawa, begging him to take you in, right? Of course, that guy couldn't – and still can't – resist a woman in need, so he obliged and made you his fiancée. But that brings us right back to know, when you came running over to Nekoma to ask us for help to get you back to Kageyama's side. And this is still for reasons beyond my understanding," he says. Levelling a gaze right at you, he continues, "Am I right or am I right?"

You nod mutely.

The king's advisor rises from his seat next to the king and walks towards you. You shrink back a bit, but there's not much space to go backwards, and Kuroo leans in until he's inches away from your face. He whispers, "Care to tell the king and I exactly why you're here?"

You nod again, unable to protest.

"Kuroo, can we take this inside the castle?" Kenma's voice interrupts.

The former stiffens a bit, but nods in response to the king. "Of course, my lord," his advisor purrs, turning to face Kenma and bowing deeply. "Follow us, (First Name), or whatever you say your real name is."


You're shown to a luxuriously furnished room in the trademark Nekoma colors and ushered into a plush velvet chair. The king and his advisor sit across from you, and the door is locked.

"Well, (First Name), I do believe we deserve an explanation if, and I repeat, if, we are to help you," Kuroo murmurs, narrowing his eyes and creating a steeple with his fingers. "Let's start from the beginning. Tell us why you left Kageyama."

"That's... well, it's a long story."

"We have time, don't we, Kenma?" Kuroo leers. The king nods in agreement with the statement as Kuroo smiles pleasantly, but the expression doesn't reach his eyes.

You sigh. "Most of it is confidential. State secret. I can't possibly tell you all of it, but I'll tell you what I can so that you'll trust me.

"Kageyama was always a bit of a tyrant, wasn't he? He was always a bit greedy, a bit obdurate, a bit selfish, a bit presumptuous. Tyrannical, I think, would be the best way to describe him. When I met him, however, I was able to temper that and find a sort of balance that would get him what he wanted without resorting to dictatorial methods. I think I mellowed him out," you laugh. "That aside, however, we had that ball, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but go on," Kuroo comments.

"We had a ball where we hosted Aoba Jousai and other countries, and Kageyama introduced me to everyone as his fiancée. Oikawa decided to kidnap me that night and Kageyama got really pissed, but I was okay and managed to get out of it successfully." Kuroo cocks an eyebrow at this but says nothing, and despite noticing this, you power forwards in your story.

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