illegal activities | remus lupin

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‧͙⁺˚* 𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔
( AVAILABLE // marauders era: 6th year-? )

𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒚𝒅 𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒊
— tom webb

" oh, now this will bea lot of fun! "

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" oh, now this will be
a lot of fun! "

     Floyd Levi was a bit of an odd ball. People liked the guy. He was funny, witty, and no doubt attractive, but he wasn't the usual type of person you'd see wearing school robes with a badger emblem. Sure, Floyd was loyal to his friends, extremely open-minded to people unlike himself, and very trustworthy. But he definitely wasn't patient. He had a temper that got him into a lot of fights (which he'd win), and he also wasn't super cheerful, which was obvious with his tendency to pick fits. And sometimes Floyd would choose to skip class to smoke in the Astronomy Tower. Although, what mainly set him apart was how he would illegally sell muggle objects that he enchanted.

     Some would say with how dedicated he was to his business, it showed the Hufflepuff spirit. However, it was always a bit of a shock when buyers would find out a Hufflepuff was the maker and dealer. No matter the shock, Floyd's business flourished. No one ever wanted to tattle about Floyd's illegal activities due to the great products he made, and out of the fear of what Floyd Levi would do in retribution.

     So, with a booming business and loyal customers, Floyd Levi had secured a spot as one of the top players in Hogwarts. The other top players being the Marauders, but there were never any problems between the two. With respect going both ways, Floyd would enjoy the messes the four boys made, and the Marauders would enjoy the objects they'd buy from the Hufflepuff.

     With the mutualistic relationship between the boys, the Marauders came knocking on Floyd's bedroom door one day in the middle of sixth year asking for help. When Floyd hears about the Marauders' idea, he knows he's going to have a lot of fun.

͙˚*☾ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔:
Floyd and Remus grow close because
they are the two mainly working on the
map because of how smart they are

— The Marauders go to Floyd because
of his talent of enchanting muggle objects

— I think Floyd should make Sirius his
flying motorbike as a birthday present

— because of how the boys are always
together, the Marauders also give ideas
to Floyd about what else he can put a
spell on

— have Lily flirt with Floyd in the
Gryffindor common room, and Floyd
tells her, "don't take this the wrong
way, Lily. you're definitely pretty and
all, but you aren't my type." and Lily is
of course flustered but laughs it off
when Floyd tells her he's gay. Floyd and
Lily are now friends

— Floyd and Lily's friendship rubs
James the wrong way and James
asks Floyd if he has a thing for Lily
and Floyd just laughs. James thinks
he's mocking him and stupidly says
something like how he has claims on
Lily. this makes Floyd mad because
"you can't claim someone who doesn't
even like you back" (like I said, Floyd
has a temper) and this causes an
argument between the two. James
tells Floyd that he should be careful
or he'll tell someone about Floyd's
business. this makes him grab James
by the shirt. but this causes Remus to
step in. all he does is put his hand
on Floyd's shoulder and Floyd lets go

— Floyd tells James that he doesn't like
Lily like that. and he should grow up
if he wants to actually have Lily like
him back. Floyd sees that he actually
hurt James and apologizes (which the
boy never does). Floyd really cares about
the four Marauders and feels like he
actually has friends that can challenge
him, so he knows he should apologize.
James excepts the apology and also
tells Floyd he's sorry for talking bad
about his business and reassured
Floyd that he'd never tell

— to calm the tension even more, Sirius
asks Floyd what's his taste in girls if he
doesn't like Lily. Floyd decides he should
just go for it (he thinks that the Gryffindor
courage has gotten to him) and leans back
in his chair and glances over at Remus and
says "boys who are smart". James sighs and
laughs. Sirius says with a wink "how about
boys who aren't as smart?" (referring to
himself). Peter says he's happy that Floyd
feels that comfortable around them to
tell them the truth (Floyd finds that super
sweet and thanks Peter) and Remus just
says, "wait, is that why you kept staring at
James after he came back from Quidditch
practice?" and all the boys lose it and
crack up. James, as cocky as ever says,
"you have good taste, Levi"

— so, after Floyd comes out to the boys,
Floyd's nervous that his alone time
with Remus will be awkward but it's not
at all (Floyd has been crushing on Remus
for a bit now but no one knows besides
Lily and he doesn't know how Remus feels)

— one day Floyd barges into the Marauders'
room when he comes up with an idea of how
to make the map work and Remus has just
gotten out of the shower so Floyd stares and
loses his train of thought. Remus smiles at
Floyd and there's like a look that Floyd
doesn't understand. but Remus goes
into the bathroom to change and Sirius
says to James and Peter, "was it just
me or did I feel like I should've left the
room?" the two laugh and James jokingly
says "I thought you only had eyes for
me, Levi?" and Floyd just shoots them
a glare and tells them to shut up

— Remus is the one that has to ask
Floyd out because he's too nervous
too and Floyd thinks he sees signs that
Remus is into him but he didn't want
to think he was overthinking it

— I picture the timeline of the story to
go like this... middle of 6th year Remus
and them ask Floyd for help. when Remus
and Floyd work together, Floyd grows a
huge crush on Remus. during this time
together they find a way to map everything
out with magic but it's just a plain map
right now. near the end of 6th year,
Floyd comes out to the guys (he figures
out he likes guys because of Remus).
then summer vacation and the boys all
hang out and work on the map some
more. they have now figured out how to
hide the map from unseen eyes by a spell.
there's some sexual tension when Floyd
tells Remus (because he figured out how
to do it), "Merlin's beard I could kiss you
right now" but the other boys come in
and Floyd quickly tells them what Remus
did to less embarrass himself. then a couple
weeks into 7th year, Floyd figures out how
to make all the people in Hogwarts appear
on the map and thats when he barges into
their dorm and gawks are Remus.
and that's all I got

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