Chapter Sixteeen

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Tiffany skipped classes Monday and Tuesday. Her cramps were hell this time of the month. She had stayed curled up in the bed for two days in a row now.

By Wednesday her cramps had lessened, but she decided to stay in until her late class that was at 345 class. Tiffany clicked the heating pad up another notch as her phone vibrated. Tiffany knew it was Brandon without having to look. He had been texting her more lately. Brandon was grown,very sweet, and he had a goofy sense of humor.

Tiffany was starting to wonder why he was still single until it dawned on her they he may have been keeping that spot open for her. She felt a little guilty spending time with him sometimes. In a way she felt as if she was leading him on, but she knew she wasn't trying to.

He had come to her dorm room Wednesday afternoon before his 1230 class. He was just seeing how she was doing, and in the midst of him making her laugh and his fingers and hands rubbing her tummy. Brandon kissed her, and Tiffany returned it.

Brandon's lips played with and taunted her own. Mowry immediately left her mind. Mowry's kisses made Tiffany's heart beat rapid. They filled her with lust. His kisses were deep and intimate, but Brandon's kisses were sweet, caring, and passionate.

Tiffany had to admit that Brandon was treating her real good. Tiffany liked what she was seeing from him., but it didn't' seem to hold a candle to Mowry.

Tiffany was sitting in the grass one day studying when up walked Nico and Lonney. Tiffany shielded her eyes from the sun to see them holding something, but the sun was so bright she couldn't make out what it was. "This is from Mowry" Nico's deep throaty voice finally spoke as he handed Tiffany a rose attached to a colored piece of paper. Lonney smiled lightly.

Tiffany smiled. This was something new that Mowry hadn't done. Both Nico and Lonney said their goodbye's before walking off as Tiffany unfolded the rose colored note. It smelled exactly like Mowry. Mowry's faint scent had Tiffany's head slightly spinning.


I know a note ain't the same as you hearing my voice, but times is difficult right now. I'm sorry about how I was acting. When I heard you were hanging out with that nigga Brandon I lost my head. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me? If you not ready to. I mean I understand, I'll just keep sending shit your way anyway, and if you do then I'll be I'm one happy man.

I see you still hanging around that Brandon dude though. I guess I'm not doing my job well enoug. You looking at other nigga's, but I want your focus on me.I'm sorry for Brandon but he just gone have to be hurting cause from the day one he wasn't around. I was here, not him. Where he come from? I'm not about to let that happen.

So you gone either drop him on purpose or he gone go by force.


Tiffany sat stunned did he really write this? Where was this different person coming from. This new Mowry had Tiffany feigning for his touch. Tiffany sniffed the note inhaling Mowry's smell. Tiffany sighed enjoying his soft cologne.

Tiffany got up after a moment grabbing her books to go to her 12:00pm class. As Tiffany entered the science building, somebody ran directly into her. Her text books shot out of her hands onto the ground.

Tiffany bent down to pick up some of her things as somebody started handing them to her."This isn't mine."Tiffany spoke looking up finally as the person passed her a cute chocolate looking teddy better all dressed up in purple and gold. Tiffany looked up, her eyes meeting Mowry's warm chocolate brown ones. He looked at it. "Shit that's funny, cause right here, it says he's yours" Mowry turned the bear to her view.

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