Chapter Eighteen

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Lonney caught Mowry's hand in a small five, as he was walking to the registration building. Mowry was tryna register for his classes for next semester. " What you gonna do on yo pledge week?"

"I ain't even thought about it. I just wanna be with Tiffany fo'real" Lonney smirked " You gonna finally hit?" Mowry smiled, and Lonney laughed as they both entered the registration building.

Mowry and Lonney each grabbed a registration form before sitting down at a table. Mowry was five minutes in to filling his out when Lonney tapped him.

" Man I know you sprung over Tiffany, but the chic behind you, she hot" Mowry glanced over his shoulder. She was too petite -- not Mowry's type at all.

Mowry started to turn back to face forward to Lonney until he saw the females face. It was Jade.

Just as Mowry noticed her, she looked up,and their eyes locked. Mowry felt a familiar queeze of his heart as she began to come closer.

" Mowry?"

Mowry gave Jade a head nod. " Sup?" Lonney smiled Jade's way. " Hi Beautiful" Jade barely acknowledged Lonney. Her focus was only concentrated on Mowry.

" You mind if we talk?" Jade's eyes swept over Lonney before looking back at Mowry. Lonney nodded respectfully " Yea." Lonney left the the table standing against the wall near the registration area.

Mowry looked at Jade waiting for her to speak. Jade sighed "Mowry. I'm sorry a million times. I have been missing you like crazy" Jade looked hopeful that maybe he would come running back, but he just sat there.

A few of Mowry's old feelings were being pricked as she spoke. Mowry realized he still had some type of feelings for her. " Its cool and I been missing you too"

Mowry felt the squeeze of his heart again as a smile crossed her face. " You look really good" Jade's eyes trailed him for head to toe before meeting his eyes again.

Mowry smiled, "You look good too" Jade rolled her eyes flipping her hair back. She used to do that when she was being cocky.

" Gracious" Mowry's ears heated up a little. Her accent was something he could never get use to. " Jade Garcia" both Mowry and Jade looked over hearing the lady at the desk call her to collect her class information.

" I hope I see you later."Jade said as she got up. Mowry just nodded as she walked off to get her papers. Lonney came over sitting down, "Who was that?" Mowry leaned back in his chair, "My Ex."

"Damn really?" Mowry nodded " She's Tiffany's Best friend too."

"Damn how that gonna work?" Mowry shrugged taking his phone out

" Shit..I don't know"

** [ Tiffany's ] Point of View **

Tiffany's phone vibrated in her pocket while she juggled her books in each arm, as she was walking in the direction of the registration building. The university had stalled a couple classes today so everybody could get there schedules in before the holiday break. Tiffany dropped every book she was carrying as she stumbled on the steps near the building. " Dammit" Tiffany cursed herself bending down to pick up the books.

Some body helped her with her last book as she stood up. "Thank You" Tiffany spoke finally looking up to see who it was who had helped her. " Jade!?" Jade smiled big " Tif!!" Tiffany dropped her books all over again hugging her. Jade hugged her back as they rocked together in a tight squeeze. " I just got signed up for my classes" Jade handed Tiffany her class papers.

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