[51] Only for You

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It seemed like a very short time had passed before Ellie's alarm clock pulled them both out their worlds of dreams.

Groaning a little, Ellie rolled onto her back, trying to smack her alarm clock so it would stop beeping, so it would stop annoying them.

"What time is it?" Brian asked, mumbling into his pillow so Ellie could hardly understand him.

With a heavy sigh Ellie replied to him. "Seven.." She rubbed her eyes and finally managed to turn off the alarm clock. "You can stay here, really. It will be okay. I don't want you to be too tired today." She leaned over to him and very softly kissed his cheek.

Brian rolled onto his side and shook his head a little. "No, no, I want to come with you."

"Okay." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek again. "But then at least let me get breakfast ready before you get up, okay? I promise I won't leave without you."

"Alright," he agreed and nodded a little again. "I like that deal.. I would help you, but you owe me a breakfast anyway."

Ellie chuckled a little and nodded. "Yes, I know. And I want you to relax in bed a little while longer."

"I will, as long as you won't forget me."

"I couldn't forget you, don't worry. I will be back soon with a lovely breakfast for a lovely man." She kissed his forehead and quickly got up. She went into the kitchen and got started on the breakfast. It was only when she opened her fridge to get some eggs and milk for pancakes that she realised that she didn't have anything. She had milk, but that was it. "Oh..." She muttered to herself and closed the fridge again.

Slowly she returned to the bedroom and glanced at Brian with a small smile. "Uhm.. hello again. Sorry.. I don't have anything really actually, to eat, I mean." She waited until he was looking at her before she continued. "I.. I could make porridge, I guess, but I don't know if you're sick of that already."

"A little," he admitted. "But if you don't have anything else, that will do, don't worry."

"I will have a look, okay? I promise. Don't worry." She smiled at him before she turned around and returned to the kitchen. She opened her fridge again and decided to try to make something out of the leftover apples and yoghurt she still had. It maybe wasn't the fanciest the breakfast ever, but it was something and it wasn't porridge, and Ellie had a feeling that Brian would appreciate it because it was food and she made it for him. And because he was a real sweetheart.

She chopped up the apples and mixed them with the yoghurt in two bowls. When everything wass one, and the tea she had made was also ready, she more or less elegantly carried it all into her bedroom, where Brian was still lying on her bed, his eyes closed again. With a smile on her face, Ellie carefully placed everything on his nightstand before she simply took a moment to look at him. It was incredible that he was lying there in her bed, and she didn't have the slightest problem with it. Very much the opposite. For a moment she considered just letting him sleep, but she remembered how insistant he had been on going with her, and somehow she got the feeling that if she just let him sleep he wouldn't be too happy about that.

Which was exactly why she very gently rubbed his arm. "Brian? Brian, breakfast is ready. C'mon, wake up.." She gently caressed his cheek, smiling widely when his eyes fluttered open again.

"I could get used to this sight," he said quietly and smiled at her. "You're beautiful.."

Ellie smiled widely, covering her cheeks for a moment. "Oh stop it.."

Brian sat up a little and shook his head. "No, because it's true.." He just looked at her for a moment before he held out his hand. "Do you want to join me for a moment? Do you have the time?"

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