Chapter Twenty Five

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Even after four hours -- his soft kiss still lingered on her lips. Tiffany laid in bed her finger tips tracing her top and bottom lips. His kisses over whelmed her.

She was just tryna make it through school

No Distractions..

Things just were not working out in her favor..

Marlon had spent the night three days in a row at Tiffany's apartment. The first night was because he had lost the key to his dorm. Nobody worked there over the weekend to restore his key.

The second night he still couldn't get his key resorted. It was still considered a weekend. The fact of the matter was that he and Tiffany enjoyed each others company after the first night

They had done nothing, but it was nice to have the company. Marlon's arms felt nice being wrapped around her at night -- hearing his heart beat,and feeling his heart beat in the dark as they talked back and forth.

Marlon even sung to Tiffany. His sweet voice in her ear gave her goosebumps.. Tiffany really liked Marlon, but he was somebody she couldn't get with.

He was one of them niggas that you got a crush on because of his misdemeanor. There that certain thing that made his character, but you couldn't figure out exactly what it was. Tiffany knew everything and nothing about him. Marlon was a low key player. He was not just talking to any female. He was talking to the RIGHT females.

The ones who knew their place was the ones who kept quiet.

He was smooth.. saying enough to draw you in, but just enough to keep you wanting more. Tiffany felt like Marlon wasn't exactly playing mind games with her. He claimed to care for her. but who really knew? Tiffany liked him to damn much,and she honestly couldn't help it.

Her crush would expand over the dumbest shit. -- for example she found her heart bursting with butterflies when ever he'd respond to her text messages quickly.

Tiffany had figured Marlon was a low key player because of simple observation. She noticed he carefully picked certain chicks to talk to.

Tiffany decided to go waking around the apartment campus one morning around 6:45 am. She didn't have to work today, and her first class wasn't until 1pm.

Tiffany saw Mowry coming out his front door as she rounded the corner.

He looked very nice in his running attire. As Mowry locked the door he looked up. They hadn't spoken or texted in a minute. The non-communication was Tiffany's fault. She would literally ignore his attempts to talk, and instead talk to Marlon.

Tiffany was dealing with a nigga who was a player. A "Mr.Wrong" Mowry was a sweet heart, but Marlon intrigued her. Mowry started walking over to her. Tiffany stayed standing were she was.

"Sup"Mowry gave Tiffany a head nod when he got closer

Tiffany smiled. "Hi"

Mowry smiled which had Tiffany blush lightly.. " You been ignoring me?" Mowry's tone was playful, but the truth was that she had been ignoring him.

Mowry's finger tips gently lifted her chin. Tiffany met his intense brown eye's as Mowry stared back into her soft hazel ones. His lips touched her's automatically.

It was a sweet kiss. It was not long at all. It had Tiffany questioning if it had even happened.

Mowry's lips touched her's again -- in a more passionate way. Tiffany felt his fingers slip through her pants loops. He gave a soft tug, and Tiffany allowed it -- She returned it. They stood there lip locking for a long while.

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