Chapter Thirty Two

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The summer flew by like a flick of the wrist.

Tiffany and Mowry had actually managed to keep there hands and lips off each other. They in fact had a very strong bond more so now than ever. So when Mowry had some female on his jock, or she had some dude talking to her. Tiffany didn't care and Mowry was not phased by It.

It wasn't until Jade showed up in there lives again did Tiffany just know that shit was about to get ugly before Mowry left for New-York. Tiffany was floored as Nico announced the newest frat girl.

Jade had cut her hair. She was no longer skinny. No one would have even knew it was Jade. She no longer resembled the girl that she was back in high school. She had large hips, a butt, and big thighs. Her short hair style made her appear older.

Tiffany knew it was her. She knew it was Jade. She could feel it

The name that Nico had announced her as, did not jeopardize her knowledge of her former best friend. "I want you all to meet, Queenie." Tiffany's ears fell numb to the whistling of the crowd. She felt the burn of anger rise in her chest. Queenie? Are you fucking serious? the depth of jealousy that Tiffany felt in her heart was overwhelming. The clapping, and the hooting from guys made her head hurt. Tiffany moved from the crowd with Xiao right on her heels.

"What's wrong?" Xiao was confused because Tiffany face held a thousand words.

Tiffany didn't want to seem paranoid to Xiao. Xiao had only seen Jade once because Tiffany had shown her a picture. Jade looked nothing like Jade in the past, but the name Queenie. Jade's had always wanted a daughter with that name. Tiffany shook the feeling, maybe it wasn't Jade though

Xiao shook Tiffany's shoulders gently. Tiffany snapped into reality looking down in Xiao's large black eyes. "Girl,what is wrong?". "I think Queenie is Jade." Xiao looked to the stage,and back to Tiffany. "Girl, I doubt it. You did say she went back to California." Tiffany shook her head. "I don't know Xiao. I think that's Jade. She always liked the name Queenie. It just cant be a coincidence. Who has the name Queenie?" Xiao eyed the Jade look-alike again. "Okay, but she looks nothing like Jade." Tiffany nodded. "Maybe your right."

Tiffany was waiting for something to pop off, but nothing did. Not for a week.

She finally let it slide from her mind when Xiao told her to snap out of it. It just couldn't be Jade. So Tiffany dropped the thought, and focused on her school work, and her education. She really missed Mowry though.

He could never keep a cellphone.

That boy had went through so many phones. He either broke them,or lost them. He told Tiffany he wasn't getting another one til he got about $500.00 put away. He wanted some in-destruct able.

Pledge week was busy so she couldn't really talk to Mowry in the first place even if he had a phone anyway.

On Monday of week two -- Mowry came up to the registrar building. Tiffany was stapling papers together, and signing documents. She didn't even see Mowry walk in because she was so busy. It wasn't until he said, "What you doing best friend?"did Tiffany looked up. She couldn't control the burst of happiness and excitement that ran through her. She dropped the stapler she was holding. Hazel's head poked up nosily as the clatter of the stapler that had loudly hit the desk top. Mowry smiled, Tiffany kissed the hell out of that boy. She really didn't mean to.

Tiffany had forgotten what it was like to kiss him.

It had been a long four months..

Their lips hadn't touched in so long.

Tiffany felt him return her kiss. A small shock ran through and up inside Tiffany. Mowry's lips kissed her so sweetly, so lovingly, passionately. Tiffany felt weak to her knees, her toes gripped the inside sole of her shoes

Tiffany pulled back so quickly.

"I'm-I'm sorry. I just..." Tiffany trailed off not able to explain. Mowry rubbed the back of his neck. "It's okay. I'm happy to see you too." Tiffany heard a small snort come from Hazel. She was gonna have a lot to say about this later. Mowry clearly brushed the kiss off, as he set his backpag down, and changed the subject,"Can I copy this?"

Tiffany took it looking at it. The school in New-York had sent him an official copy of his scholarship, Tiffany smiled lightly. She hated to see him go. It bothered her, but she was happy for him, She hugged him tightly. Mowry smiled hugging her back before she pulled away. She copied it handing him both the original, and the copy after a second.

"Thank you. I'm about to head out to class though. I'm late."

Tiffany nodded. She hopped she hadn't just made things between them weird because she kissed him. Hazel peeked over at Tiffany. "Girl, you straight dived into him like he was damn pool." Tiffany blushed. "I was just happy to see him."

Tiffany shook her head at her stupidity annoyed at herself." Hazel smiled. "It'll be okay.

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