Chapter Thirty

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You guys have 4 chapters left to go.



The summer quickly came, and Tiffany saw Mowry for about four days of it before they split up again. Mowry had went to visit his new school in New-York. Although he wouldn't be going there till next August, he had told Tiffany he wanted to get familiar with it. He'd be going there for the next two years, and he wanted to get the feel of his surroundings. He was going to be in New-York for an entire week.

Tiffany wouldn't see Mowry when he returned from his trip. She would be gone to Japan for two weeks with Xiao and Hazel.

Xiao's parent wanted to meet Tiffany, and Hazel was just tagging along. The round trip was 430.00 that Tiffany did not even have. The school paid her, but they wouldn't be paying her now since school would be out for three months.

Xiao got her parents to agree to paying the trip. Tiffany immediately thought Xiao's parent's must have been rich or something because they were able to pay Xiao's rent every month, probably their own rent and also buy Tiffany a ticket, to Japan, and back to America. Damn she really needed to get like them.

Hazel had used the money that she had saved over the course of the year to pay her ticket.

Japan was flooded with people. It was a lot different there then it was in American. Tiffany saw a mixture of skin color. She had always thought Japan had one race of people. Tiffany wasn't tryna be mean, she just didn't think Japan had any other race living amongst them.

Xiao's parents had a nice full size house. It was neat, and clean. Tiffany almost didn't want to touch anything. Xiao greeted her parent's in their native tongue. Tiffany had always heard Xiao speak in English so it was weird hearing her talk to her parents like that. Hazel was just as stunned to her Xiao talking like that.

That had been hanging around her so long, they thought she was a black girl. She had picked up some urban American females tendencies. Xiao grabbed both Tiffany's and Hazel's hands. "This is Tiffany, and This is Hazel. My friends from America."

Xiao's mom resembled her, and Tiffany thought Xiao's dad was Zane for a minute. They were both really nice though. At dinner time Tiffany go to experience eating with chopsticks and sitting on the floor. Xiao's family held on to all their oldest traditions.

Tiffany had everybody laughing at the table when she started using one chopstick as a fork, she was either gonna starve the whole time she was there, or she was gonna eat the way that was best for her.

Tiffany was having the best time of her life down in Japan. She didn't think she would be having so much fun just shopping, and going to some of the clubs they had down there..

On the weekend, Hazel met Zane. He didn't even live in Japan. He lived in the UK, south London.

Hazel thought he was cute. Tiffany thought he was gross. He didn't even really speak to Tiffany though he was nice. The most he said to her the entire week was hi,. He was to busy tryna shack up with Hazel now.

Xiao looked at Tiffany to tell her a big "I told you so".

Hazel was just eating it all up too. Tiffany didn't have to tell Hazel nothing though.Hazel always could read any dude who tried to approach her.

It was funny when it took her less than a couple hours to figure him out. Tiffany wished she could do that, but she was JUST getting familiar with men. Hazel, Xiao and Tiffany were all sitting on Xiao's big bed eating some type of Japanese candy, when Hazel spoke up about Zane.

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