[45] Thomas, Greg, Brian?

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"Hey, Brian said you wanted to talk to us?"

Mary's voice made Ellie straighten up again. "Uh.. yeah.. I don't know, basically I just wanted to let you know that we're leaving again... sorry.."

"What, already? Why? Did something happen?" Lynn wanted to know.

Ellie just shook her head. "No.. Not really. I just... we need some time alone, without people judging or teasing us.." She put it like that on purpose, hoping to get the point across to her friends like that.

Mary nodded a little. "I think that's perfectly fine. I know what you mean. I'm really happy for you guys, and you should definitely do whatever feels right. I'm sorry I haven't paid more attention to you, I'm just a little distracted myself..," she admitted, blushing slightly.

Ellie chuckled a little. "That's fine, I don't judge you at all. I just.. I still have to tell so much to Brian, I'm a huge mess and I want to.. to be alone with him, to be honest." She smiled a little. "We ... I don't know. So much is happening, and I think I need to learn how to handle that." Rubbing her forehead, she shrugged. "We will see. I'm going to be at the practice on Sunday, because of the pictures, so maybe you can make it too? It would be nice."

Before Ellie could get an answer, the doorbell rang and Lynn went to answer it. Mary, however, stayed with Ellie and nodded eagerly. "Oh yes, I will try to be there, I want to see those pictures. I'm really curious about them. And I want to see Freddie in action.."

"Oh it will be good." Ellie smirked. "Believe me. They look really good when they play."

"Especially Brian?" Mary asked.

Ellie laughed softly. "Well.... yes.. All of them, but especially Brian."

Mary smiled widely at her friend. "You better not forget those pictures."

"I won't, I promise. That's why I'm coming."

"Come on in, you guys," they could hear Lynn's voice. Followed by a lot of other voices, the hallway suddenly turned very loud. Ellie and Mary were pushed against the wall a little, because suddenly there were five other people taking up what little space there was. And through those people, and voices, Ellie could distinguish one voice which she could have definitely gone without hearing.


Immediately Ellie groaned, and glanced at the living room door, hoping that Brian would come back soon so they could leave.

"It's good to see you again."

She couldn't save herself from being enveloped in a pair of strong arms. "Thomas," she sighed. "How nice to see you."

Mary was standing beside her, laughing discreetly at how obviously sarcastic that had been, but Thomas didn't seem to catch on. "Likewise, Ellie, how have you been? It's been much too long since we saw each other."

"Oh has it? It could have been longer for my taste.."

Now Mary turned away, 'coughing'. But Thomas still didn't catch on. Quite the opposite actually, he seemed to think she was joking, because he laughed a little. "Oh you are so funny. I really missed your sense of humour. What have you been up to?"

"Missing me, I suppose," another voice joined the conversation.

And Ellie didn't know if she should be relieved or not. "Greg," she greeted the other man. "Hi.." She didn't know what to think. Apart from wishing that Brian would come back soon.

"I just get a 'hi'? Really? That's it? You're disappointing me, Ellie," Greg teased.

But she didn't react to that the way he expected. "Well, I tend to do that apparently. Things change, Greg."

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