[36] Try to Relax

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"Two down, alright.. Oh, there it is." He turned around and smiled at her before he hurried over to the couch. He sat down close beside her and wrapped his arm around Ellie, pulling her close. "And you're sure you want to watch this with me?"

Ellie giggled. "Yes, I'm sure, I want to watch this with you. Now hush, so we can listen." She snuggled close and placed a hand on his chest, resting her head against him.

"Thank you," he said quietly and softly kissed the top of her head.

She couldn't hold back a happy sigh as the two of them watched the documentary. When the part about the observatory came on, she could feel Brian getting more alert and paying close attention to what was being said and shown. But when that part was over, she could tell that his focus was shifting from the TV to her. His fingers started playing with her hair and occasionally he pulled her even closer, even though Ellie didn't think that was possible anymore. She didn't really mind that though.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly, nearly mumbling into her ear.

Ellie turned her head a little and nodded with a small smile. "Yes, I am, yeah.. why? Are you?"

Brian nodded with a big smile and kissed her forehead softly. "Very much so.. very much so. If you want to we can go to bed, the interesting part is over."

Ellie stretched a little before she leaned against him again. "I don't really mind, it's up to you.. I meant to ask you, do you want to share a bed, or would you rather sleep on the couch?" She felt like she knew the answer, but it seemed like the polite thing to do to ask anyway.

"The couch.."

"What?" Ellie asked surprised and looked at him. "Oh.. alright.."

Brian chuckled and kissed her cheek. "I'm kidding.. I'd love to share your bed with you, if you want that."

"What?" Ellie looked at him surprised, almost pained even. "Brian.. Don't do that to me." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She shook her head a little and spoke up again, quietly. "I thought I completely misunderstood like everything that just happened.." She leaned against the couch and sighed again. "I.. I thought .. I don't know.."

Brian's smile faded and he hugged her gently. "I'm sorry.. I didn't realise that, I didn't think about it, Ellie, I'm sorry.. I would love to share your bed with you, I'm actually really excited for that. If you still want that now." He looked at her hesitantly, biting his lip.

Ellie leaned against him limply for a moment before she hugged him back. He was so wonderfully warm. "Of course I still want that.. why do you think I was so disappointed when you said you want to sleep on the couch? I probably would have snuck onto the couch with you.."

"Really?" Brian chuckled softly and looked at her. "Well. Maybe I should sleep on the couch just to test that."

Ellie chuckled a little and nudged his side. "No, you don't. If you.. If you want to cuddle we can do that in my bed.."

"I'm looking forward to that.. I really am. You have no idea." Brian smiled at her, rubbing her arm gently. "I'm glad you're not upset with me."

"I'm not, don't worry. I overreacted probably quite a lot. I do that though, I'm sorry. Do you want to go to sleep now? We can still talk there but I really feel like lying down.." Ellie smiled timidly at him, reaching up to push a strand of his hair out of his face.

He nodded and smiled. "Lying down sounds good to me. It's getting late." He got up and held out his hand for her.

Ellie took his hand and pulled herself up. "Alright.. Okay, what do you want to sleep in? I can see if I can find a shirt that fits you, and some shorts, I probably have something somewhere. You're tall, but thin, so maybe we're lucky."

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