Chapter Seventeen

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It was still early September and a lot of shit had surfaced already.

Brandon just wouldn't take the hint.

Tiffany had told him a whole week ago that she thought he was a nice guy and all that, but it just wasn't gonna work. Brandon had gotten to the point where he had started to stalk her around ,and off campus. Tiffany didn't really tell anybody that Brandon was starting to bother her,until he started showing up wherever she was.

The store, the mall, her classes, and he'd even been standing outside the girls bathroom two time's in a row.

She would have told Mowry and let him handle it but he wasn't even speaking to her right now, and he had every right not to.

Brandon had leaned into Tiffany placing a kiss on her lips when not only ten minutes ago she had snuck off with Mowry and done that same thing.

"Fuckin' foul man." Mowry's baritone had growled. Tiffany jumped away from Brandon. Mowry's face was screwed up in disgust. Tiffany didn't say anything, couldn't say anything. What was she suppose to say? I'm sorry didn't fix everything.

Mowry and her hadn't spoken in six days, and her heart was aching for his attention and forgiveness. Tiffany was mad at herself for doing what she did. She really had to figure out how to make it up to him.

Since then though -- Brandon had really started to bother her. Tiffany finally texted Mowry not knowing if he would answer, but Brandon was starting to scare her.

To Boyfriend

Brandon is fuckin wit me. I know U mad at me but plz..He's scarin' me.

Mowry wasn't quite her's yet. In fact she had only changed his name in her phone to that because her name in Mowry's phone was Girlfriend.

Tiffany had seen his phone one night when he had snuck over to her dorm building. There were a whole bunch of texts from and to "Girlfriend." So Tiffany asked him who "Girlfriend" was. Mowry had handed her his phone so she could see for herself.

Tiffany didn't expect Mowry to reply at all until her phone vibrated in her pocket.

From Boyfriend

U ain't gotta worry about that ass no more after today.

Mowry must have handled the situation well because Brandon hadn't shown up anywhere she was yet, and Mowry still wasn't talking to her again.

He didn't speak to her till day eight had passed. It was early in the morning when Tiffany got a text from Mowry. She had thought it was Xiao.

From Boyfriend

I got a cold can U bring my HW 2 my campus apartment. Building 6, apartment 15. I wanna talk 2 u 2.

To Boyfriend

What about pledge? What time?

From Boyfriend:

Come NOW. They not on campus. They left me cuz I was sick. The admin office got my HW

He was lucky this was Tiffany's lunch period. Tiffany walked off to the admin building before she left the campus to drive out to the Norfolk campus apartments. It was a short eight minute drive.

Tiffany knocked on his door. Mowry answered it after a minute. He did look sick, but he still looked cute. He was dressed down in black socks, a wife beater, and some basketball shorts.

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