Chapter Twenty Two

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The week came to an end, and Tiffany had failed her science test. She knew she was gonna have to do extra credit to bring up here grade again.

It was early February. It was still a little chilly outside, but today it was nice. It was Mowry's birthday. His party was tonight

Tiffany had gotten him a cute card, and a sweet gift to give him later.

Mowry being in a frat gave him special privilege to have his party where he wanted. All his boy's were went all out for him. He was having an adult costume party. Tiffany had heard a rumor going around that their were gonna be a bunch of hoes from school dancing in front of him.

Tiffany was looking in the mirror a couple days back, and she asked Xiao if she thought she was boring. Xiao told her that she wasn't boring, she was just predictable. You knew what her move was gonna be. You knew what she was gonna say before she said it. You knew what she was gonna do and not do.

Tiffany wondered if Mowry thought she was boring. He had never told her that she was, but did he ever think she was boring? Tiffany had no clue.

Tiffany took her original present back early in the day. She was blushing the entire time in Victoria's Secret as she picked out some bunny ears and a light pink bikini costume. Xiao handed her a cotton tail that slipped around the waist of the outfit.

Tiffany blushed even more when the cashier eyed her with appreciation.

"I'm never doing that again." Tiffany mumbled which made Xiao laugh. "Well, it's definitely something you wouldn't wear. " Tiffany nodded eying the costume disapprovingly. Xiao snatched the bag. "Tiff, that's what I'm talking about, don't be so predictable. Your gonna be wearing more clothes than most of the girls there.'

Tiffany snatched the bag back peaking at it again,as her and Xiao went to go eat.

Xiao wiggled into her costume and Tiffany shaved her legs to look decent in hers. 'You don't even talk to Nico." Tiffany shouted from the bathroom. Xiao had decided to be superwoman. "He just seems really cool, and I'm going to try to talk to him tonight." Tiffany smiled, "I hate to burst your bubble, but I think he likes that bitch Tatiana."

Tiffany surprised herself when the word bitch rolled off her tongue so easy

Xiao's eyed widened "You said what what?" Tiffany blushed,"That was mean. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." Tiffany shaved her legs quietly. "You meant that, and so what? They aren't together."

Tiffany dried her legs rubbing light baby oil on them so they would shine a little. "Xiao, I look like a hoe." Tiffany eyed herself disapprovingly

"Tiffany, you're sexy -- own it. Lets go do you can go do your dance for Mowry. " Tiffany smiled, "By the way Nico only likes black girls." Xiao slightly shoved Tiffany. "Well, he's gonna like him a Asian girl today." Tiffany smiled.

Tiffany wished she was as confident as Xiao sometimes.

It took a little over an hour to get the place ready that the frat had reserved for Mowry. Most of the people on the high way that were in front or behind them were going to Mowry's party too.

Tiffany smiled as she entered the large black gates of the place. MOWRY. was written in red and black lettering on a banner just outside of the place.

Tiffany wished she was a frat girl so she could have helped decorate.

Tiffany drove around finally finding a spot to park. A lot of people were here to support his day. Tiffany and Xiao got out walking in shortly after. The place was gorgeous. It was large dance hall with about 40 tables that covered the floor, and silver, and black engulfed the inside of the building.

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