Chapter Twenty Eight

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Marlon was in the hospital for the week. Mowry had busted Marlon's nose up and nearly gave him a concussion. Both Marlon's eyes were swollen shut.

Though Mowry was mad as hell at Marlon. He was man enough to step to his brother, and apologize for putting him in the hospital. That was still his blood; his twin. Even though they weren't close, Mowry still said he was sorry.

When Tiffany came over to Mowry's apartment to talk to him.

Mowry thought it was going to be an apology, but he was dead ass wrong. Tiffany just went off on him. So he went off too. Tiffany threw his ring at him naming everyone of the girl's he had messed with, saying he was trippin,and he needed to grow up.

She didn't trip when he was standing between some bitches thighs at the party. Mowry went off on her saying she was foul cause she was going around kissing his blood, his brother.

The argument got heated and it got physical as Tiffany lunged at Mowry trying to punch him, but Mowry held her begging her to stop -- saying he was sorry; whatever it took to calm her down. She had so much shit buried deep down inside her. Everything he had done had her shaking and crying, yelling and screaming.

She had always held her tongue back then, but now she was like a searing pot boiling over. Mowry held her wrist tightly as she tried to swing on him. "Tiffany stop"


Tiffany started to lose her voice with her screaming. She was real mad.

Mowry kissed her lips to shut her up. Tiffany pushed him away. "DON'T KISS ME!" Tiffany cried out as she shoved him away, and sat down on his couch. "Tiffany, I don't want nobody but you. It don't matter who you catch me messing with. They ain't you so they not important." Tiffany shook her head. "Why can't you wait. Why do you always gotta stick your dick in everything Mowry?"

Mowry got quiet. "I'm a man. I have needs Tiffany." Tiffany rolled her eyes,"Don't we all?" Mowry sat beside Tiffany. "I guess we was right about just staying separated until we figure us out." Tiffany nodded agreeing with Mowry. Mowry looked at her studying her beautiful facial structure.

"You still love me?" Tiffany cut her eyes at him. 'Naw nigga." She said sarcastically. Love was too crazy. "I love you too, and I wanna get to the point were I can be yo man, and we ain't got no problems. Mowry handed her the ring that he had saved from the ground. Tiffany put it on her ring finger. "I'm sorry you were holding that in." Tiffany twisted her lips, "I'm sorry I kissed your brother." Mowry got sick to his stomach hearing her say that.

"Don't even talk to me about that." Tiffany just nodded, and Mowry pulled her into arms.

One thing lead to another as Mowry's trailed Tiffany's neck with kisses. Twenty minutes later all you heard was the bump of Mowry's head board violently clattering rapidly against his bed room wall. Tiffany moans fill the house, and Mowry grunted along with her


Mowry had filled out the application for New-York, and he was accepted in. He had passed all his honor's classes with A's, and they offered him a full ride scholarship. They were going to pay him for being able to complete they honor's classes they required for his major.

It was March now so it was a little warmer outside as Mowry, and Lonney walked around the neighborhood.

"So I made this little promise to myself." Mowry spoke up out of the blue as they rounded the corner. Lonney looked over at him," What type of promise?" Mowry shrugged. "Tiffany brought it to my attention that every time we apart, I fuck around while she be waiting for me. So I said I'm gonna wait for her."

Lonney nodded. "Man, if you can do that, more power to you." Mowry nodded. "Shit I know, but I think I can do it. Don't nobody got what she got." Lonney and Mowry sat on the curb when they got close to the frat house again. "You serious about her ain't you?"

Mowry nodded. "I want her to be my wife, man." Lonney looked at Mowry shocked. "I know, but I gotta get my shit together, I gotta get outta school, get me a nice little gig going, so when I do marry her she ain't gotta worry about nothing. I gotta stop fucking around. I just gotta stop." Mowry said it twice.

"I'm weak for some right now though, cause I just quit cold turkey." Mowry told him. Lonney shrugged. "Get that last nut man."

Mowry shook his head. "Tiffany, not gonna let me, after we fucked, and made up she said, no more." Lonney smiled. 'Who said it gotta be Tiffany? You can bust that nut, you ain't gotta tell her." Mowry shook his head. "You a bad influence on me."

Lonney shrugged. 'I'm just saying. You need to get that nut off now, that way it'd make it easier."

Mowry thought about that, he was probably right about that, but he didn't know if he could that after Tiffany had told him about himself.

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