Chapter One.

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Living in the hood of Virginia brought out a lot of the hood rats, and this nigga had to have come straight from the center of it. He was dressed in all black from head to toe. A silver buckle was the only thing shinning on him. He was chocolate, pure chocolate. There was a cut was on his top lip, his left cheek, and the tip of his ear had also been cut off.

Tiffany subconsciously frowned in distaste.

His attitude had to play a role in his attraction, because his face wasn't picking up the slack. He had big arms. He looked physically fit. Tiffany sat flushed as she found the outline off his small six pack that clung to his all black t-shirt.

So he had some nice character traits, but he was still just on OKAY lookin' dude . Tiffany tried to convince herself.

She didn't have to look behind her to know he was being looked at hella hard. Mowry as the teacher announced him, made his way down the aisle bumping Tiffany's arm. He eyed her silently before taking the seat behind her.

Ms. Brooks continued her lesson.

The day went by as normal. A-lot of the girls were trying to get at Mowry. He seemed unfazed by it as he fit in easily with everybody.

"Girl, he is sexy as fuck." Jade kept glancing over. They were eating Chinese food today. Jade had driven her Mom's car to get it this time. "He looks like Lil Wayne." Jade kept staring, and talking. Tiffany had barely said anything.

Tiffany scarcely looked his way shaking her head. "Lil Wayne? He looks like the darker skinned version of Kirko Bangz." Jade swallowed her sprite. "I don't give a damn who he looks like. Just know he got my twat flowin'"

Tiffany frowned. "You could have kept that to yourself -- like fa' real." Jade shrugged nonchalantly, biting into her egg roll.

Tiffany watched as he was walking over to throw out his tray of food. He caught eyes with Tiffany first before looking at Jade. The food went in the trash as he edged back over to the table he was sitting at previously.

"He is so damn fine! Girl he was looking over here too. He can shop at my store any time he wants." Tiffany tuned Jade out just eating her food for the remainder of the thirty minute lunch.


"Bye Jade." Tiffany told her as she walked back over, and sat on the near by bus- stop waiting for the city bus. It was 8:45pm. Tiffany would have went with Jade, but she didn't trust Jade's ride. They had been standing on the bus stop for about forty minutes until some dude in a red Ford truck pulled up right next to them. Tiffany couldn't see nothing, but four gold front teeth, and the whites of his eye balls.

Jade had done this a couple times before, but Tiffany always was like hell to the no. Tiffany waited another hour before the city bus finally pulled up. An older black women sat in the middle clutching her purse and looking out the window like she invisible to everything around her.

An older white guy sat in the very front.

Tiffany took the seat farthest in the back. The white guy kept glancing over his shoulder in Tiffany's direction. He looked old enough to be her GREAT- grand-dad. Tiffany loudly kissed her teeth.

"Can I help you?"

The white guy's green eyes widened. "No,No Thank you." The bus pulled up to the next stop, and he hurriedly rushed off. Five more people got on as he exited.

The older black women must have gotten nervous seeing five suspicious looking men . She clutched her brown purse so tightly that Tiffany could see the whites of her knuckles. They all got on the bus quietly, but none of them sat down.

All of them look a little older then nineteen. One boy looked about her age. The youngest guy must have felt Tiffany eying him because he turned to see who was watching. Tiffany recognized it was Mowry from Ms. Brook's class earlier. His face contorted into an ugly screw.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, avoiding his intense glare by looking out the window.

Earlier when Tiffany was walking in the halls with Jade -- Jade was talking, and Tiffany was listening; not payin' much attention. Her shoulder hit somebody's, and She marked up the top of their black J's.

"The fuck?! Share the hall obese ass bitch!" Mowry cut his eyes at her. If only looks could kill.."Everybody exit to the right, animal crossing. Adell always had to say something. A gap in all her teeth, a big ass mouth, and a fucked up attitude to go with her character. Mowry was walking off. He looked hella pissed."Girl shut yo ol' nappy head ass up." Jade defended Tiffany, looking over at Adell.

"Go back to Mexico, mami." Adell imitated Jade's accent.

Tiffany didn't really wanna go back home. There was always some company. There wasn't a time when somebody wasn't there. The bus pulled up to the next stop, and Tiffany sqooze down the small aisle.

It only took six minutes to get the front door. It was a red rusty color now. Her, and her grandma had painted it when Tiffany was five years old. Tiffany pulled her house key out from inside her hoodie pocket before unlocking the door.

A black Maxima was parked right outside the small square shaped house. "Hi Baby." Tiffany smiled at her grandma. She was fifty five with the same honey colored hair character trait of the family with a wrinkle here, and there. She was very light skinned.

She was an older grandmother as far as these days went.

"Hey Mah-Mah" Grandma kissed her forehead warmly. "Get in that kitchen Girl. Go warm you up some dinner. Your cousin Amarion is in there too." Tiffany pouted a little. A little while ago she had, had a crush on him for about two years until she found out that they were blood related.

Tiffany walked in the kitchen to find Amarion eating. He looked up hearing the kitchen door creak open. "Hey cousin." Tiffany avoided his gaze going to the fridge to warm up the food her grandmother had made her.

"Hey" Tiffany took a small glass plate from the cabinet making a face at the paint that was peeling on the cabinet shelves. The house was getting old, and warm down. The brown paint now looked gray.

Amarion got up as Tiffany sat down. "I'm bout to leave."

Tiffany shrugged,"Okay, bye." Amarion left the kitchen with out a response. Tiffany ate and then went up right to the bathroom to shower. "Tiffany, Your grandpa,and I are going to bed -- love you baby. Goodnight." Tiffany pushed her face beneath the socket.

"NIGHT!" Tiffany answered in response

Fifteen minutes later Tiffany got out the shower,and dried herself off facing away from the mirror. Not before long was she was laying down in bed texting Jade.

To Jade;

Mowry hates my ass. Did U make it home safe?

From Jade;

Yea.Thxz && How u no?

To Jade;

He gave me a ugly look on the bus me.

From Jade;

Lmao!GIRL I'm bout to go to bed. We got SKOOL in the AM.

To Jade;

Smh. Nite Jade.

Tiffany plugged her phone up. She could never just go right to sleep. She stayed up for a little while before finally she forced herself to get some sleep, and for once was successful.

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