Chapter Twenty Four

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Two weeks passed by, and Tiffany went the entire week without her, and Mowry speaking. It seemed easy to do that especially since she was working part time, and going to school full time. Mowry was always busy with work, the frat, and school.

Tiffany was happy that they weren't together, and even though he did make her nervous. Tiffany was content with them just being friends for now.

Tiffany of course thought it was Mowry at first, but It was Marlon.

Marlon had really changed from the last time Tiffany had seen him a couple times. Tiffany felt herself sweating as she watched him come all the way up to the registrar doors dressed in black in white, looking like a whole double stuffed oreo cookie that Tiffany want to lick from east to west, north to south.

The only reason she knew it wasn't him was because of the name written on the registration form, and the class said; Freshman. When Mowry was a sophomore

Mowry's attitude was teasing, it enticed you -- it made you wet, made you lust for him. Marlon was just smooth with it, he was bold with it. He made you wanna beg for it. You would have thought Marlon would have ended up wild, but he was on some real grown shit.

Marlon wasn't even flirting, but he had her thighs feeling like she had rubbed some butter between them.

Marlon slid the paper over to Tiffany. "Can you help me?" Marlon brown eyes bore deep down into Tiffany's. He towered her by a good two feet. Tiffany felt like GOD was playing with her emotions. It was until she eyed the paper did she notice it was Marlon, not Mowry.

Okay so maybe GOD wasn't playing with her emotions.

"Hi Marlon." Tiffany politely greeted. Marlon's smile had Tiffany's knee's knocking together, without his smile he was all business ,but with his smile, he was a man of mystery. His smile was hardly a smile. It was a very prestigious smirk. "How have you been Tiffany?"

Tiffany swallowed some saliva trying to wet her throat before her voice came out scratchy. "Good. What do you need help with?"

"My consular sent me this way, and told me to get these classes entered in the system" Marlon's soothing voice washed over Tiffany giving her all kinda goosebumps.

"S-s-sign your name at the bottom" Tiffany stammered out as she held a pen out to him watching as he wrote out his signature. He didn't seem to notice, or hear her tumble over her words

And if he did he didn't seem to care..

" I need to take a picture of you so come around the desk" Tiffany took the form as he came around to sit in front of the camera .Tiffany watched his eyes shift and travel her small waist, and ass .He did it so quickly that It was like he hadn't even done it, but Tiffany swore up and down he had.

Marlon sat in front of the camera,and Tiffany eyed his body slyly as she snapped the picture for his school ID. Tiffany laminated it before handing it to him. " Tiffany entered Marlon's classes in the system as he stood watching her.

"Your current balance is 30000.25"

"I get financial aid though." Tiffany nodded "Give it twenty-four hours" Marlon just nodded. Marlon's teeth sunk into his bottom lip making Tiffany internally squirm. Marlon took notice of that. His smirk told her saw her shift in her seat,but he just thanked her and walked off.

Just like Mowry, Marlon got real popular too. Marlon didn't even have to say much, and he had females begging for the attention that Mowry already gave. Tiffany actually had one class with Marlon, but he seemed less drawn to females, and more concentrated on his education.

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