[55] My Special Girl

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"Almost anytime, alright. Well.. I don't want to bore you with my problems." Ellie smiled.

"Nonsense, you're not boring me. You know we have to talk more, we can't let the guys get in the way of that. You're still going to come to brunch Wednesday, right?"

"Oh yes, definitely. Definitely. I'm not going to ditch my friends because I have a ... uhm.. Brian. I still need to spend time with you, with some girls." Ellie smiled at Mary. "Don't worry. I mean... I can't spend all day every day with him, can I? That would probably be weird.. I don't know."

"If you want to spend all day every day with him, and he wants that too, then don't let anyone stop you."

Ellie chuckled and nodded. "Okay, good. Y'know, after this, I'm going to go home to get my uniform for tomorrow, but then I'm gonna go to his place again.. For the first time since we had sex.."

"Ohhh maybe it's like a thing.. You go to his place for that," Mary nudged her side and smirked.

Ellie laughed softly. "Oh no, don't say that.. I'm already nervous about going there.." She sighed a little and looked at Brian, shaking her head a little. "I really need to talk to him about this.. I'm a mess."

"You're not a mess. This is just very important to you, and what you're feeling is perfectly valid. But I think.. don't get upset, but he would love to hear that you're nervous. You know, because you give off this really confident vibe, especially when it comes to sexual stuff, and I bet he's really nervous too, so it would probably calm him down a lot to hear that you feel the same way."

"As much sense as that makes, somehow I don't think he's all that nervous.. He's already made various .. well, comments of that sort. I mean, I love it, I love seeing him so confident, but to be honest that just makes me more nervous."

"He's confident?" Mary sounded slightly surprised.

Ellie looked at her and furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes..? Why?"

"It's just ... Freddie told me a few things about him, and.. he just didn't make Brian sound like the most confident guy. But that he is with you seems like a really good thing actually."

"It probably is, but still.." She sighed softly. "I'm just going to try not to freak out and see how things go later. I'll probably let you know at work tomorrow.."

"Oh yes please," Mary told her and chuckled. "I'm gonna go out with Freddie later.." She shrugged. "I don't know what will happen."

"You will definitely have to tell me about that too tomorrow. Really. I want to know because you are so cute together."

Mary giggled a little and shrugged. "He's just amazing, really."

"I know what you mean," Ellie told her friend, her eyes resting on Brian. "Do you by any chance —"

Ellie was interrupted by Freddie, more or less suddenly appearing in front of them. "Mary, dear, come with me for a moment. If you want, of course. Would you care to give me your opinion on something?"

"Oh of course, I'd be happy to. Excuse me," she directed that last part at Ellie and hopped off the table, following Freddie over to the other side of the room, where he had spread out a bunch of papers.

Ellie stayed where she was and watched them with a smile. It was adorable how sweet Freddie was around her, it was obvious to see that he really cared about her. Together, they knelt on the floor in front of the papers and Freddie gestured around.

That was all Ellie could see because then her view was blocked, by someone who only made her smile more.

"Are you staring at Freddie?" Brian's voice had a teasing undertone.

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