[56] The Quiet and the Storm

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Roger managed to convince the other two guys to look at the pictures for the rest of the practising time, so that was what they did. It took quite a while until they all formed their opinions of the photos, but when they did they left Ellie with a stack of photos to enlarge and develop for each of them. When that was done they packed everything up and closed and locked the room before the group made their way out of the building. They were walking in small groups, Ellie and Brian being one of them. Brian had his guitar case in one hand and he was holding Ellie's hand with his other hand.

"So the plan is still that you're coming to my place, right?"

Ellie nodded and took a deep breath. "Yeah.. After I get my clothes. And you're still okay with that?"

"I would definitely love to have you over again.." Brian gently squeezed her hand. "I have some leftovers from dinner yesterday, we could warm those. Otherwise we'd have to come up with something else to eat."

"Well, what I had of your mum's cooking so far was delicious, so I wouldn't mind just warming the leftovers... It's less work too."

Brian chuckled. "I like your way of thinking. It sounds like a good plan. You're taking the tube, right?"

"Yeah.. You?"

"I'm taking the bus first.. You will be okay going back home alone, right?"

Ellie chuckled a little. "Of course, Brian, I go home alone a lot actually."

"I'm just worried. I don't like you being alone."

"I will be fine, I promise." She held his hand tightly and glanced at him. "It takes about half an hour to get home from here, and about half an hour from home to your place, so I guess I will be there about one and a half hours from when I leave here. You can do that, right? Doesn't it also take about half an hour to get to your place from here? Plus then you have to hang up your laundry and stuff, so it won't even seem that long."

"I know.. Still. I'm already looking forward to when you're there. You think you will be able to find it?"

Ellie nodded. "I'm pretty sure, yes. It's not very far from the station, right?"

Brian shook his head. "Not really. When you get out of the station go to the right and then through a narrow path and then a bit to the left and across the street, turn into Poplar Street and then almost just straight ahead."

"I remember that bit, yeah. Don't worry, I'll find it." When Brian looked at her with a worried expression, Ellie sighed a little. "I will find it, don't worry. And if not, I promise I will find a phone box and I'll call you so you can come get me. I know how to handle this, really."

"Yes, yes, I know. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I appreciate that you care so much about that I get home safely and stuff." Ellie smiled and gently squeezed his hand. "Where does your bus leave from?"

"You're going to Gloucester Road, right?"

"Yeah, but.." She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering how that answered her question.

"I'm asking because I can take the bus from Gloucester Road too. So I'll walk there with you."

"Ohh.." Ellie smiled. "Alright, well, I bet that's a detour for you but I'm guessing that it's pointless to try to convince you that I'll be fine on my own."

"I know that you will be fine on your own, but I still want to come with you."

"I'm not going to stop you, don't worry. I appreciate it, it's sweet. Really. Just keep in mind that you don't have to go through all that trouble for me if you don't want to."

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