[5] Oh God, No.

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Thursday and Friday were relatively unspectacular. Ellie got a bit done for a project she had to do for her class. She was studying photography. Now she was, at least. She already had a bachelor in arts, Liberal Arts to be exact, but during that time she had discovered her passion for photography. And she had been lucky enough to get accepted for a two year degree program. And part of that degree program was exactly that project.

But when Friday evening rolled around she put her camera away and exchanged her trousers and shirt for a skirt and casual blouse. She didn't want to dress up that much, but she still wanted to keep her standard. She had met Mike, obviously, and he was always dressing very casually. She didn't want to assume that his bandmates had the same sense of style but she certainly wasn't going to dress down. That wasn't her style at all.

When she had done her make up and hair and everything that needed to be done in order for her to feel presentable, she got her handbag and jacket and key and made her way to the small corner store at the end of the street. If she was invited somewhere she was a good guest. She always brought something, food, alcohol, whatever came to her mind. Because she hadn't had the time to cook anything she was going to get some alcohol - whatever was on offer - and some crisps.

Once she had eveything she got on the bus to Holland road, it were only a few stops and she could have walked, but she was a little late and she didn't want the wind and slight rain to mess up her hair. She didn't bother sitting down in the bus because after a couple of minutes she got off again and pulled her hood on. She looked around, hoping to spot Mary or possibly even Lynn and Mike somewhere. But so far no luck so she had to actually go look for the address.


She knew that voice. She turned around and sat Mary jogging towards her. Yes, that was good, it meant she wasn't alone anymore and getting lost together was much less bad than getting lost alone.

"Hey, wow you look great." Ellie greeted her friend with a big smile and a hug.

Mary returned the smile. "So do you, but you always look great. Do you know where to go?"

"In theory, yeah, but I haven't actually found the house yet. I guess we just have to look around."

Mary nodded and together the two young women walked along the pavement, looking for the address Lynn had given them.

"What do you have in the bag?" Mary asked curiously and reached for the plastic bag Ellie was carrying. "Beer - Guinness, a bottle of vodka.. Oh that's a cheap one," Mary laughed and shook her head.

"It was on offer, don't judge me. At least I'm bringing something," she chuckled. "I got the more expensive crisps instead though, so that makes up for the cheap vodka, so hush."

Mary chuckled and nodded. "Yes, sorry, what was I thinking. Alright, are you ready for a fun night? I met with Lynn last night and she showed me a couple of picture of the band."

"And?" Ellie asked with a grin, wiggling her eyebrows. "Anything good?"

Mary laughed and shrugged. "Well.. The drummer is pretty cute, I think he's right up your alley. Fun for one night, possibly even more than one night, completely without strings attached."

"And the guitarist? Y'know, the one that was supposed to be right up your alley?" Ellie smirked at her.

Mary laughed timidly again. "Well... he's a bit funny looking, and he sounds a bit nerdy. But actually... I don't know him obviously, but somehow their singer.. He sounded like a cute guy.. Y'know?" She chuckled, running a hand through her long blonde hair.

"The singer?" Ellie wiggled her eyebrows and nudged her side. "Well, I'm going to make sure you can talk to him alone then. Don't worry, you and the singer - what's his name?"

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