two-faced | draco malfoy

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‧͙⁺˚* 𝒕𝒘𝒐-𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒅
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𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒔 𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓
— angourie rice

𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒔 𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓— angourie rice

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" why act so two-faced,
malfoy? "

Atticus Fletcher was a people watcher. She loved being able to read people's body language and figure out how they were feeling. She liked knowing the truth behind people's little ticks. It made her feel like she was glimpsing into their mind.

     One day, her over-analyzing eyes come across Draco Malfoy. It was quite obvious to her that the self-titled Slytherin Prince was showing signs of overwhelming stress. She could easily see the dark under eye circles, the lack of completed homework, and the haunted faraway look in his eyes. But she also saw the way he would flinch at loud noises, or when someone tapped on his shoulder. She also couldn't help but notice how his fingers were always moving. One second they're in his hair, the next they're tapping on his desk, the next they're twirling his wand. The Slytherin boy was much jumpier and more anxious than he had ever been, and the sudden change in personality made Atticus very curious.

As previously stated, Draco was seriously lacking in the completed homework department. As a result, Atticus's Head of House and Professor Snape cornered her one day and asked her to tutor Draco. To Atticus, this was the chance to figure out more behind the Slytherin boy's drastic change, and she was intrigued.

     Being invested in the underlying thoughts of strangers should not be Atticus's favorite pass time, because this time, she's going to realize glimpsing into Draco's mind is going to ruin a lot.

͙˚*☾ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔:
at first, Draco doesn't show up
to the lessons because he doesn't
care, but Snape pushes him to go

— Atticus finds out that Draco knows
how to do the work, he just didn't care
to do it. this made Atticus curious

— Draco eventually starts to talk to
Atticus during their lessons and it
causes them to get along because
Draco realizes Atticus isn't going
to leave him alone, and he likes to
have someone pleasant around for

— Atticus and Draco spend a lot of
time together at first. they walk to
classes together (they share a lot) &
sometimes they go eat meals together
in a secluded place

— when it gets closer to Draco completing
his task, he pushed Atticus away which
makes Atticus watch Draco from afar
again. she somehow catches him going
to the astronomy tower late at night &
decides to follow him. she's going to go
up to Draco but Harry catches her and
pulls her aside

— Atticus can also be there, or find Draco,
after Harry uses Snape's spell on him

— Dumbledore brings up Atticus's name
to Draco to try to get him to see reason
because he saw how close they were, but
Draco tells him not to talk about her, and
that she had no idea

— Draco is a huge flirt to Atticus when
they become friends. this is because
someone flirts with Atticus in front of
him (which makes Draco a lil mad, and
Atticus notices because she's good at
reading people) and Draco sees how
flustered Atticus gets, and it's funny to
him because he's never seen her so put
out. so he flirts with her to unsettle her

— Draco calls Atticus "Atty" after a
while, which Atticus dislikes at first
but she comes to love the nickname
but only Draco can say it

— the title is two-faced because Draco
is really nice and funny and Atticus but
rude to everyone else

— Atticus is a Ravenclaw sixth-year.
she is asked to tutor Draco because
she's smart and she shares almost all
of their classes together

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