Chapter Thirty One

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Warning;  3 Chapters Left to goooo lol


This chapter is damn near 4000 words.


Tiffany kissed her parents good bye as a large gray van pulled up right on time in front of her house.

Mowry and Marlon got out helping her with her suitcases. Tiffany peeked inside the van just before she got in. She waved at the two Mr. Tahj's in the front. She had no idea Mr. Tahj had a twin too. Tiffany now realize that having a twin in their family was a genetic thing. Tiffany got in the van after Mowry and Marlon finished up putting her things into the van.

Tiffany sat right between them,

Asia, Asia's mom, and Asia's brother sat in the middle. Mr. Tahj and his Twin sat up at the front. Tiffany went to sleep on Mowry's shoulder not to long into the drive. It was still really early. Mowry woke Tiffany up around 9:00am as they pulled up to a Denny's to get something to eat.

Mowry had a funny family.

Tiffany learned the Mr. Tahj's first name was Mourice, and his twin's name was Anthony. Anthony kept wigging his sausage at Asia telling that we don't suck these. Tiffany giggled, as Asia rolled her eyes trying to concentrate on eating her pancakes.

Asia's older brother was nineteen. He was texting, and smiling at his phone alot. Tiffany knew he was probably saying something nasty cause he would bite his lips and lick em every so often. They all got in the van when they had finished up eating.

They didn't stop driving till it was about 12pm, and they stopped use the bathroom, and get some snacks. Tiffany didn't wanna move as she got to comfortable in her seat. She stayed in the van telling Mowry what she wanted.

Malcom stayed in with her.

She knew he had done it on purpose when his mom was like,"You coming." and he said, "Naw." Tiffany didn't think to much on it till now. As soon as Asia slid the van door to close. Malcolm turned to look at her. Tiffany didn't know why, but she get real nervous. He was suppose to be younger than her though. "What?" Tiffany tried to be bold, and confident like Hazel.

"Damn, nothing -- I can't look at you?" Malcom smiled, and Tiffany shook her head. "Why you looking in the first place?"

" You really sexy." Malcolm told her. Damn he was only nineteen tryna spit game at her? "Thank you" Tiffany accepted the compliment. Malcolm licked his lips"Considering the circumstances we in though -- I'm not gonna try nothing. I just wanted to let you to know that you fine."

Tiffany laughed. 'Thank you, Malcolm. I like yo dreads." Malcolm smiled a handsome smile. "Why don't you climb over that seat, and come pull em for me? Tiffany couldn't believe he had said that. She couldn't even say nothing back cause Asia slid the van door to open getting in. She handed Tiffany some of the candy she was eating. "These are so good." Asia sat back down, and Malcom went back to looking at his phone like he ain't said a word.

Everybody was back in the van, after a moment and Mr. Tahj pulled off. Tiffany texted both Xiao, and Hazel hiding her phone from Mowry and Marlon's view

To Hazel/Xiao(2)

Mowry's little cousin just hit on me. He was talking about come pull on his dreads. I was gonna hook you up with him Hazel.

From Hazel

Sneak and take his picture

From Xiao

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