[18] Two Guinness

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The four guys had rearranged the billard balls again, and Roger and Brian handed their cues to Sue and Pat who wanted to play. Brian didn't ask Ellie if she wanted to play, and simply sat at the table with Roger. And he didn't look at her once. It was really getting very frustrating. Ellie leaned back in her chair again with a sigh. That finally caused her to get the two men's attention and they looked at her with raised eyebrows. Both of them. Even Brian.

Ellie coughed a little and looked back at them surprised. "Uh..." She wasn't sure what to do with this sudden attention. "I'm.. gonna get another drink, so you want anything?" That seemed like a safe thing to say.

"I'll take another one if you're going anyway."

Brian's voice was so soft and gentle as always, it made Ellie smile a little. "Alright.. You, Roger?" She was trying to seem casual but she was very happy that Brian was talking to her.

"I'm good for now, thanks." Roger held up his still half filled glass and smiled at Ellie.

She nodded and slowly got up, taking her and Brian's glasses with her. She walked to the counter and placed the glasses on top, leaning against it a little. The waitress who had served them before wasn't there so she had to wait for a moment, but she didn't mind. It gave her a chance to get lost in her thoughts, letting her mind wander to Brian.

What she did mind was the guy who suddenly appeared next to her, pulling her back into reality quickly. She looked at him, surprised, and straightened her posture a little, raising her eyebrows. But she didn't say anything.

"Hello there."

Ellie didn't change her posture or expression and just kept looking at him. "Can I help you?" Her voice was rather cold, unwelcoming.

"I was thinking I might be able to help you," he told her with a wink.

She couldn't help but let her eyes wander over him, judging him in her usual manner. Not ugly, but not as good looking as some other guys she slept with. He was.. alright. But he would have to convince her a lot. Really a lot. She didn't want to talk to him. "Unless you're a waiter here, you won't be able to help me."

If he wanted her, he would have to work for her. Because so far she wasn't convinced in the slightest.

"I'm not a waiter here, but I thought a pretty lady like you shouldn't be alone."

Somehow it wasn't going well for that guy. Normally Ellie really didn't need a lot of convincing to go for a guy, especially if he was being so obvious about what he wanted, but this guy was somehow not really doing it for her. Not even in the slightest. He was too.. blond. Too bulky, and his hair was too neat and too short. His smile was too false, too cheesy. Too much of what Ellie didn't like. Something was off about him.

"And what makes you think I'm alone?" She asked, crossing her arms.

He looked around and shrugged. "I don't see anyone around you, I would like to change that."

"Too bad, I'm not alone. I'm not interested." 

Wait, what? Never had she told a guy that she wasn't interested. Never. So why now? Why did she say no? And why didn't she regret that? She really didn't want anything to do with him. Not even just sex. She was very confused by herself. And yet, at the same time she felt good.

Finally the waitress came back, at least helping Ellie through this situation by not letting her be alone with the guy any longer. "I'm sorry, Miss, have you waited long? I had to get something from the back, my colleague is ill today," she apologised and hurried over to her.

"Don't worry, it's not a problem. Not at all." Ellie smiled back at her, very relieved. "Could I get two Guinness?"

"Of course, definitely." She smiled and immediately got the two drinks ready for Ellie.

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